A Sudden Armistice

S'aleth had been given a place to remain comfortable, while the Enclave waged war against the Germanic Star-Empire. She was spending her time getting acquainted with all that had happened over the past 20 years since her death. 

The near extinction of her people at the hands of the Naraku was a heavy blow. What remained of the Dvrakian race was scattered across Alfhiem Space, seeking refuge in those worlds who were sympathetic to their cause. Although, in more cases than not, these refugees ended up in some kind of slavery. 

Meanwhile, the Germanic Star-Empire seemed to have mostly recovered from the devastating war, but they had done so at the cost of their Dvrakian subjects. Despite the attempts by the Imperial government to rewrite history to make it seem like the Dvrakians had valiantly sacrificed themselves so that their masters may live. S'aleth wasn't an idiot and could very quickly piece together what had actually happened.