Meeting Your First Love Again for the Second Time

Erich was led to his quarters that were given to him for the duration of his stay in the Dvrakian Consortium. It was a nice and comfy room that had a bed that was just large enough for Erich to sleep comfortably on, that is assuming he curled up in a ball and slept on his side. 

The standard Dvrakain Male stood at around the same size as an average human male. That being five feet and nine inches, or roughly 175 centimeters. But Erich was slightly above average for a Germanic male. Meaning he was six feet five inches tall, or roughly two meters in height. 

Because of this, the bed was not exactly made with his dimensions in mind. But Erich endured nonetheless. He went to bed knowing that tomorrow he had to make a proper first impression on S'aleth. After all, he had nailed the ball out of the park with Yumi, making the Oni beauty more interested in him than she had been initially during their past life. But now, he had to do the same for S'aleth.