chapter 10:

After the battle with the legendary wolf, Juna and her companions continued on their journey through the forest. As they walked, Juna couldn't help but think about what other challenges they would face on their quest to save Edondel.

Suddenly, they heard a loud noise from up ahead. They cautiously approached the source of the noise, and soon saw a massive tree being uprooted by a group of trolls. The trolls were massive, towering over Juna and her companions, and they were clearly not friendly.

Juna drew her sword and prepared to fight, but her companions were unsure of what to do. They had never seen trolls before, and they were terrified of the beasts.

Juna knew that they needed a plan, so she quickly came up with a strategy. She instructed her companions to stay back and throw rocks at the trolls to distract them, while she snuck around to attack them from behind.

The plan worked, and Juna was able to take the trolls by surprise. She sliced through their thick hide with her sword, causing them to roar in pain. But there were too many of them, and soon Juna was surrounded.

Just when it seemed like all was lost, a group of elves appeared out of nowhere and began firing arrows at the trolls. Juna and her companions quickly realized that these elves were not ordinary creatures, but rather skilled archers from the elven kingdom of Luminar.

With the help of the elves, Juna and her companions were able to defeat the trolls and save the tree from being destroyed. The elves introduced themselves as members of the elven army, sent to patrol the forest and keep the peace.

Juna thanked the elves for their help and asked if they knew anything about the looming threat to Edondel. The elves informed her that they had heard rumors of a dark sorcerer who was amassing an army of monsters and planning to attack the kingdoms of Edondel.

Juna knew that this must be the same sorcerer that her mentor had warned her about. She knew that they needed to stop him before it was too late.

With the help of the elves, Juna and her companions continued on their journey towards the sorcerer's stronghold. They knew that the battle ahead would be difficult, but they were determined to save their world from destruction.