
"On the contrary, I have decided to place before you two offers," The punisher began. "Life or Death?"

Jim looked at the woman in amusement.

"Are you threatening me, Giselle?"

"Hmph. My threats would literally be worse than death so I'd rather not say that. By the way, learn to treat the punisher with respect and not by referring to her by her name," The punisher said.

"Tsk, tsk, I'm not a fan of life neither am I a fan of death so your offers wouldn't certainly apply to me. Go find someone else to play your childish games with," Jinn replied.

The punisher ignored him and dived further into the explanation of her so called ' offer '.

"By quietly returning to the sands of time as it's core, life will certainly be your option. Refusing to heed to my instruction and also not being remorseful even after being given a second chance, though having violated the standard code, you have then decided to embrace death."

"I am time you can do no such thing!" Jinn snapped.