I Don't Own WORM! nor do I want to own it, cuz it sucks. that is why don't expect the story to follow cannon cuz I dropped it pretty early on. everything I know beyond that comes from fanfiction, soo BE WARNED! but really, have fun, enjoy or not enjoy the fic and please for the love of all that is Holy, Unholy and inbetween, don't expect consistent updates.
It was a normal boring day, I was chillin and browsing the InterWebs(tm) when I decided that I'd rather spend the rest of the day daydreaming than continue this boring task.
Opening up my text files, I gave a quick look at them,
Worm CYOA-Gamer
RWBY CYOA-Gaia Quest
DC CYOA-Tech Priest
Worm CYOA-Hard Mode
Marvel CYOA-Wizard
"ugh, I'm getting bored of the same shit-" click click click "something new, something new, something ne- huh?" returning to the interwebs I give a quick look at my read stories and come up with an answer. The Tinker Of Fiction of Worm, everyone I read was mediocre at best so I think I can give it a go... Im not saying I can do better than the ones I've read, but at least it will be mine.
"let's a go" I mutter to myself quietly
Opening up a new window, I quickly find an appropriate CYOA and start filling it out, selecting all the basics with precision born of many, many, boring weekends I get to the power section, and going Shardless, cuz fuck that.
I barely even glance at any power, already knowing what I need, I only skim the names till I get to the right one-
"aha, found it!" a small grin graces my face "this, this will be good." without paying much attention I quickly select T*inke*r Of F*iction.
With all that done, I spend some time thinking up some scenarios, and few hours later return to mindlessly browsing the web.
Later that day as I'm about to belly flop on my bed and get some rest, my surroundings switch in a bling and I land stomach first on concrete knocking the air out of my lungs.
"fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-" laying there, fruitlessly trying to take a breath, I catch a glimpse of my surroundings and I already don't like where this is going.
I'm laying in a moderately clean alley with some washed out graffiti of gang insignias.
Newest of which seems to be a terrible attempt at an eastern dragon coiling around an ...? 4dd? RGG?! "grafik disain iz my pashon" I can only mutter to myself in the dull panic that overwhelms my previous pain and lack of oxygen,
"oh..." I think It was supposed to be ABB, as in Asian Bad Boys. and by god that is the least intimidating gang name in existence...
now if only the gang's leader wasn't a raging fire and metal dragon and his right hand man? thing? thing, a mindless cloning and teleporting suicide bombing assassin. if only.
Minutes later, I am shambling away from the alley, wearing a light gray hoodie, black and green sweatpants and sturdy flip flops. in the dimming light of dusk, trying to catch a glimpse of anyone suspicions... when in reality I may be the only one remotely sus.
why? because everything is s-"-o plain"
like come on! I haven't even seen a single Cape! an no not the fashion kind, I'm talking about superpowered people, because of course that's what they are called here. cringe.
and not only that! but I haven't even had any Tinkerlike ideas about any of the technological thing I've seen like cars and lights an TV's, at least other than the ones I have normally, all with being an Engineering student and all that.
like where are the ideas?! where are the blueprints for the Portal Gun, or the All Spark! Come on!
let me build a Tyranid hatchery or a Pokemon cloning chamber!
"fooo~ calm, breathe, maybe I need raw materials in my possession for it to work. right! let's a' go!"
plan set, first stop acting all fidgety unless the cops that have been doing laps around the block might try something and I don't even have an ID... Im not even an American citizen "fuckfuckfuckfuck-" calm, com on think!
first need a base of operations, no a map, then a base of operations
then buy a cheap mp3 player or a phone whichever comes first.
oh you are wondering how am I going to acquire the funds for the purchases? well, whilst ROB (because duh, how or why else would I end up here) didn't deem it important enough to get me appropriate clothing to wear outside in fall? early winter?, or giving me a working ID, or instructions of how to use my power, *OR* even a fucking note telling me when in the timeline I ended up in!
"fooo~ breathe~"
they did deem it necessary to give me 500 dollars in cash, hooray! "prick"
"tsk tsk tsk" wondering around the city blocks I cant help but get bored of the obviously foreign scenery, which helped calm me down somewhat, but I still need to accomplish my tasks like find a place to stay or-
"owo wots dis"- what in the name of fuckity fuck came out of my mouth right now? I guess I'm still not fully calm and that resulted in my mouth spewing hot garbage, ae cursed memes.
what I meant to point out, was that I found a small tourist shop, which would surely have map for sale!
"oh yea, it's all coming together." okay, I seriously need to keep my mouth shut.
Okay so I have a status update.
one, I found a place to stay... but it's not entirely legal, but I'll get to that later.
two, I managed to get my hands on some cheap electronics, like pc fans, and mp3 players
three, I'm quickly running out of money, with only 378 left over. mostly because I had to get myself some basic necessities like food, water and normal walking shoes and a change of clothes.
four, I may be in trouble...
lets start from the beginning, in the souvenir shop, I found some knockoff items for cheap which was good, then I went to find some food and then clothes at some second hand store and a bag to keep them all in. the problem came from finding a place to stay.
The lone motel I found charged me 75 dollar for a night... and now I understand how the denizens of this city make money off of dumb tourists. so I decided "fuck it" and went looking for a less than legal place to crash at, which turned out to be much harder because every decent place I found was already filled with the homeless population of Brockton Bay!
so I went all out on my search, even commiting the dreaded act of socializing! ugh, for this I chose the easier option of finding older people siting on benches, minding their own business and talking to them about *hurk* POLITICS. *shivers*, damn it, even remembering it gives me the shivers!
the socializing has given me a great insight into this cities politics, even a surprising amount of gang/criminal politics.
there were a disturbing amount of people lamenting the loss of Marquis, murderer who had no problem killing heroes and anyone who went against him or failed his orders... *yeah, that's gonna be a no from me dawg*
alongside that, I also learned a lot about the abandoned structures nearby that got destroyed during cape fights and never fixed... there were a lot.
checking the locations one by one, starting from the closest I finally found my current *base of operations!*(tm) within the 3 floor of the seventh building I checked. it was supposed to be a nine floor apartment complex, but now its a modern art peace, if you look at it with your head up your ass...
I took sanctuary in an apartment that had one of its rooms caved in, causing it to connect to a neibhouring apartment
"Yipee!" I seriously need to stop.
the apartment had a few windows still intact, and most of the furniture had been taken away, the plumbing still works... if you're fine with rust contaminated water but there is no electricity. curiously the lights and electrical wires are still intact. I would've thought anyone desperate for cash would have dug them out to sell, but what do I know. anyways, they will be useful if-*when* I get the hang of my powers.
now while we are on the topic of powers. the final point, and the reasons for which I may be in trouble...
I have been trying to get some Tinkering(tm) done with the items I have acquired for three hours! I even disassembled and reassembled some of the electronics to maybe jumpstart my power but nothing! I even lost some screws like normal!
"screw this, I'm done" its already dark outside, and I have begun hearing loud pops, which I'm guessing are gunshots, it could also be my will to live cracking to bits. who knows, not meeee...
laying down on my newly acquired bag and laying my hoodie across my body, I take a final look at the electronics strewn across the floor in front of me, hoping for something, Anything!
But it's all for naught, all I see is my disappointed reflection in one of the small screens,
looking back at me
judging me
I can do nothing but look back and let my childish defiance show by sticking my tongue out at the reflection... only for it do the same... because it's my reflection, what did you expect?...
"waigh" there is something on the reflection, my tongue looks weird, picking up the tiny screen, I check for scratches to see if the lines that I saw on my tongues reflection sill showed up, but there was nothing.
poking my tongue out with a bit of trepidation, I gaze at the reflection.
there! on my tongue there are what seem to be symbols engraved into my very flesh
"wah geh fuh?!" they look like Command Seals from the fate series, or Esdeath's Teigu from Akame Ga Kill... but on my tongue?
what the fuck is going on?! I don't remember any other Tinker Of Fiction having anything similar!
Is it because I picked the shardless variant? but I clearly remember there being noth...
clearly remember...
wait wait wait!
no no no!
Last night, I only managed to sleep for four hours, and if anyone tells you that I cried my self to sleep, then it's best if you dont trust them... not because they are liars, but because they are absolute dickheads that don't respect my privacy...
anyways where were we?
oh right, the Trinket Of Friction... god damn it, I could've spent a minute to read the titles properly. now what am I supposed to do? I had whole plans setup for Tinker Of Fiction, Thinking of all the powerful items I could've crafted like the Arc Of The Cosmos or the Excalibur or anything else, damn it thinking about it makes me want to cry again.
no none of that!
I have a Power! I need to figure out how it works! and with it I shall destroy Zion! no matter how weak it is I will kill Zion!-
no matter how weak it is I shall *try my best* to kill Zion!
after waking up and stuffing my face with bread, I Am Ready To Go BEYOND!
I focus my attention on one of the knockoff Walkmans, a JogPerson if I'm reading the label correctly, and will the Trinket Of Friction to activate...
for a few tense moments nothing seems to happen
and then
Its like a 3D model of the item appeared in my mind, but instead of scientific diagrams one would expect from a Tinker powerset, i have a feel of where every atom... no sub-atomic particle that makes up the mp3 player is as well as gauge the coefficient of friction of each particle, which all come up as [1x]
"huh fascinating... what if I were to do a bit of this and that-"
with simple thought, I seemingly select the layer of particles closest to the floor the mp3 is laid on and turn the [1x] into [5x]
after which, I try and pick up the item only for it to give off a harsh sound like a paper shredder and leave a layer of plastic stuck to the floor
I can use this...
I can use this,
ooh yeah, I can make this work!
swiftly picking up another Item, this time a Miss Militia branded toy phone and with a quick bit of magic it is sliding across the floor like an air hockey puck.
Oh yeah.
next I try testing the range by focusing on a piece of debris I can see through the door two rooms away, and take control of its friction values without any effort.
"okay, now this is getting good!"
with barely a thought, I extend my will upon the very room I sit in, then into the apartment
Then the building
Then The Block!
Then The CITY!
and come back to my senses with my nose profusely spewing blood and brain being used as a grindstone...
but even that can't stop the grin I have plastered on my face.
"oh yeah, its all coming together."
Hi, It has been a week since last update, my lovely imaginary audience.
what have I been up to during the week you ask? well let me fill you in (not in that way, ew! get your head out of the gutter!)
anyway, where was I... oh right The Week(tm)
well, you see, I have been extremely busy.
first I dug out the water pipes and electrical wires from one of the many empty apartments, then got to work dismantling the rest of my tech that I bought.
using the electromagnets inside the fans, the electrical wires I dug out and some of the water pipes... water pipes in the USA from around 1960s, meaning most of the older ones are still copper.
and now I have multiple basic generators that will only stop working in 17years time, how did I make them? you ask, you aren't a tinker! you say... did you forget? I am injinir! why would it take so long to stop a basic generator? because I reduced the friction of the moving components to [0.14x], allowing them to move without worry. some of you might be asking '0.14? why not 0' well the hole in one of my walls and then later the large splatter of metal dust on my ceiling should be enough of an answer. how did that happen you ask?
well the first happened when I turned every particle's friction in a single item to [0x] causing said item to ignore everything, such as the wall, gravity, earth's rotation, suns gravity, light... everything, but whilst the Item was ignoring everything that tried to affect it, it also did a terrifyingly good impression of the Juggernaut, by making everything around it give way. such as slipping through the atomic spacing of the wall's structure and during it making said space...
basically, it rammed into the wall full force without protection, covered in lube and forced its tiny hole to become a gaping maw.
no, I will not apologies.
the second? well, seeing the first example, I had to experiment a bit and I might have miscalculated, just a bit.
the previous time I merely selected the item as a whole and reduced the coefficient of friction... this time I selected each individual particle as a separate entity and just slowly reduced the coefficient until the item started drifting away.
as it still had some friction, when contacting the wall, this time instead of making the wall bend to its will, it crashed (slowly) against the wall and spread it particles everywhere. and now that part of the wall is covered in fine dust of metal and plastic
now then, after all that. I have been out exploring the hel-city that I have been so graciously dropped in, and I finally got to see my first Cape! *yayy!*
it was Lung, *nayyyy!*
and then, dear listeners, I got to see my first Cape fight. *yay?*
It was after seeing Lung, that multiple colorful streaks of light came from the sky, which turned out to be the knockoff green lanterns, ae Laserdream and Shielder.
why the two kids thought challenging Lung head on was a good idea I don't know, it was most likely caused because of the alien parasites, anyway power wise the kids had the upper hand, they could stay in the air, allow Shielder to protect Laserdream from lung's fire and anything else he throws at them and let Laserdream bombard him with her superior firepower... or at least that is what any sane person would assume should have been done.
but noooo~ the alien parasites feeding on our creativity can't have hosts that think clearly, no siree! we wouldn't want free thinking and creative use of powers now would we. drawn out conflict is the only path to correct evolution needed to outlive entropy.
because of course! how can I, a mere mortal, a host species know any better that the great space jellyfish! shame on me!
where was I, right yes
what actually happened was the photon duo stopped in the air dozen feet away from the walking time bomb and asked him to surrender peacefully
he did not
(you can clearly see where I'm going with this)
the talk allowed Lung to start ramping up, and seeing this the flying duo did not do the smart thing and use the upperground for their advantage,
instead Shielder charged at Lung, knocking both of them back and blocked Laserdream's firing line, the two continued flying down the street till lung grabbed and flung the young man through a building and then when he was about to follow it up with a fire ball, he got blasted through another building by Laserdream,
after that I cant really recall the details because I was doing the sensible thing and running for my life.
and I didn't stop running till I was at home base... and didn't leave for two days. why? because
the outside wowd is scawy
after I got over my crippling fear of this feral world (not), I was experimenting more with my power, and let me tell you. if you thought it was broken before, then you are gonna hate me now kekekekek
while before I was experimenting by reducing the coefficient of friction, this time I experimented with increasing it
and hooo boy!
do you have any idea how intoxicating it feels to throw a pebble and have it streak through the air blazing and burning like a meteor?!
well I cant really tell you, not because it doesn't feel good, but because its indescribable.
It's like throwing a Fire Ball spell, but with more thinking involved. now I have some ideas to how I can weaponize it!
I only need an airsoft gun!
Hahahahahahha aha hahAHAHAHAHAHHA!
*3 hours later*
walking out of an airsoft shop
I have some ideas to how I can weaponize it!
I only need a Nerf blaster!
...no it's not because the cheapest yet reliable airsoft pistols cost over 100+ dollars... umm
Nerf blasters have bigger projectile! right!
I need the Nerf blaster because it has a bigger projectile and easier to fix or modify when necessary.
*minutes later*
walking out of a Toys"R"Us with a Nerf pistol that only cost me 16.63 tax included, I cant help but grin at all the possibilities that have opened up before me
one of them being cheap yet reliable ammunition for my power.
now where to next?
"the docks, it would be usefull to get close to one of the main characters and possibly get a job to acquire funds" nodding to myself I set off towards the docks
whilst buying a newspaper from one of the stands.
hmm the date seems to be October 14th 2010
and the headlines don't really give me much information other than what could possible be Shadow Stalker and the Undersiders being blamed for a small time robbery... granted they weren't mentioned with the name but the title said something about a violent vigilante with smoke like power disappearing and right after notices of robberies happening with reports of smoke powers being used "coincidence or a turn to villainy!" "a birth of a new villain in BrocktonBay?" and many other clickbait titles present.
October 2010, huh.. that gives me plenty of time to get things rolling and possibly letting me save the moron from the locker.
No I'm not going to befriend her. I'm only planning on saving her because being trapped in that shitbox is a fate I'd only wish to my worst enemies, other than that little miss escalation isn't that good of a person in my opinion and I'd rather watch grass grow for a day (and damn, now that I think about it, that would be a great way to relax.) than spend a minute in the same room as her.
also she is a teenager (14 or 15 currently) and I'm a university student... I'm getting nowhere near her.
now onto getting a JOB!
danananaaa!~ "Onwards!"