Uniting the Orc Clans Part I

The Ironhand Clan's raid on the Asuran despot's world had far larger consequences than Erich had initially estimated. For starters, the message was received loud and clear by the galactic community. Harboring a Sage was considered a crime by the Alfheim Dominion and its Svartalfheim counterpart. 

But what was perhaps the most terrifying thing was the fact that an individual Archon of the Alfheim Dominion now possessed his own army, and fleet which was loyal to him, and him alone. And of course, this was the Ironhand Clan. 

Nobody really knew how the Orc Clan had managed to raid an Asuran world so quickly. Even if it was a sovereign planet owned by a single despot, the amount of power each of such individual wielded was no small amount. And yet in twelve standard galactic hours, the planet had fallen, and the despot surrendered to the Warchief, which just so happened to be the newest Archon of the Alfheim Dominion.