Before a week

"She was this old lady and she lived somewhere far into this place. I don't even think I can recall the road that leads to it anyway, that's how far it is. I had to go through manipulating tunnels in order to reach her garden to fetch nuts. First of all, why would you grow a garden behind such stressful thing? The people in this world really enjoy stressing out in every little thing," Bryan tried to catch up with his breath after rushing over his words.

"The tunnels were why it took so long?" Max questioned.

"Yes. They were like so many of them and in the one I decided to go through, it was hell on its own. I see why the time limit was up to a week," Bryan sighed. "At least it is over now and I can finally feel my bones again."

"A week?!" Sal, Nicole, and Max chorused in unison.