Network of hands

Dealing with the Grime Primates had been quite the headache. Despite fighting off such large number, Lenora had assured him that they were certain to come across more of the beasts along the way to finding the cure they were in search of.

 "I feel sore from fighting off those things," Max scrunched up his face to accompany his tone of complaint.

 "That's just the beginning, Max. If you want to make it out of here in one piece, better not even think of getting tired," Lenora said, stressing her point on every word.

 Max sighed.

He was thinking ahead of just being tired. He was dreaming of a nice long sleep.

However, they continued moving further into the colourful land. 

 Unknown to them, the ground some meters behind the part they had their feet on began to break apart the further they moved. The manner at which the rocks detached themselves took to a swift movement and soon reached the ground right behind them.