Balor and lili

Akira had just woken up on the 39th floor and decided to head down to Balor he was quite excited he hasn't met a monster rex on the way all have been taken down already there wasn't a need to talk about the other monsters they were like goblins to him right now after all.

Anyway he was quite happy because he find loads of great materials and he thought he'd sell a lot of the ingredients for the potions to the Miach familia after all they were a familia he wouldn't mind inviting to one of the houses in his district.

As Akira appeared on floor 49 the atmosphere was pretty rigid and he could tell nobody has been here for quite some time in the centre of the room the was a large dragon looking creature with big spikes on its arm and a giant pink glowing eye

Akira knew even being as strong as he was that eye will probably shoot a beam that could do damage to him he believed Balor was a late level 6 monster so it wouldn't be the first that he's defeated but he'd still like to enjoy the fight

Akira: Who am I kidding this will probably be over quite quickly sigh…

As he walked to Balor it's turned its gaze to him and screeched quite loudly while swinging its bladed arm at him

Akira dodged the arm and stepped towards its arm pit the monster wasn't quite fast enough to stop him from swing his spear and cutting the arm off the monster the screeched loudly again as it fired a massive concentrated pink beam of mana from its eye in his direction

Akira sighed because it was a little too easy to dodge it and threw his spear straight into it eye while the monster went down and burst to black smoke leaving the drop items and a massive monster core probably worth at least 500 million valis the dungeon walls cracked signifying a monster party probably wants him off guard without his weapon

Akira chuckled and summoned his spear back to himself and says

Akira: You're all a little too late to help the monster Rex hahah

After that Akira started attacking them and a long while later they were all dead Akira decided he'll go rest on floor 50 and then spend a few days hunting materials from floor 40-58 after all he'll be the number one person to have the drops and items from these floors and they'll sell for quite a lot even if I keep a lot of the good forging materials..

As Akira was passing through floor 7 an area up ahead he could hear crying thinking something wrong he decided to check what it is and as he was upon the sight of a little girl being kicked and abused by some thugs

Akira being Akira didn't see any reason not to send these men to their next life after all who would offend him for three thugs it wasn't a realistic scenario

And so Akira did just that while the little girl turned towards her saviour and said

Lili: you shouldn't have done that adventurer now they will come for you too

Akira: hello my names not adventurer it's Akira Nova just so you know I'm a level 10 adventurer I honestly don't believe anyone would attack me for getting rid of 3 thugs in the dungeon I'll just say they attacked me first.

Lili looked at this guy saying he's level ten so confidently like it makes all the sense in the world and had a little hope that he could help her escape her familia that's been attacking and abusing anyone who shows her kindness

Lili: My name is Liliruca Arde thank you for saving me

Akira: No problem Lili come with me I'm just heading home from the 58th floor do you need help with a place to stay as well or are you going on your way?

Lili thought this isn't a chance she can let go of screw the Soma familia they wouldn't offend this guy even if it was the last thing they do so she decided to take his offer and hear more about it

Lili: Akira sir I'd like to come with you my familia is after me they take all my money and attack anyone who tried to help me

Lili was in tears at the point so I pulled out a hp potion from GOB and gave it to her while rubbing her head she took it and drank it while blushing from the head pat and following me out

As we went I talked to her about the land I'll have and asked if instead of being a supporter she's like to work there for a while until everything with her familia is settled and she agreed that's probably for the best and smiled since for her seems things are looking up.

We can see a handsome platinum blonde haired man walking out of the dungeon accompanied by a small pallum girl without a care in the world this man was Akira and Liliruca headed for the guild to speak with Rose before he takes her to the inn he's staying so she can stay with him until the manor is ready.

As he walked to the familiar red haired girl she was glaring at him whilst also scanning him for injuries and sighed when she found none.

Akira: Hello rose how are you? I'd like to sell some monster stones if possible.

Akira didn't want to sell his good items to the guild they wouldn't buy it at an appropriate price after all so he thought he'd go see Hephaestus first and then sell them and a few more of his swords but that can wait for another day he's ready for bed after this.

Rose: Hello Akira yes come with me and we'll get it all settled for you.

As rose finished selling his stones she came back with his card and said she added 650 million valis in it considering the Balors stone he wasn't surprised but Lili next to him was gaping like a fish Akira and Rose chuckled at her and as they were leaving Akira handed a pouch with 1 million valis to Lili and said that's her advance pay and to use it to leave her familia but if she doesn't come back he'll go and get her because he's not an idiot

Lili was in tears and hugged him and ran away to get out of her familia Akira already gave the inns address to her so if she's not there by morning he'll go looking for her it wouldn't be hard he can sense her with his echo location no matter where in this city.

And so Akira headed to the inn and asked Lana to book him another room until the end of his stay here for his guest and she agreed he told her the description of Lili and her name and Lana said she'll send her to her room once she's inn

After that Akira made his way to his room and flopped on the bed and groaned since he smells and needs a bath so he went and had one then dropped to sleep ready and anticipating the next day…