The Voice Downstairs(2)


[Silas is too attached to Yonah.

He loves Yonah far more than me, his very own mother.

Silas couldn't accept Yonah's death, but Yonah was too weak.

Silas hates me, thinking that I didn't take good care of my children as a mother. But what could I do? Yonah had a congenital heart disease, and I'm a single mother. I tried my best to work.

I'm beginning to feel a little scared. I think Silas is abnormal. Oh, please forgive me and save this child of mine. How could a mother be afraid of her own child?

He is starting to talk to himself regularly.

It never occurred to me that his illness would be so serious. What on earth did I do wrong? Silas began to role-play as Yonah. He even drew a black mole on his chin and talked to me in Yonah's tone. I feel that I'm about to be killed by this child soon. Who can save me?

Please help me. I'm scared.]

The author exerted so much force when they wrote the last line of the entry that the pen poked through the paper.