Essence of Fate

The flight from the Alfheim Dominion to the Asuran Cabal was a long one. And while Erich became more acquainted with his recent team members on board his ship. The Sages had begun to make a move in the shadows.

While the majority of the Order had fled from the Milky Way Galaxy to one of the revolving Dwarf Galaxies. They had left several operatives behind. Who had begun to make use of their contacts within the various Galactic Powers to make life difficult for the man who they referred to as the "Dark Sage". 

Currently, a representative of the Sages was meeting with a high-ranking mobster in the Asuran Cabal. The contrast of the two species was rather distinct. While both were humanoids, one was a Dark Elf, and the other was a figure with four arms, blue skin, and black hair.