
[ Defeat the soul Eaters ]

[ Reward : 500 gems ]

[ Reward : +10XP ]

The leader of the pigs took out a blood red axe that emitted a red aura.

"Let's see if you're truly the one," He snorted. Max shook his head and chuckled darkly.

"See all you want."

The pig charged forward swiftly moving his axe through the air. As soon as he got to where Max stood, the boy disappeared.


At that instant, he sensed the boy's presence behind him. He turned around to let his axe stop the incoming blade in mid air.

Max jumped backwards in disappointment.


He firmly held his sword and rushed at the pig. The both weapons clashed and a clanging sound was produced. The clanging continued for a while till Max once again disappeared.

"Stop playing games kid," The pig shouted, making sure to look around incase Max appeared.

"It's not called games you swine!"

Max appeared in the air above the pig's head and launched a kick right into it.

A blast of wind surged from the attack and threw the pig a few metres past his comrades.

"I can't let a kid beat me so easily," The pig thought to himself before getting back on his feet.

"Why don't you die already?" Max had a dissatisfied look on his face. The pig smiled and began running in a zig-zag manner towards the boy.

"Because you're still alive!" He shouted and flung his axe through the air towards Max.

Before the axe could reach Max, he disappeared and reappeared in front of the pig. In the blink of an eye, the sword in his hand swiftly drove through the pig's chest where its core was situated.

Max could see the energy reflect from his chest. Meanwhile, the axe had taken a reverse in the air, making a turn for Max from behind as fast as it could.

"Bye, bye," Max waved as he forcefully pulled out his sword and ducked.

A clean cut was made as the axe went through the pig's neck. Blood splattered from the cut and the body dropped to the ground turning the soil red.

Max held his sword against his nose and inhaled deeply the smell of the black liquid on it.

"The sweet smell of a beast's death," He sighed before averting his gaze towards the other four pigs. "You won't be going scot free you know."

Within a few more minutes, the ground was littered with the dead bodies of the soul eaters that dried up and decayed soon after.

The vines on Max's arm retracted and the glow all over him faded.

"What just happened?" He looked at the dead bodies on the ground and at the sword in his hand.

[ You have been freed from the control of the Beast slayer ]

[ You have earned 500 gems ]

[ You have gained 10XP ]

[ XP 60/100 ]

"Geez this sword has got some crazy power," Max said to himself, keeping his gaze fixed on the sword.

Player Name : [ Shadow_Demon ]

Rank : [ Mortal being ]

[ No. 5216 ]

Number of kills : [ 24 ]

Special skill(s) : [ Tamer of the flame demon ]

Title : [ Mortal ally of the Spirit Serpent ]

"That's progress," Max said with a sudden air of pride that hovered around him.

[ Game duration : 00:25:10 ]

"Well, the game will be over soon," He sighed. It was then something occurred to him.

"Let's see if you're truly the one."

He could remember hearing those words faintly when the Beast slayer had taken over his body.

What did the soul eater mean by that?

It certainly sounded like an expensive joke to Max's ears. How would someone from this world even know who he was? Much less beasts?

Nothing seemed right at all. There were questions he needed answers to that even the system would not answer. First, why was everyone trapped in the game? and why were creatures always coming out of nowhere to ' seek his worth '?

Were they mistaking him for someone else? Even if they hadn't, what did they want or even mean by seeking his worth? Who was the creator of the world and what did he want to achieve by keeping people trapped?

He didn't have a good relationship with his mum and hated her to an extent he couldn't even measure but right now, he couldn't even begin to imagine the amount of grief she must have been going through after finding out her son was trapped in a game with no possible means of exit.

Meanwhile, a tree not far away from where Max sat deep in thoughts, hid two bat creatures with one horn each protruding from their heads.

"Is that who I think it is?" The one smaller in size widened it's eyes.

"It has already begun. More and more powerful entities will keep on making their way to him until the game is over," The bigger one said.

"Do you think he'll be able to last? He's just a kid from the human world that knows nothing about what he truly is," Smaller horned bat said.

"He'll find out sooner or later. As long as he is the one, things will always work out," The bigger horned bat replied. "Let's leave before we keep the mistress waiting."

And with that they flew off, flapping their wings through the air. After flying through a fairly long distance, the horned bats came to settle on the shoulders of a young lady with ankle-length red hair.

"So the rumors are true?" The lady lifted an eyebrow.

"Yes, Mi' lady, he is the one," The bigger horned bat said.

"Amber," The red haired lady called.

A teenage girl quickly moved to her side from the group of people behind her dressed in red with a mixture of black uniforms, though her uniform was of a different style.

"Yes, Lady Lydia," The girl quickly bowed.

"I want you to keep an eye on the boy," Lydia said keeping a straight gaze.

"Yes, Lady Lydia," Amber replied and disappeared afterwards.

"You too, Vell. Go with her," Lydia said to the smaller horned bat. The bat slightly bowed its head before flying towards the direction it had earlier come from.

*. *. *.

"Arrgh!" The swine whom stood on a hill aggressively threw a glass ball on the ground. The pig beside him whom was obviously one of his soldiers rushed to pick up the ball which showed no cracks as if it had never touched the ground.

"Just one! Just one simple task! Just one simple task and they failed! He's just a child who doesn't know anything. For goodness sake, he is new to this world!" The king pig shouted, repeatedly slamming the end of his bony staff against the ground.

"They must have respawned outside the game by now, Sire. I could send for them if you want," The soldier said.

"Damn them! I don't want to see them or else I'll only send them to the grave for real this time," The king said filled with rage.

He continued. "If only I could get the kid, do you know what that would mean? It would be considered my victory, my reign! and I'm not going to stop until I kill him or keep him hostage."





Kayla rolled her eyes and sighed.

"You know you're intruding my privacy. It's embarrassing, you know."

Mrs Addison's eyes narrowed and her mouth dropped open.

"I am your mother! You don't dare talk to me like that."

"And Max is my brother! You don't dare stop me from trying to save him," Kayla retorted.

"You're starting to cross your boundary, missy," Mrs Addison said with a hint of anger in her voice. She then turned to the two girls seated on Kayla's bed. "Brenda, Ruby, I want you two going home now."

"What?!" Kayla sounded alarmed as she watched her friends scurry out of her room. "Why would you do that?"

"Because I am your mother!"

"Oh don't tell me that bullshit!" Kayla was on her feet already. "You're Max's mum too then why don't you think of something? Why don't you save him? It seems I'm the only one worried about him. You think crying is enough to show that you care. Oh c'mon, I cry too and I also look for solutions."

Mrs Addison looked speechless.

"Tell me, do you really think you are fit to be a mother?" Kayla asked.

"Kayla, stop it already," Mrs Addison buried her face in her palms.

"Oh it hurts now," Kayla widened her eyes.

"Kayla I said stop! Mrs Addison moved her hands from her face to her grab her hair as tears trickled down her cheeks.

"If you want me to stop, if you want me to not go into that game then bring my brother back. It's hard to not know who my father is, let alone lose my brother," Kayla sneered as she walked past her mother and out of the room.


But there was no response and the next thing she heard was the door of the house close with a bang.