Miahuaxiuitl was an ambitious and cruel general. He led the Popos army with an iron fist, forcing the people to bow to him and follow his oppressive rules. He believed that world dominion was his birthright and not his own, and his goal was to conquer the entire Zerk world, subjecting all other tribes and peoples to his dominion.
The Popos were known for their violence and brutality, and Miahuaxiuitl did not hesitate to use ruthless tactics to achieve his goals. He was feared and hated by the other tribes, who resisted with all their might against his advances.
However, Miahuaxiuitl did not care about the consequences of his actions. He believed that force was the only way to gain and maintain power, and he was willing to sacrifice any of his soldiers to achieve his goals.
Meanwhile, the other tribes banded together in secret to find a way to defeat Miahuaxiuitl and its Popos. They knew that the only way to stop the total domination of the Zerk world was to work together, and they were ready to face any sacrifice necessary to achieve peace and freedom.
The final battle between General Miahuaxiuitl's army and the coalition of tribes from the Zerk world was at hand, and the fate of the world was at stake.
Although the battle was inconclusive, the tribes involved realized that they needed to unite to face other common threats. Miahuaxiuitl and the Popos realized the importance of cooperation between tribes and began to establish more friendly relations. The leader to protect their lands and resources from encroachments by other tribes and the pressures of Spanish colonizers. As a result, they formed an alliance and established a system of cooperation based on resource sharing and mutual support. This coalition of tribes became known as the League of Tlaxcaltecs and was an important factor in indigenous resistance against Spanish domination in Mexico. Miahuaxiuitl and the Popos became members of the league and fought together against Spanish colonial forces on many occasions.