Tired of being undervalued, Jack decided he would find a way to have a unique and impressive power. He then began to frequent the town's library, seeking information and knowledge about the Derz world. He read sorcery books, studied the different schools of magic and even looked for information on witchcraft, searching for days in search of a solution to his problem, reading old books and looking for masters who could teach him. He toured several cities, asking the people he met for help, but no one had an answer to his dilemma.

It was then that a wise old man found him and said that he could help him find a unique power, but that it would be a difficult and dangerous journey. Jack knew the risks he would be taking, but he also knew he needed to find a way to be respected by others.

Together they set out for a distant island, on which there were legends of magical power that would grant incredible abilities to those who found it. On the way, they experienced various difficulties, such as storms and dangerous creatures.

Finally, after several days of travel, they reached the island. There, they found a hidden cave and, after traveling a long way, they arrived at a large hall in which there was a magic crystal in the center.

The wise old man explained that the crystal was responsible for the unique powers of the Derz and that, if Jack could connect with it, he would have the ability to control the flames in a way never seen before.

After much training and effort, Jack was finally able to connect with the crystal and acquire its unique power. He came home a new man, confident and respected by the other Derz.

From that moment on, Jack became one of the most powerful and respected Derz in his city, leaving behind the life of devaluation and loneliness he had before.