Fatal App(1)

Author: Hei Yue

"Never download any unknown social app, or you'll lose your money, even your life."

I was scrolling through short videos during the lunch break.

A video with 30 thousand "likes" caught my attention.

The account ID was Jessi and it was an ordinary ten-second dance, but its title was "The Adventure: BeKin, Shinhai, Go!"

I laughed at such a title. Obviously, it was an account with sexy videos for male users.

Out of curiosity, I entered the home page of this account. It had more than a million fans but only one update, and there was a website in the background picture.

I was stunned for a moment because normally there should be contact details instead.

I wrote down the website curiously and then checked it in the browser.

Some disorderly advertisements popped up on the main page. And at the bottom, there was a download prompt for a social app named "Cross-city Adventure".

Since I had been single for a long time, I somehow became interested in this social app and downloaded it.

After downloading, I registered and logged in, and found that the app was developed perfectly, and there were a lot of girls' updates on my feed.

The personal interface prompted an unread message. I clicked and found that it was from the system.

"Welcome Neal to join 'Cross-city Adventure'. The system has sent you an adventure task: To complete a couple's game and make it real with the female player in the same city before midnight. Reward: 10 points." I was stunned. "To make it real? How lucky I am!"

A radar scanning icon appeared immediately on the page. The system was matching me with the female player.

I was surprised and excited. When the matching was completed, I clicked on the female player's profile picture and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

What a coincidence! That was my immediate superior, Belinda!

Belinda was 29 years old. She was good-looking and had a good figure, especially her long legs, which could attract every living man.

I could not help but shake my head. To be a true couple with Belinda? That was impossible.

Just as I was about to uninstall the crappy app, a message from Belinda popped up. "Come to my office after work." Then, I had been on tenterhooks all afternoon. I was afraid that this woman would make trouble for me. When I was about to slip away after work, my best friend Bill came to me and said, "Neal, Miss Belinda wants you in her office." I could only reply with a sullen face, turn around, and walk to the elevator, with my palms covered in sweat.

What I was afraid of came true. I went straight to the executive's office on the ninth floor and saw Belinda making coffee.

She was in a summer's professional suit. When I entered the room, I happened to see the gap between her breasts. "Miss Belinda, are you looking for me?" I looked away and rubbed my hands nervously.

"Here you are." Surprisingly, Belinda did not scold me immediately. She just took out her mobile phone and put it on the desk slowly. Our matching message was on the screen.

I shivered violently and tried to say something. "Miss Belinda, let me explain." "Lock the door first." She glanced at me and said in an unquestionable tone.

I had to close the door as she said, thinking that I wouldn't be able to spare myself from the scolding.

However, what Belinda said next made the atmosphere very subtle. "I'll give you two hours from now on to do what a couple should do." "What?" My mind went black.

She ignored my surprise and slowly took off her jacket. She even stretched out her hand and unbuttoned my shirt. I quickly warded it off with my hand. "Miss Belinda, what are you doing?" She stared at me and teased me with a smile. "Don't you like me? Why are you unwilling now?"

"Shit! How could she say that?"

My face instantly darkened. Since she was my immediate manager, this woman tortured me many times. She could question my professional ability, but how could she look down on my masculinity?

Perhaps we would end well!

After it, I slipped out of the office. Before I could run out of the corridor, my phone vibrated, and my expression instantly froze when seeing what appeared on the screen.

Belinda uploaded a sexy photo to the group chat of the Cross-city Adventure. It was the intimate picture of her and me just now.

A system prompt followed. "Congratulations to Neal and Belinda for completing the adventure task. You can receive 10 general points."

"She also accepted the task." I gasped.

I was a little upset. Soon, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Belinda walking out of the office awkwardly. I hurried up, questioning her. "How could you post our photo online?"

"Get out of my way." She pushed me away coldly and went downstairs, holding the handrail and leaving me stunned there.

I finally learned what was called "take the fucking granted to fuck me without any fucking responsibility".

"Forget it. She does not even feel shame. Why should I be?" I shook my head and woke up from the trance, whistled, walked out of the company, and went straight to the bus stop.

"Neal, what were you doing with Miss Belinda? Why did you come downstairs so late?" A voice suddenly rang behind me.

I turned around and saw that it was my best friend, Bill.

I faltered out and said nothing happened. I turned my head and was about to leave, but Bill stopped me. He pointed at my crotch and said with a smirk, "Hey, kid, your fly is open."


I was flustered and turned around to tidy up my clothes. However, Bill did not say anything but dragged me into a bar.

Walking into a private room, he closed the door with a faint smile on his face and said, "Tell me, what should I do to find a sugar mommy like yours?"

I could not help laughing. Unable to resist Bill's questions, I had to confess to him that I just matched Belinda in an app.

"Is that app so reliable? Where did you find it? Tell me how to download it." Bill's face was greasy.

I had no choice but to tell him the way to download the app. After thinking for a while, I persuaded him again, "Bill, I feel that the activities in this app are quite abnormal. You'd better not participate."

"I'm not afraid. The more abnormal it is, the more interested I am!"

He was so excited that he squeaked like a pig. Soon, he downloaded the "Cross-city Adventure" and studied the app alone.

I did not say anything but poured myself a glass of wine. Before I could take a sip, I suddenly heard him exclaim, "Damn, this app is really perverted!"

I put down the glass and asked him, "What's wrong?" Bill threw his phone away with a livid face. "It asks me to secretly take a video of my sister bathing and send it to the group chat!

"Damn, how did this fucking system even know that I have a sister? How dare it threaten me that if I could not complete the task before the early morning, I would die?"

I laughed awkwardly and asked him, "What are you going to do?"

Bill said angrily, "I'll go home and wait. Let me see how it kills me!"

I could not help but snicker. "Save it. Why are you angry with a virtual app?" After that, I took him to drink. After a lot of persuasions, Bill finally cooled down.

We drank till late at night. When we were about to leave, I saw Bill could hardly walk, so I was worried and sent him home.

A very pure-looking girl opened the door for us. "Bill, why are you drunk again?"

I was stunned for an instant and looked at Bill. He explained in a muffled voice. "She's my sister, Diane."

"I see." I nodded and smiled at the girl.

Diane also smiled at me with two cute dimples on her cheeks. "You're Neal, right? I've heard a lot about you."

After we greeted each other, I helped Bill to the sofa. Feeling the urge to pee, I hurriedly put him down and went to his bathroom.

Before I finished, I felt my cell phone vibrating. I turned on the app and saw a message: "Two of your points have been deducted."

There was a prompt at the end of the message: "Attention! The system will deduct 2 points every morning. If your points become negative, you will be eliminated from the game, and die.

"The way to avoid being eliminated is to complete the task assigned by the system as much as possible. After accumulating 100 points, you will have a chance to level up. In addition, once you fail a mission, the system will deduct the corresponding points. Please pay attention to the points in time to avoid elimination."

After reading, I found my score backstage had changed from 10 to 8.

"What a lousy app! It's quite scary."

Thinking of the abnormal task that Bill had received, I felt a chill. After washing my hands, I went back to the living room to check on him.

However, when I reached the living room, Bill, who was supposed to be sleeping on the sofa, disappeared. I hastily looked around. Diane came up with a plate of fruits and asked what I was looking for.

"Where's Bill?"

"There." Diane pointed in the direction of the balcony.

I had a bad feeling, so I went to the balcony to check.

Before I walked out of the living room, I saw Bill lying on the fence of his balcony like a toad, desperately arching his body out in a very awkward position.

"Bill, what are you doing?" I felt that something was wrong, and I was about to rush up to pull him.

But it was still too late.

The balcony railing snapped with a creak. Bill fell straight down the stairs. I shouted at once.


With a bang, my mind went blank.


What happened after was so chaotic that I could not remember the details.

I did not even remember when I called the police. I only remembered what the police said when they were testing the scene.

"The balcony of the deceased's house is seriously rotten, and the railings are rusty. They can't support the weight of an adult. He should have accidentally fallen when he vomited."

This reason sounded very reasonable.

But when I walked away from the crowd and secretly opened the app backstage, looking at the cold system prompt, I felt my heart weighed down with a stone.

"It's a coincidence. How could an app kill someone?"

Thinking of the conclusion given by the police, I put the phone back into my pocket.

The next morning, I returned to the company tiredly and went straight to the HR department. I planned to report to the company about Bill's death and take another two days off to attend his funeral.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the office, Belinda pushed the door open and stormed in.

"Neal, this is the report you submitted. Various important data are wrong. You idiot!"

She slapped the document in my face in front of my colleagues and said, "You should work overtime tonight. If you don't make the report right, you will be fired tomorrow!"

A lot of my colleagues were watching the fun. I was annoyed, but I could only swallow my anger and say, "Miss Belinda, I'm afraid that the report has to be delayed. Bill is dead, and I have to ask for leave first."

She interrupted me rudely, "The company won't go down after one employee died. You can't go anywhere if you don't do your job fine!"


I crumpled the document into a ball and looked at her back, thinking about what had happened yesterday. How quickly she changed her attitude!

For the whole day, I was jumpy and kept cursing Belinda in my heart. I worked late until 11 o'clock but still didn't finish. When I was about to go to the balcony to smoke and relieve my boredom, the damn mobile phone vibrated.

I clicked on the app and saw a photo sent by the system.

It was Belinda in a tight dress. She was posing seductively and her eyes were mesmerizing in the photo.

At the end of the message, there was a paragraph. "Congratulations, Neal. You have won a consecutive task. The deadline for this task is 0:00 a. m. If you complete the task, you will get 6 points. If you fail, the corresponding points will be deducted." "Shit, again?" I immediately cursed inside.

However, after thinking about it, I realized that the system was trying to match us.

"Fine, I must get her this time!" I decided inwardly.