The invasion of the Hus Country by Pedrosouja caused great revolt and indignation in the international community, which demanded the immediate withdrawal of the invading troops and respect for the country's sovereignty. However, Pedrosouja ignored the international demands and continued with the invasion.

The people of Hus, in response to the invasion, organized an armed resistance against Zombo's troops. The fight was hard and many lives were lost on both sides. But the people of Hus were determined to fight for their freedom against Pedrosouja's tyranny.

The international community, seeing the escalation of the conflict, intensified the pressure on Pedrosouja to end the invasion and seek a peaceful solution to the conflict. But once again, the emperor of Zombo refused any negotiations and continued with his attempt to subdue the people of Hus.

With the situation becoming increasingly tense, the Hus leaders appealed to the international community for help in facing the Zombo invasion. And so, a coalition led by the United Nations was formed to support the country in resistance against Pedrosouja and his troops.

UN intervention helped balance the conflict and finally, after years of fighting, Pedrosouja's army was defeated and forced to retreat. Hus had won his fight for freedom and independence.

Pedrosouja's invasion was yet another failed attempt to impose his authority on a neighboring country. But the people of Hus, with their determination and courage, proved that the force of freedom and justice is always greater than the force of arms.

After the victory, Hus rebuilt his country and became an example of resistance and struggle for freedom around the world.