Masterful Deception

A holographic projection appeared seemingly out of nowhere, as Tia rather angrily confronted Erich about his plans to marry Daelia in addition to Lunaria. After all, he had neglected to mention this in his plans for galactic domination. 

Not only was the advanced artifcial intelligence upset over Erich's neglectful mention of this matter from a practical standpoint, but she was also deeply opposed to it from an emotional standpoint as well. 

"Master... You really need to stop picking up random women off the streets and asking them to marry you...."

Erich was shocked that Tia would say something like this openly to Daelia's face. After all, for obvious reasons, this did not help his plans. And whether this was a deliberate act of sabotage on Tia's behalf, or simply the wrong place and time to vent her frustrations, Erich did not know.