Lady Azel

Their next stop were the training grounds for the lowest disciple ranking in the purple hibiscus.

"It's so beautiful and excellent furnished," Hillary exclaimed as she took note of the training equipments around.

There were a few disciples present there. Some of them were in a state of meditation while others were taking turns to fight a particular wooden dummy.

Just as they were about to move to the next stop of their tour, a man dressed in uniform that was quite different from those worn by by junior and senior disciples came up to the Lady Lydia.

"My lady, a visitor has come to see you," He announced with his head bowed.

"What visitor is this?" Lady Lydia asked, eyes squinted.

"Oh Lydia, how could you forget that I'd be visiting today?!" A voice with elegance behind it came from behind the uniformed man who quickly moved aside to reveal the owner of the voice.

"Oh my, Azel!" Lady Lydia exclaimed.