A Lesson in the History of the Asterion Dynasty

Erich knew very little about how Daelia got trapped in the Maw, or what had happened to her during the thousands of years that she was stuck there. Because of this, he answered her fairly honestly, explaining in great detail the limited amount of knowledge he had in that regard.

"In all honesty, I know very little about what Lunaria did to trap you in the Maw. I only know that she allegedly tricked you into entering, and was then exiled by her parents until a time where she could bring you back to them. How much of that is actually true?"

Daelia sighed heavily as she leaned up from her position where she lied on Erich's chest and took a sip from her wineglass, before lying back down. It was almost as if she was vividly reliving the incident in her head while she spoke about it as if it had happened just a moment prior.