The gods came together and formed a powerful coalition, led by Pedroz, to fight the humans. So, the third world war of Zerk began in this delicate situation, in which the gods believed that they should take back control of the world.

But this time, the humans were like this, the war started in full force, with the humans being quickly overwhelmed by the divine abilities of the Gods. Cities were destroyed, lands burned, and human life became even more difficult than before.

The human leaders realized that the situation was very serious and began to organize themselves to try to resist against the Gods. Meanwhile, several battles were fought between men and Gods, with both sides suffering significant casualties.

However, a heavily armed group of humans led by a man named Adam decided to directly confront Pedroz and the divine coalition. Despite the hardships, the humans managed to win a victory, when Adam managed to deal a fatal blow to Pedroz.

Without his leadership, the Gods quickly weakened and the war came to an end. The humans won, but not without sacrifices, as many people died in the conflicts.

In the end, the lesson that was engraved in human memory was that, despite all the grandeur of the Gods, the union, courage and determination of human beings were able to win the battle against the Gods and recover their freedom and dignity.