With Akira's death, the population of Zombo was in shock and the rebel movement lost its leadership. The rebel movement lost its leadership and many of its members went into hiding in fear of being captured by Pedroko's soldiers. Those still fighting for freedom were few and far between. Zombo village was once again ruled with an iron fist and the oppression against humans intensified even more.
Some people, however, were unwilling to surrender to Pedroko's oppressive rule. They secretly met to plan a new revolt, a way to defeat Pedroko and free Zombo village from his tyranny.
It was then that a young man named Alex rose to prominence as a new rebel leader. He had been trained in martial arts from a young age and was extremely skilled in combat. With his courage and determination, Alex inspired many people to join him in his fight for freedom.
The fighting against Pedroko and his soldiers was hard and many rebels lost their lives, but finally Alex led a decisive attack against Pedroko's base of operations. After a bloody battle, Pedroko was finally captured and tried for his crimes against humanity.
With Pedroko removed from power, the Zombo village began to recover. The humans who had fled returned home, and the gods began to work in harmony with the humans to rebuild the village.
Alex became the new leader of Zombo Village, and instead of ruling with an iron fist, he worked to build a community where gods and humans could live together in peace and equality. Zombo Village became a better place, and there was never again tyranny or oppression on its soil.