To retrieve 10 Millin cores

The minotaur picked him up unexpectedly from the ground for the third time and bashed his head through the ground before flinging him against a tree.

Max clenched his teeth in groans. He could hear the sounds of not only his ribs but also the bones in his back breaking.

The metallic taste in his mouth had grown quite intense that he finally spat out the red liquid.

"This is tougher than I expected," He got on his feet as his injuries swiftly healed up.

Since he had upgraded his eagle eye skill, he had gained the ability to see the health of his opponent. Throughout the game, he was only able to beat up and straight up kill them without having to see how far their health had decreased or increased.

The minotaur had gone halfway but it was still determined not to give up. Most of the time, it did the same repetitive bashing and smashing techniques that reduced Max's HP with ease.