Chapter Six



"I think that's deep enough." Alec stands back and wipes his brow, leaving a smear of dirt on his forehead.

I twist my lips at the hole we've dug. We both know it could be deeper, but we've already hung around in one spot for an hour. We're pushing our luck when it comes to evading the Silver Hunters.

There's an awkward moment as we stand there. Professor Trowles's body is next to the hole, her eyes closed and her face pale. All of her energy and sparkle is gone. She's nothing but a husk of the person she was.

Anger and sadness ripples through me. I barely even knew her, but she was one of the few people at Hawthorn who welcomed me in with open arms. She didn't whisper when I entered a room or treat me like I had the plague.

Which one of the Silver Hunters was responsible for her death?

My fingers curl into the dirt. I want to find that person. I want to make them pay for what they did.