A Night in Crocus

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Around 4-10 chapters are available if you want to read them ahead. Chapter 49 should be available by the time this chapter was uploaded.

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[X783, Magnolia]

— Dannis Martell —

"Remind me again why we're here?" I question Mira as we enter through the gates of Crocus.

"I told you! I have a job modeling for the weekly sorcerer magazine and you're here as my escort! You wouldn't leave a defenseless maiden like me all alone, would you?" She fluttered her eyelashes at me, adopting an overly innocent tone.

I rolled my eyes at her comment. "Right…the She-Devil of Fairy Tail, a defenseless maiden. Hell would freeze over before anyone would consider you as such."

Mira giggled as the both of us walked through the cobbled paths of the capital city of Fiore. There was a lively buzz in the air, traders calling out from stalls lining the square. There were some apprentice Rune Knights out and about, running errands for the council, and a mix of nobles and travelers all wrapped up in the city's life.

A lot has changed since the beast event a year ago. For one thing, Mira and I had gotten much closer. While she was my best friend, there were certain lines that were never crossed due to mutual respect for one another.

Neither of us was sure of what exactly to call our relationship, but I was at least certain it was more than simple friendship. The kiss she gave back then had sent me on a spiral for quite a while. 

Now though, we were content with sharing smiles that were a bit more meaningful, moments where we shared just small bits of intimacy. Just being around her brought a warmth I could never put into words. It was… complicated.

Mira herself had gone through a complete shift in personality. After our talk, she went straight to her apartment and talked Elfman out of his funk. Perhaps it was due to almost losing her family, or maybe even the fact that her words were what got the job done this time instead of her fists.

But Mira had mellowed out and adopted this kind, gentle, and caring personality towards most of the guild. While she still has moments where her punk-ish temperament would show, she much prefers this more relaxed state.

The guild had all understood and supported her. It was even Erza who made sure that no one bothered the Strauss siblings much during their time of recovery.

She got a job as a model for Sorcerer Magazine not long after, and now here we are in Crocus for first job. While she makes quite a decent amount as an active S-Class mage, she told me she needed a little bit extra to get the house she and her siblings plan to get. She had taken a page from my book and planned to buy the whole she-bang, including the plot of land the house sits on.

The city of Crocus was grand, with tall buildings painted a plethora of colors. The streets were filled with people getting by in their personal lives. As we reached the market square, peddlers of all kinds were trying to sell their wares.

We wandered through the market, lingering at various stalls. Mira bought small trinkets for Lisanna and Elfman, trying to see which gifts would make them smile the widest. Meanwhile, I spotted a traveling vendor selling old books. After a quick scan, I found one on Fiorean history, thick and covered in dust. It was the perfect kind of book I liked to get lost in when the guild was too loud.

Then we came upon a jewelry stall, and Mira stopped, her gaze drawn to a delicate silver necklace set with a brilliant sapphire pendant. Her fingers brushed against the pendant, tracing the shape of it, and a wistful smile tugged at her lips.

She checked the price and, after a long look, sighed and moved on. I watched her go, then turned back to the vendor, eyeing the price myself. It was certainly in the higher-end, price wise. Well… I'd just have to take this little gem off Mira's wish list.

Once she was out of sight, I took the necklace, exchanged the jewels for it, and stuffed it in my pocket. We finished browsing the stalls, Mira chattering about the little things she'd seen. I couldn't keep the smile back on my face even if I tried.


The modeling job was over by sunset. I waited by the street as Mira rejoined me, looking tired, but happy.

"I take it that things went well?" I asked as we walked back toward the center of town.

Her eyes sparkled. "It did! It was different, but in a good way! They had me try on all sorts of dresses—even a gothic look, which was… surprisingly fun. Not what I usually wear, but I could get used to it."

I chuckled. "You as a goth? Would love to see that. Though, you probably looked great in everything."

Her cheeks flushed, and she nudged me playfully. "Stop it," she said, laughing. "It paid well, and I told them I'd consider doing more. I definitely enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would."

I nodded, enjoying the sight of her smile. Mirajane was finally letting herself relax, allowing herself to be happy. While it certainly took awhile for her to finally forgive herself for the whole beast incident, it seems that she's getting a lot better.

Seeing that it was getting late, we decided to check into a hotel for the night before making our way back to Magnolia in the morning. The receptionist, looking slightly frazzled, informed us there was only one room left. I blinked as Mira glanced at me, her expression betraying a mix of amusement and mild embarrassment. I cleared my throat.

"What about the beds? Are they–"

"Separated." The receptionist confirmed.

I let out a sigh of relief as I nodded. "Alright then, we'll take it."

Mira's cheeks reddened as I took the keys from the receptionist. The room was cozy, with two beds on either side of a small table. As we walked in, the proximity of everything—the beds, the table, even the walls—felt unusually close. I tried not to dwell on it. Mira seemed to get over her embarrassment during our walk up the stairs, as she seemed at ease as she set her bag down, pulling out the souvenirs she'd bought earlier. Watching her, I couldn't help but feel the warmth that had become so familiar to me. She was something special, and I knew it more than ever now.

"I'm going to take a shower," she said, smiling over her shoulder as she picked up her toiletries. "Don't peek."

Her voice was teasing and I had to force down the embarrassed flush that was creeping my neck. It seems my reaction was exactly the thing she was looking for as she giggled before closing the door.

Letting out a sigh and shaking my head, I slipped the necklace from my pocket and placed it on the nightstand beside her bed. I hoped she'd like it—she had looked so captivated by it at the market. But I wasn't about to stick around for her reaction. It'd be better if she found it on her own. Grabbing my jacket, I headed out to find us something to eat.


— Mirajane Strauss —

Mirajane walked out from the bathroom with a bathrobe, drying her damp hair with a towel. She felt refreshed and good in a way. The successful modeling gig had lightened her mood, not to mention spending the whole day with the man she loved as extra icing on the cake. She hadn't expected to enjoy it, but now she found herself looking forward to the next opportunity.

As she crossed the room to her bed, her gaze fell on the small, sparkling item resting on the nightstand. Her heart skipped a beat. It was the necklace from the market, the one she had to leave behind due to the absurdly large price.

Her fingers reached out, brushing over the cool metal, her mind reeling. 

'That idiot,' she thought, a smile breaking over her face. Dannis must have bought it when she wasn't looking. The love she felt for him swelled in her chest, and she carefully lifted the necklace, fastening it around her neck. She stood before the small mirror on the wall, admiring the way the sapphire complemented her features.

He hadn't said anything, hadn't bragged about it or even hinted on anything. He'd simply left it there, letting her discover it in her own time. She touched the pendant, her heart racing.

'That big, big, idiot.'

Did he know just how much this single action would affect her? Did he do this because he felt the same way or was it just simple courtesy? Was there a secret intention behind it? Did he realize just how stupidly in love she is with him?

The simple, steady way he'd supported her through everything, the way he had always been there, no questions, no expectations, always ready to help despite needing help himself. And now, there he was, doing something as sweet and selfless as this.

The door creaked, and she turned, her pulse quickening as Dannis entered, carrying a bag with the unmistakable aroma of fresh bread and roasted meats.

"Hey," he said, flashing her that familiar smile. He set the bag on the table, completely oblivious to the effect he was having on her.

Mira's heart thundered as she walked up to him, her expression determined. Screw it. Why wait?

Before he could say a word, she closed the distance between them, standing on her toes as she pressed her lips to his in a kiss that held all the unspoken emotions she'd kept bottled up. He froze, caught off guard, and for a heartbeat, she feared she'd gone too far. But then his arms came around her, hesitant at first, and he kissed her back, his embrace steadying her as she deepened the kiss.

It was everything she'd imagined, and more. The world around them fell away, leaving just the two of them, bound by a silent understanding and the warmth of their shared embrace.

When they finally parted, she opened her eyes to find him staring at her, his expression a mix of surprise and something else—something that mirrored the feelings she'd been holding back for so long.

"Mira…" he murmured, his voice barely a whisper.

She smiled, her fingers tracing the line of his jaw. "I know," she said softly, touching the pendant. "Thank you."

Dannis's gaze softened, and he leaned in, resting his forehead against hers. They stood like that for a while, wrapped in the quiet intimacy of the moment, words unnecessary. There was no need to rush, no need to label what they had. For now, this was enough.

As they sat down to eat, sharing soft laughter and quiet conversation, Mirajane knew that, whatever the future held, they would face it together.


AN: I did not expect writing fluffy romance to be this hard. It didn't help that the worst case of writer's block took over at the right time.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Mira and Dannis finally realize everything and enjoyed the night together. 

Next scene should be a straight jump to canon. Cheers lads.