Droplets of elimination

The thunder settled to a continuous rumbling across the thick dark clouds that engulfed the sky, giving way to a downpour of beads of water. The rain came down straight and heavily raged against the surface of the ground as if sent to deliver punishment to the soil.

His whole body felt heavy and as he proceeded to take a step forward he could feel the pressure around his body get a little more intense, with his movement being accompanied by a mechanical sound.

His eyes rolled onto his hands which he held forth, turning it back and front just to either get a clearer view of what his hands were encased in or to merely emphasize a sight he was surprised by.

His eyes rolled over to his legs and yet he saw the same thing.

Silver parts...

A silver armour...A silver plate

"What is this meant for?" He whispered to himself. It was still raining heavily and there was no telling of when it would come to a stop.

' Why am I dressed in armour? '