With the new law enforced by Tlachiquetzal, the impoverished youth of the Zerk world were deprived of access to medieval education, which was fundamental to learning skills needed for common professions in Zerk society. This caused a great disparity between the rich and poor, as rich young people had medieval access and, consequently, opportunities to improve their lives through knowledge. The rich, on the other hand, continued to have access to the best schools and knowledge was passed exclusively to the elite.

This generated a clear segregation between the rich and the poor, creating inequalities and preventing the possibility of social mobility. Without access to education, many poor young people found themselves limited in their future prospects and with no hope of escaping poverty.

Tlachiquetzal, now old, had enforced an unjust law that perpetuated social inequality and harmed society as a whole. Many citizens of Zerk spoke out against this policy and fought for an educational reform that would democratize access to medieval education for all, regardless of their social class.