The Troll System And a Incompetent MC

[Troll system had been activated]



strength: 4 (infant level)

Vitality: 3 (fetus level)

Agility: 0.0001 (sperm level)

intelligence: 0.5 (redditor level)

charisma: -8 (I did not even know it can go below zero 💀)

(an average adult has 30 in each stat)

Skill Points: 0

Troll Points: 0


[Moderating F] [Putrid Scent F]


[Dirty Shirt F]

[Dirty Jeans F]

[Crusty Socks F]

[Starter Kit C]


y/n: "Why the hell are these stats so low?!?!?"

[The answer is that you were dropped on your head during infancy and lead you to pick bad options in life, such as becoming a full time reddit moderator]

y/n: "Hey it takes ALOT of brain power to moderate over 30 subreddits at once so you better fix this glitch '(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞"

[The host can use his Starter kit to gain 30 points in intelligence and gain 30 troll points]

y/n: "If it can fix this glitch then sure, open this starter kit"

[Opening starter kit]

[Gained 30 stat points and 30 troll points]

[allocating 30 stat points to intelligence"]

[Hosts brain is to inferior to gain this buff]

[using 10 troll points to make The Host Competent]

[Starting Process]

y/a: "AHHHHH"

The instant the system said "Starting Process" I felt an extreme pain in my brain as if hundreds of knifes, no not even that amount THOUSANDS of scorching hot knifes are being plunged into my head, obviously this caused my to attempt to scream in pain but it was far too painful so i could not even utter a single word.

[Brain expansion complete]

*cough* *cough*

y/n: "Goddamn it, that was so fucking painful"

[allocating 30 points into intelligence]

upon seeing the message I immediately cower and ready myself for extreme pain, but instead i just get a steady flow of knowledge into my brain, it included some things that were bizarre to the me before this such as "common sense" and "understanding moderating 30 subreddits at once is not normal"

"I'm glad that was not painful, but did i really live like that in my past life?, goddamnit i am so fucking retar-"

The voice of Reimu can be heard coming from a distant room "Hey are you okay I heard a short yell?"

"I'm fine" I yell back

Reimu "Oh that's alright, anyway I have finished brewing the tea, I'm coming through"

Reimu comes through a sliding door a couple meters away from me and sits down at the table I am also currently seated in.

Reimu: "So care to explain your last memory before going through that gap


Pov: Blender_Person ( Oh its me again (╯°o°)ᕗ )


On a Massive Island coated in gold outside of the multiverse there exits hundreds of powerful gods, blender being on of them and Jeff being some minimum wage employee (think of the place as like a mega powerful Asgard).

Blender: "So has the soul entered gensokyo yet"

Jeff: "That is correct my lord"

Blender: "alright then its about time we interfere so we can get some interesting story"

Jeff: "And i assume we will use, THAT method again?"

Jeff points to a red button next to me that glows with a red and dark aura with a menacing pressure around it

Blender: "Your sharp as ever Jeff, we will use that method"

I slap the red button and a small ding sound plays and three words starts to fade away from the button along with its aura, and the button's word's that disappeared are

"Protagonist Harem Bullshit"


Pov: y/n


y/n and Reimu was just finishing there conversation about how y/n ended up in gensokyo (of which y/n lied about how he got here obviously) and y/n is just getting up to leave but a change in fate happens via a "unknown source" and so make him take his time getting out.

y/a: "alright that's me going away now, ill try to go fishing or something for food"

Reimu: "alright just take care of yoursel-"

A sudden change in Reimus character happens its as if her train of thought and opinions were swayed into finding a "certain type" attractive

Reimu: "Hey, i actully need some company to sweep the leaves around here" she says while blushing

y/n: "nah ima head out"

Reimu: "Actually i could some help picking Berries"

y/n: "nah ima head out"

Reimu starts to become desperate as she wants to feel close to this person even though he is ugly as hell, its as if he is a haram protagonist or something.

Reimu: Its cold and its nearly night you can stay here for a night

y/n: "nah ima head out"

Reimu: There is dangerous yokai outside if you leave then you will most likely die

y/n: "nah ima head out"

Reimu: "💀"

y/n: "Bye for now"

i start to wave to Reimu and she waves back, even though she did it in a slow and sad manner since she did not want him to leave her so soon

I close the door to the shrine and Start to head in some random direction while having a bright smug grin on my face along with me revealing a coin i had in my hand to myself that i got while leaving

y/n: "Hehehe, scammed the bitch"

[200 troll points gained from stealing money from a Person in need]

y/n: "Oh what can troll points give me?"

[You can convert 10 troll points into 1 stat point or you can use the shop to buy items, skills or even convert them into skill points for others]

y/n "Huh that's seems really important, but could you explain more in detail how I get troll points?"

[In order to get troll points the user must do an action that would be seen as a way to annoy/irritate another person or group of people]

y/n: "Seems fair"


{A/n here, or should it be Blender? I dunno, but anyway if you want to see him in get a skill of your choice or some items to pimp him out you can suggest here}

{Clothes would be recommended since I cant give him some nuke skill at the start}

{for instance, writing a bit about the system recommending a lot of good stuff but him spending it all on Jordan's would be good to write, since we can get mine and Jeff's Pov from our space resort}

{Sry for the short chapter i just have school stuff to deal with}

{the class average was 28% in our latest test so now we get to redo the test because we all did so bad 💀}