It's been two days

The sect elder led Max to the door of the room where Blair stood.

However, the elder halted in her stops, causing Max to do same.

She turned to face Blair who stood silently, patiently waiting to receive a command from her mistress.

"You're dressed in this again?" The elder asked, a look of amusement on her face. "I didn't notice this earlier."

"Yes, my lady," Blair smiled sheepishly. "It has a really nice style and I like it."

"Whatever you choose to do, Blair," The elder shook her head in a short chuckle. As she walked off, she let out words for Blair to hear.

"I'll be back soon!" She announced.

"Yes, my lady," Blair responded after her.

"Isn't she a junior disciple?" Max allowed his curiosity to get the best of him, referring to Blair.

"No. Blair isn't a disciple at all," The elder shook her head slowly.

She continued.