oopsie's (not really)

been a while huh?

I'm going to be honest, and you probably wont like it since I'm kind of being real selfish but the reason why I did not upload a chapter for 2 whole months is

drumroll please!




I was bored, And when I procrastinated without a real reason for the first time. It was amazing and I could not stop, I always just kept on saying nah, ill do it next week, and then the next and then the next and then the next and then the next and then the next and then the next and then the next....

so, I ought to update you with what I plan do do going forward, but first let me butter you up so I don't get doxed out of anger

This whole hiatus thing was a long time coming, I have not had any motivation to write this stuff since when I did that new novel idea chapter, the only thing that made me actually write chapters after that was you guys, and maybe powerstone's *ahem*

when I first made a chapter, I was having a 4 week touhou phase, and that phase went away a while ago, I don't hate touhou or anything. its just something neutral. But obviously spending hours doing the equivalent of staring at a drying wall for hours on something you don't care about can decrease your motivation quite fast. Literally the only reason I do this was because of you, as I said before

but fret not! if you were interested in the story (which I doubt, donations were kind of its whole thing) then I have the whole thing sorta sorted out in my head, its kind of loose by design encase some donation came up that could make something more interesting if I designed a villain that way

Super epic summery commence!


basically after the training ark it would be revealed that he always had his maxed out stat body, but its just a lot stronger now since training and he also got embodiment of cut EX. + other boons based on you guys. Also this whole thing was like a "skills are useless in front of technique" so he just learned Embodiment of cut normally. no skill points

Richard searched around and finds Reimu, time was slow so it was like 2 days in there, but this is the start of...

drumroll please! again...




Human Disappearing incident!

very creative name I know, I made it myself. And remember that chapter I made awhile ago where I asked you to drop some villains, well Richard would face them in that same way he faced Youmu, always just winning and only winning from being logical and that junk, just nearly dying by a millimetre

(insert villains now being dead)

Richard and maybe some allies go to face That super mysterious guy that they slowly got info from the dying villains

Richard fights him with 2 domains being made, i think it was Old testament for the Mysterious guy, that is kind of like those tower manhwa, but not 1000 chapters long, like 7 floors for each trumpet in the rapture, each with there theme being that rapture event, you can see this as far back in the youmu fight, and I think I even foreshadowed the mysterious guy before the Christmas special, but I do remember a reference in the Christmas special

im getting off track. Basically Richard kills him in a very very very very very close battle. but before that he gets some info, The guy was Richard the whole time. But just the one from the start of the story. When he got that brain upgrade. Richard 2(the good Richard we have been following) was created with memories of OG Richard and was piloting his body with OG Richard just watching, unable to do anything

Systems also only exist to carry out there primary function. in this case it was trolling and New richard was not doing that so in the EX spin he got a curse to get OG Richard back, as orcastrated by the troll system. but the separation left just a little but of system energy so Richard 2 was able to create a New System, but as seen in the beginning. if they are unable to actually create a system then it makes one automatically out of your memories. So we got the Discipline System

Btw if you just make a sytem on your own. No auto stuff you can just set it to do whatever you want, If you want the "Getting Instantly OP In Another World With 9999+ Long Legs System" you can do that

So knowing all that, after OG Richard is defeated then Richard 2 got all the system energy back and made the finale system of the series

"The Omnipotent System", its a system that just lets you do whatever you want, no restriction or points. 

Then we get an epilogue chapter of everyone happy and Richard and Reimu happily married with maybe a child

Boom, the end


It sucks that we stopped at the low points in the story(not including the first chapters, yeesh) but this is not me stopping writing. And this brings me to the next thing i wanted to talk about

Duel Detective Deform, i know you may have some resentment since this is 34% the reason I wont want to work on this fanfic but every time I tried to think of the fanfic to add stuff my mind just keeps going back to Duel Detective Deform(I will call this 3D from now on, cuz it has 3 D's when abbreviated) What I have in my mind for 3d is completely different from what you heard from that chapter and also even if your in the discord

but I REALLY want to start writing it, but I have yet another problem that I keep piling on to you


Yea it kinda sucks right now. Its pretty damn difficult even at the start of the year, ill give you a list

Imaginary Numbers, You know how numbers are kinda considers to go right to left, negative infinity to positive infinity. well imagine if instead counting to the west or east, you counted north. Its trippy

Theory of Relativity, not as bad as imaginary numbers. But learning that time is an illusion is pretty difficult to grasp

All of Biology, Gene expression Chromosomal mutation, Rna(and its variants) and Dna 

There is a bit more but I'm not going to waste much more time explaining it all. But you get the point. Its difficult. Oh and for the curious these were my grades from the exam a while ago

Engineering A

Computing A

Biology B

English B

Physics C

Math D

but yea, what I'm saying is that when I start writing again, there will be a lot more delays since I have a life outside of all this. 

so uh

cya, I guess for this fanfic this is

oh, and head's up, if you want this whole "donation" thing to keep on going, then join the discord because I do a lot of polls there, plus you can just suggest stuff

as of right now I have a poll to define a very important character. The MC will be next

once I have the first volume of the novel planned out i will start to write it. but I will also be thinking about the over arching a lot as well so count that to, but it wont take nearly as long

just a lil psa for ya, cya for good this time(unless your joining of course)




{A/n here, or should it be Blender? }


{lets go with Blender.}




{Gif or image paragraph}


1188 words