Failed Experiment

"By the way, where is Nicole? I haven't seen him around," She turned to face him.

 "About Nicole..."

"What about him?" Worry slowly began to creep onto her face.

 "He is still under the influence of the man who took you both away," Max replied.

 "I see," Hillary deeply inhaled. She didn't know what to say or to think at that moment.

 Max reached for her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

 "Nicole is like a brother to me. I will surely get him back. Whatever Cecil may be planning, I will not let him soil my brother in it," He said with a gentle look in his eyes.

 "I trust you will get him back. We will get him back," Hillary pursed her lips and nodded.

 Just then, they were quick to notice the presence of someone else.

 "I might have to change my private spot since Max keeps leaving trails behind," Lenora sighed and tilted her head to the side to see who had walked in.