A Potentially Lethal Wager

Erich gazed at the vial, which contained only a few drops of a solid white liquid. He could not help but groan over his circumstances as he reached forward and took the vial from one of Kali's four hands.

Where he then popped off the lid, and thought to himself how he would severely punish Mirage if he somehow managed to survive this potentially lethal wager. With a certain degree of courage, Erich downed the few drops and immediately felt his spirit detach from his body. 

Erich gazed around the room, and saw that Mirage was crying, while performed CPR on his seemingly lifeless body. He simply scoffed and shook his head as he voiced his thoughts aloud.

"I always knew it would be a woman who would be the death of me..."

But interestingly enough, another voice appeared in Erich's ears, causing him to look around in fright. 

"Oh, I am afraid you are mistaken, my friend. This is not the afterlife... But rather the weave of fate itself...."