
Chapter 156: The Temporal Unity

The Timekeepers sailed on, their vessels gliding gracefully through the currents of the temporal river. The wisdom of the Codex of Temporal Knowledge had revealed the true nature of their adversaries, the Echoes of Eternity, and the daunting task that lay ahead. But they were not deterred; their resolve only grew stronger.

As they ventured deeper into the river, the ever-shifting landscapes of time itself unfolded around them. Temporal eddies and whirlpools danced like fireflies, and glimpses of distant eras flickered in the distance. It was a reminder that their journey was not linear but a tapestry woven from countless threads of time.

Darian, Elara, and Kael gathered on the deck of their vessels, their eyes focused on the swirling energies that surrounded them. They were more than mere travelers now; they were guardians of the temporal river, entrusted with the preservation of the cosmos.