Against the leader of the tree women

With his teleportation ability, it would have been easier to arrive at their destination but the problem with the map was that some spots on it had names while others didn't.

The place after the Forest of Eleanor which they were to go through was not named and as such, they had to find their way themselves.

Even the destination of the bane evaders was not named on the map and as a result of how his system teleportation worked, he would need to state his destination.

"I'd advise you to stand back," One of the botanical beasts stepped forward.

She appeared to be the most elegant of them all.

"I have no business with you. I have come for the special one," She added. Her voice depicted so much royalty and so did her elegance.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" They heard a voice from behind and their eyes met with the purple-eyed boy who was back on his feet.