
[ The Spirit Serpent has sensed a portion of its energy from an unfamiliar vessel ].

The Serpent's huge and scaly tail lifted itself into the air before slamming onto the ground, with the aim of killing Max.

[ You have been perceived as an enemy ]

This displayed before Max's eyes as he swiftly rolled over to safety.

The Serpent's gaze hardened and it opened its mouth and a huge ball of slime made it's way towards Max.

[ Ability : Slimes are highly poisonous. Once in contact with a person, it kills slowly and painfully ].

A barrier of fire rose from the ground around Max, protecting him from the Spirit Serpent's attacks. The Spirit Serpent kept on sending slimes his way but to no avail as they were unable to penetrate the barrier.

Several large fire balls extracted themselves from his fire barrier and speedily moved towards the Spirit Serpent. As soon as fireballs hit the beast, explosions were made but the Serpent felt little or no effect from his attack.

Max gritted his teeth. He started running towards the snake that swung every part of its body at him as it spat out slimes. Hurriedly, Max jumped and clinged to the Serpent's tail before making his way up its back.

The Serpent immediately began to sway its body from side to side, trying to shake off the figure on it's back but Max was stubborn and tightly clung to it.

As he ran up it's back, flames began engulfing his body. The heat from the flames did have an effect on the Serpent as it let out screams, though there were no burns on its body due to the large amount of mana that had coated its scales making them as hard as diamond. Max continued running till he made his way to its head. He slammed his palms against its head and a burst of lava went through it.

The head being the most vulnerable part of the Serpent's body from Max's observation as it was not coated in the beast's mana. In an instant, the head exploded into tiny bits which melted after some time. The headless body fell to the ground with a bang.

[ You have been able to harm the Spirit Serpent ]

[ 500 gems have been rewarded to your account ]

[ XP 50/100 ]

[ You have successfully triple ranked up ]

Player Name : [ Shadow_Demon ]

Rank : [ Mortal being ]

[ No. 5221 ]

Number of kills : [ 11 ]

Special skills : [ Summoner of the flame demon ].

The fire all over his body disappeared as he walked down from the Serpent's lifeless body. Something amongst the bits of beast flesh attracted him and that was the red crystal that had been engraved on the Serpent's forehead.

He picked up the crystal and stared at it.

[ Core of the Spirit Serpent ]

[ ??? ]

[ Core cannot be absorbed due to mana absorption limit ]

Just then, the crystal began to glow and slowly it made its way out of his hand and towards the lifeless and headless Serpent. A bright light emerged from the crystal and it soon spread over the Serpent. When the lights disappeared, Max could see the Serpent had regenerated its head just as it had been before he killed it, with the crystal back in its position.

Max quickly took to a fighting stance in case the Serpent were to attack but to his surprise, the Serpent moved towards him only to slightly bow its head before him.

"Huh?" Max could only poke his head to the side in confusion.

[ The Spirit Serpent has acknowledged your level of strength and wishes to become your ally ].

[ You have earned the title, ' First Mortal ally of the Spirit Serpent ' ].

Max couldn't believe his eyes. He had now become more like a friend to the monstrosity before him. Despite the fear he felt, his hand moved to pat the Serpent's head.

Meanwhile at the different game destinations where other players were, their devices beeped.

[ Game announcement : Shadow_Demon has become the first mortal ally of the Spirit Serpent, guardian of the crystal island ].

*. *. *.

A handsome young man with waist length silver hair, his whole appearance that of a human, sitting with his legs crossed. The only inhuman thing about him were his elongated upper canines.

Before him were golden letters floating in the air as if they were written on an invisible piece of paper.

[ Shadow_Demon has become the first mortal ally of the Spirit Serpent, guardian of the crystal island ] .

He slowly ran his long tongue over his fangs.

"He's making a mark already," He said as he rested his chin on his palm, with bored eyes staring at the golden symbols.

"Sire, I strongly believe he is worth the throne," A female dressed in a body hugging silk dress that reached her feet, standing not far away from him, said.

"Not until he beats me in a fight," The young man replied.

"Pardon me Sire, I thought you weren't going to partake in the event," The lady said.

"I will but not now. I want to see how far he progresses before I come into the spotlight."




A man dressed in black robes slashed through the neck of the last opponent that had come his way and the body fell flat on the ground. The man panted as he decided to rest for a little while. He glanced at the device on his wrist.

[ Game duration : 2:06:03 ]

"I still have time left," He said to himself as he took a deep breath.

All of a sudden, A gust of wind swept his surroundings.

"What's going on?" He rhetorically asked as his grip tightened over his sword, keeping his eyes fixed on the area at which the wind was stronger.

Soon, a black hole began to form at that area causing a blast of energy enough to push the man away. The man could only plunge his sword into the ground and hold onto it because his life depended on it as he could be blown away to death.

Once the black hole had grown to a specific size, A number of five monstrous pigs wearing silver armours stepped out and the portal disappeared behind them.

"I can sense his presence. It's not far from here. It's within this area," The one at the front who seemed to be the leader, said. "We need to do as the king ordered and return immediately."

"Who are you?" The man in black robes asked in fear as he had never seen pigs that were so human-like in structure. The pigs shifted their gaze to see who had spoken as they had been so immersed in their conversation to even pay attention to someone's presence close to them.

"Where is Shadow_Demon?" The leader of the pigs asked.

"Shadow_Demon? Who is that?" The man looked confused but on a second thought, he believed the pigs were also players and if he could kill them all, he would definitely rank up.

Without even weighing his decision, he charged at them.

"Useless," The leader sneered as he waved his hand. The man suddenly stopped in his tracks as if he had been glued to a spot. He began feeling stabbing pains all over his body and his bones started breaking on their own accord. His skin quickly wrinkled and turned grey. His eyeballs bulged out from their sockets as if they wanted to be free. The hair on his head retracted, leaving him bald.

After a minute of the hellish experience that felt like eternity, the disfigured and lifeless body of the man dropped to the ground. Black energy slowly seeped from his body and made their way into the body of the leader of the pigs.

"Refreshing," He sighed before saying to the others, "Let's move."