He knew he had to be more careful this time as the authorities were even more determined to catch him. Evendur knew he had to keep a low profile and work in the shadows to expand his criminal empire. He recruited new henchmen and used their connection skills, Zombo village was in a difficult situation after the arrest of Evendur Kreel. The economy was in ruins and people lived in fear of the violence that still raged there. But that would soon change.

A new era was about to dawn in Zombo Village. A group of young business leaders and community leaders had come together with the aim of transforming the village into a better place to live, free from the influence of the mafia and criminality.

They created a development plan that included restructuring local businesses, encouraging education and culture, as well as implementing security measures to protect residents.

With the help of some government funding and donations from private companies, they began to put the plan into action. Streets were renovated, new schools and libraries were built, and decent housing was made available to those most in need.

People began to feel safer walking the streets, to trust each other more, and to cooperate with local authorities. Gradually, Zombo village began to attract investment and business prospered.

Evendur Kreel and his gang realized that the climate had changed and moved away from illicit business in the region, fearing the consequences. With the end of violence, the image of Zombo village was revitalized and became an attractive place to live and undertake.

The new era of Zombo Village had begun and prosperity had arrived for everyone, while the mafia was now just a memory of the past.