Two heads against one

"You may ask your question," He added.

"Why are you ruling beasts so handsome?" Hillary asked with the funniest look he had ever seen.

Leon released a chuckle. What in the hell was going through the girl's mind?

"We're handsome because we are," He replied amidst laughter.

"I don't mean to ask such an unnecessary question but it is a thing of surprise for me to see beasts who are extremely good-looking. Hearing the word, ' Beast ' already leaves an impression of wild, mindless, and ugly-looking beings and so far, this world has proved that. I mean, I have come across the tree beasts and they were quite beautiful. They were the only good-looking ones I have come across until now but you guys are just amazing. You are extremely good-looking," Hillary said with a glint in her eyes.

Leon just couldn't keep his laughter in check with the way the girl was acting.

"You are one funny girl," He said.