Anxiety Disorders and One Night Stands

(I'm trying to adjust my writing to a third-person point of view. I wanted to just write a short NaruHina lemon, but it turned out much longer. Please let me know your thoughts!)

Hinata Hyuuga had a terrible day, to put it lightly. It all started in the morning, right after clocking in for her part-time shift at the cafe. Despite Icha Cafe being the only of its kind, it was overwhelmingly successful, and there had even been recent talk about opening a few more locations.

Usually, she either made the drinks or worked the drive-through window because the shy girl didn't do well when facing unruly or rude customers. Today, though, Sakura called in sick. Hinata knew better. Yesterday was Friday, meaning the pink-haired girl went clubbing with Ino like she does almost every weekend. It's almost certain she was simply hungover.

If the owner, Jiraiya, didn't think Sakura was so attractive, and Sakura didn't flirt with him because she was aware of the fact, she'd have been fired long ago for how often she didn't come to work. All of the employees are young women between the ages of eighteen and twenty-three, as a matter of fact.

When Hiashi Hyuuga heard where his eldest daughter had chosen to gain work experience while attending college, he was so angry he threatened to make her move back home. Neji and Hanabi had to talk the man down, explaining that it was Hinata's choice now that she was an adult.

And that she was: an adult.

After having some particularly disabling panic and anxiety disorder issues, the family doctors and therapists all but demanded the heiress take a gap year before attending school. She blamed her father for the social conditions because he forced her to be homeschooled by hired professionals. So, at age nineteen, Hinata was a year behind those her age at Konoha Private College, struggling to figure out how to befriend someone, anyone.

With trembling fingers and her very best attempt at a casual smile, Hinata took order after order and insult after insult from snobby, entitled customers who probably didn't have another outlet for their frustrations. Her blood pressure was so high by the time her shift ended that she spent ten minutes in her car with the windows rolled up and the air conditioner on full-blast to calm down.

Then she returned to her dorm, which she shared with a bubbly woman named Tenten, who was twenty-one, the same age as her cousin Neji. She was tan, tall, and easy-going, meaning she had plenty of friends. In fact, Tenten had tried many times in the three weeks they'd lived together to convince Hinata to hang out, but the Hyuuga girl panicked each time and found an excuse. Afterward, she'd internally curse at herself because all she needed to do to start making friends like she wanted was to say yes.

Fresh from the shower and in casual clothing, Hinata then attended her afternoon classes. One of her father's stipulations for allowing her to live in the dorms, work, and experience things outside the compound was that he chose all her classes. Unsurprisingly, he loaded her schedule with law-oriented lessons Monday through Saturday. He'd indeed have signed her up for Sunday classes, too, if any professors offered them.

The Hyuuga family is famous for breeding incredibly successful lawyers, attorneys, and even a few court judges in the past. Hinata herself was expected to follow in her family's footsteps, despite having a disposition that severely opposes that line of work. In her own opinion, she'd better thrive as a teacher, preferably of younger children, or at least some office job where encountering consumers face to face wasn't necessary.

In the two classes Hinata attended, she struggled to focus for a number of reasons, many pertaining to her inability to control her anxiety. Living amongst the public, far away from the protective walls of the compound, was scary. By no means did she expect the adjustment to be a cakewalk, but she also hadn't foreseen the atmospheric shock that'd left her mentally and physically reeling since day one. Hinata wasn't sleeping or eating well, and her anxiety medication wasn't enough to quell her unease.

As timid as she was, she still had a grip on her pride.

The last thing she wanted to do was flee with her head low in shame, having to admit to Hiashi that he was right; she wasn't ready to leave home. No, Hinata would stick it out until it wasn't possible anymore, regardless of how that time may arrive.

Back on the topic of her classes, being unable to focus wasn't the worst part. No, that would be the fool she made of herself when the cute boy beside her, Sasuke, asked to borrow a pen. Fumbling to adhere to his request, she dropped the pen on the floor.

Both she and the young man bent to pick it up simultaneously and hit their heads together. The shy heiress apologized profusely, stuttering like an idiot, and couldn't bring herself to meet his eye again for the rest of the lengthy lesson, even though Sasuke immediately assured her everything was alright. When the class was over, Hinata escaped the room before he could return the pen she'd lent him.

"How am I ever going to face him again? We sit right next to each other…." She thought to herself as she walked back to the dorms with her fingers wrapped tightly around the strap of her bag and her head low.

The sun was beginning to set, but her extremely low spirits refused to allow her to look up and enjoy the beautiful colors of the sky. Despite most students not having classes since it was Saturday, the culdesac of dorm buildings she was approaching was alight with life, both inside and out.

Hinata expertly dodged rowdy co-eds playing street basketball, escaping into the second building on the right, where her dorm was on the top floor. The sigh of relief she nearly gave because she thought she'd successfully evaded another awkward encounter with a peer got stuck in her through when she entered her room to see Ino, Sakura, and Tenten in varying states of dress.

Sakura smiled sheepishly while Hinata neatly placed her study items atop her desk, "Hey, sorry about work. My nemesis bested me last night."

Ino and Tenten snickered, the former doing her makeup in a small mirror propped up on her roommate's desk and the latter searching her closet for something to wear.

It'd be uncomfortable if she didn't respond, so Hinata forced herself to ask, "N-Nemesis?"

Sakura sighed defeatedly, causing the heiress to look her way, "Tequila."


The three continued getting dressed, seemingly to go clubbing for the second day in a row. Hinata sat at her desk, opening her notes from the class she'd just taken so she could review them since she couldn't focus earlier. The other three girls chatted casually, ignoring her as she ignored them.

That is until Tenten suddenly spoke from her side, maybe ten minutes later, "Hey, are you alright? You seem more down than usual." Thankfully, she'd lowered her voice so the other two didn't hear as they continued gossiping about some guys they were crushing on.

Swallowing nervously, Hinata pressed her glasses further up her nose with a frown as she shook her head, "I-I…I just had a rough day, that's all. Th-Thank you for your concern."

The assumption that the other girls weren't listening was proven wrong when Ino asked, "Why don't you come out with us, then? We'll cheer you up!" Instantly, the Hyuuga girl stuttered, "I-I-I'm only nineteen, so I-I can't drink. They'll t-turn me away at the door."

As she turned in her seat, Hinata's heart seemed to rise into her throat as the two girls shared a knowing look before the blond replied, "Don't worry about that. The owner's son of the place we're going is, like, in love with me. Sakura and I are the same age as you, anyway."

Hinata's first instinct was to refuse their offer swiftly, but she froze with her mouth half-open. "This is it. Say yes. Prove everyone wrong, and make some damn friends!" She panickedly thought.

Still unsure, the shy girl nodded slowly, "O-Okay, then."

Chaos ensued. Glasses were replaced with contact lenses, bookish clothing was replaced with a strappy black dress, and Hinata's hair and makeup were expertly styled so that when she looked in the mirror an hour later, she didn't even recognize herself.

"How do you hide your chest so well? I had no idea you had such a nice figure!" Tenten mused as the darker-haired girl slipped on short, black high-heeled shoes and practiced walking in them momentarily.

Sakura crossed her arms over her chest, frowning, but her voice was more sad than antagonizing, "Why hide them? Some of us would kill for boobs like that!"

Ino cackled loudly, slapping her best friend's arm, but then she tugged the pink-haired girl's arms and offered a compliment, "You have a nice ass, though. Most men prefer that over tits these days anyway, so cheer up, Forehead."

Tenten, who Hinata felt more comfortable with than the other two because she was more down to Earth and empathetic to her timid nature, led the pack of sexually-dressed young women down the four flights of stairs and into the awaiting taxi she'd summoned.

"You're okay. Everything's okay. Normal people go to these kinds of places all the time, so you can too," Hinata reassured herself internally as they passed the threshold into a dark, loud, and rowdy dance club half an hour later.

Ino was correct earlier. As soon as she told the security guard handling the front doors her name, they were motioned to proceed without a second glance. It'd be impossible to see if it weren't for the hundreds of flashing strobe lights and the dimly lit bar areas on either side of the massive building.

Hinata jumped in shock when Tenten grabbed her hand and began pulling her toward the bar. Once there, she spoke loudly so her uncomfortable friend could hear over the thumping music, "Take a couple of shots with me, and this place won't seem so scary anymore, okay?"

Without much choice, the Hyuuga girl accepted a tiny glass of clear liquid and glanced over to see the three other girls smiling her way with their own. Sakura moved so they could toast, almost yelling over the speakers, "You drink it all in one go! Ready?"

Taking one last deep breath for strength, Hinata nodded, clinked her glass against theirs, and tossed her head back to take all of the liquid in the glass into her mouth at once. Her nose crinkled at the almost medicinal sting when she swallowed, shaking her head as she delicately wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

Ino cheered, "You're a natural, Hinata! Let's do another and then go dance!"

The bartender soon refilled their glasses at the overcrowded bar, and the four girls repeated the process before heading into the giant crowd of sweaty bodies moving to the bumping music.

Having not eaten anything since her morning shift at work, Hinata immediately felt the liquor's effect. In fact, it wasn't until Tenten interlaced both of their hands and began coercing her into dancing with her did she realize they'd already arrived at the room's center. The more time that passed, the easier it became for Hinata to loosen up.

"This is fun! I can't believe I was scared all this time!" She mused as she jumped, danced, and sang along to the popular pop song playing.

After a couple more songs, the tipsy girls returned to the bar to cool down and get some actual drinks rather than shots. Tenten ordered her something clear, but it tasted a bit like cherries or maybe strawberries. Either way, it was easier to palate than the straight liquor from earlier.

Ino, who appeared to be a lightweight, slurred happily, tossing an arm around Hinata's shoulders, "So what happened; why was your day so bad?"

Hinata felt more relaxed than she had in her entire life, so she smiled into her half-empty glass and admitted, "Work sucked, and I made a fool of myself in front of one of my classmates earlier." After some drunken coercion, she explained what happened in class to the three curious girls.

As soon as she told them who it was she'd quite literally butted heads with, Sakura choked on her drink, leaning forward with wide eyes once she cleared her throat, "Sasuke? Sasuke Uchiha?"

The Hyuuga girl nodded, frowning at the humiliating memory before finishing the rest of her drink, "Are you two friends? Can you tell him I'm sorry?"

"Oh, sweetheart, I don't think a man like that has female friends, if you know what I mean," Tenten snickered, patting her pink-haired friend's back reassuringly.

Hinata's brow furrowed confusedly, and she opened her mouth to ask for elaboration but was cut off by a familiar voice, "Hinata!?" The tipsy young woman turned on the barstool, only to nearly fall out of it when she came face-to-face with Neji, her elder cousin.

His pearly eyes danced over her appearance, jaw flexing, "What are you doing here? How did you even get in? And what the hell are you wearing!"

Tenten interjected, standing to pull the statuesque man's arm into hers, "Don't blame her, handsome. I made her come out. Let me make it up to you. Can I buy you a drink?"

Unbelievably surprised, Hinata watched as the slightest hint of pink appeared about her cousin's cheeks, and he sputtered to respond. On the other hand, Tenten offered her roommate a wink, gesturing with a nod that she should use his distractedness as a chance to escape.

Sakura and Ino came to either of her sides and pulled her along to the bar on the opposite side of the club. Once they sat, Sakura in the middle, they ordered another round of drinks.

"Who was that?" The pink-haired girl asked around the straw on her tongue, turning to look in the direction of the other bar, even though it was impossible to see it from where they were.

"Whoever he was, did you see his shoulders? They were so broad! I bet Tenten'd like to put her legs over them!" Sakura and Hinata both gave her bewildered looks as she cackled loudly and drunkenly, slapping the counter as though it were her knee.

"He's my cousin, Neji. I grew up with him, so he's pretty much my brother."

"Hey, Hinata."

The three girls turned to the person sitting on the Hyuuga girl's other side, only to freeze in shock when none other than Sasuke Uchiha sat with a beer and poorly masked irritation.

Hinata sputtered with a bright red face, unable to form a coherent thought in her drunken surprise. The man saved her, "This is the last place I'd expect to see you." Sasuke's eyes were so dark they were almost black, and he chose to keep them on the bar rather than on the girls.

Since he wasn't staring at her, Hinata overcame her shyness enough to reply, "U-Um, I'm sorry about earlier, again."

He scoffed, lifting his drink to his lips as he shrugged as though saying it wasn't even worth speaking about.

"Hinata, introduce us!" Sakura hissed into her ear, making goosebumps rise on her skin.

She did as asked, not wanting to disappoint the girls who could become her friends. "This is Sakura and Ino, by the way. I-I'm not sure if you've met before."

This time, Sasuke's eyes did lift from the counter, and he looked over the three girls with a bored expression, "Nice to meet you. Do you habitually stare at strangers, or are you just drunk?"

Confused, Hinata turned to see both young women staring at him like he was God, and they didn't want to blink or miss a moment. Hinata brought a hand to her lips to hide her amused smile. They seemed as nervous as she always does, and it was humorous that she felt relatively calm.

When neither woman said a word, Hinata faced the Uchiha man again, "Drunk, I-I think."

The corner of his lips turned into a smirk, only to drop when a group of guys arrived, fresh from the dance floor, to join him. One even threw an arm over the man's shoulders as he leaned forward and tried to get the bartender's attention.

Sasuke began bickering with him, so Hinata turned to the girls beside her with a grin, "Want to trade me seats, Sakura? I need to visit the restroom anyway." The pink-haired girl apparently had a thing for the Uchiha man, and she could move seats while the darker-haired woman was gone. Her green eyes widened; she looked back at Ino for reassurance and then faced forward again excitedly.

Not wanting to simply leave without a word like she had after class earlier in the day, Hinata softly nudged Sasuke's arm to get his attention, "P-Please excuse me." He nodded, barely glancing her way before returning to his argument with his friends.

After standing, Hinata fixed her dress as it'd lifted to her upper thighs while she sat. Ino grabbed her arm before she could take a step, "Do you want one of us to go with you?" The Hyuuga woman politely declined the offer, only to be surprised by an unfamiliar voice speaking at her side.

"I'll walk you. There are some creeps out there, y'know?"

Hinata visibly jumped, took a step back, and arched her neck to meet the eye of a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, tan-skinned, and extremely attractive man. Sasuke and the other guys he was with stared, waiting for her response, but she couldn't offer one in her current state.

"At least introduce yourself first. She doesn't even know you!" A brunette man with red facial tattoos teased.

"Oh, shit, you're right!"

The blonde man offered his hand and a blinding smile, "I'm Naruto. You're Hinata, right? I think you're in my professional communications class."

Hinata's eyes darted over to Sasuke since she knew him better, if only slightly, and he rolled his eyes before nodding. So, she shyly shook the handsome man's hand. A small cry of shock left her lips as he continued holding it and led her through the crowd toward the restrooms.

Blush warmed her cheeks as she stared, doe-eyed, at this "Naruto" person's back as she thought, "His hands are calloused, but it feels nice…."

There was a short line for the ladies' room. Naruto didn't let go of Hinata's hand even as the other women glanced at them and whispered to one another about how attractive the pair looked. For some reason, the usually shy Hyuuga girl didn't pull her hand from his and didn't want to, either. Instead, she snuck a peek at him, averting her gaze when he nearly caught her.

"Where did this man come from? How did I even get here, holding his hand? I was at the bar with the others just twenty minutes ago. Neji showing up really changed things."

"You look so different without your glasses that I hardly recognized you. Sasuke had to tell me who you were." The long fingers intertwined with Hinata's tightened slightly as Naruto broke the silence, and the line moved ahead a few steps. She briefly met his eye before looking away, blush flaring hotter as she struggled to respond.

"Sorry. I'm making you uncomfortable, aren't I? My grandpa says I come on too strong sometimes."

"N-No, you're not scary!" Finally, past the point of being tipsy as her most recent drink began to set in, Hinata squeezed his hand back and made herself meet those deep blue eyes head-on.

They widened in surprise before Naruto laughed, tilting his head slightly as he grinned at the short girl, "That's not something a guy hears every day, is it?"

It was finally Hinata's turn to use the restroom, and she brought her hands to her cheeks the moment she was behind the closed door of a stall. Naruto, obviously, waited outside.

"Oh, he's so handsome and nice! What is this feeling?"

After relieving her bladder, she washed her hands but paused to put a hand on her chest, where her heart was beating rapidly.

"If I was with a guy that looks like that, I'd be nervous, too, girl! Go get 'em!" Looking up, she realized three girls were looking at her as they waited their turn. Someone spoke up from one of the stalls, "Are you talking about the blonde guy? I was thinking the same thing!"

After receiving encouragement from strange but friendly drunk women in the restroom, Hinata gathered her strength and exited. Naruto wasn't there anymore. Her stomach dropped, somewhat disappointed, but she shook her head and prepared to brave the crowd on her own so she could return to the bar.

The alcohol had helped her anxiety substantially up to this point, but as she surveyed the hundreds of bodies in the club, a cold sweat dusted her skin. What if someone grabs her, or she faints, and no one realizes it, and she gets stomped to death by drunk people? Trembling hands clenched into fists as she gritted her teeth. Just as she was about to take the first step out of the hallway and into the crowd, a hand wrapped around her wrist.

Hinata jumped in fright, her other hand coming to her chest as she turned to see it was just Naruto. Tears welled in her eyes, but he appeared not to notice as he looked out at the crowd like she'd just been, running his fingers lower on her wrist so his hand could slip into hers, "Sorry, had to take a leak. You ready to head back?"

When they approached the bar where their friends had last been, both were surprised to find most of them missing. Only a couple of his guy friends remained. The same one from before with the facial tattoos gestured for us to join them, "Sai and Sasuke stole your friends; sorry, babe."

Hinata couldn't visually locate any of the girls she'd arrived with, so she had no choice but to join the three men at the bar. "Want another drink? I'll buy." The girl nodded absently at Naruto's question, accepting a glass from the bartender a few moments later.

"This is Kiba, by the way, and that's Shikamaru." "Kiba" lifted a hand in greeting with a toothy grin, but "Shikamaru" just lazily nodded without looking in their direction. His eyes were trained on the crowd as though searching for someone.

"So, what're you majoring in, Hina?"

Hinata's blush returned as Naruto leaned slightly over so their shoulders brushed, lifting a beer bottle to his lips as he waited for her response.

"C-Criminal Justice. You?"

The blond man angled his body toward her, and she mirrored the act, shyly studying his face as he replied, "Business administration. I'm gonna take over my grandpa's business when he retires."

Over the next couple of hours, the two drank, talked, and even danced a bit. The club's closing time, two o'clock in the morning, was swiftly approaching, and neither could find the rest of their friends.

Hinata was drunk, for sure. Naruto held an arm around her back to keep her upright as they headed for the exit, "Let's just head out. We're all going to the same place anyway." His words were slurred and uneven, as he'd had his fair share of alcohol, too.

After somehow hailing a cab and returning to the dorms, Hinata hugged Naruto's arm between both of hers as they stumbled up what felt like a million steps.

Hinata seemed to refocus despite not having been unconscious in what felt like the blink of an eye. It was because Naruto was suddenly kissing her. She thought they were sitting on a bed, hers, and his hands were in her hair while hers clutched at his shirt. Never in her life had she kissed someone, but it felt incredible, so she kept on.

Her voice didn't sound like hers when Naruto pulled back momentarily to pull his shirt off over his head, "Am I doing this right?" A quiet, happy sound rumbled through her chest when she opened her eyes to see that Naruto had a great body with muscles in all the right places.

Then the blonde man kissed her again, speaking through each press of his lips to hers as his hands danced down, "You're doing great. Can I touch you? God, I wanna touch you." He rushed through his answer to her question, too focused on his own.

Hinata nodded quickly, "Me too? Can I-" "Yeah, Hina, go ahead." Naruto was as eager to experience the Hyuuga girl as he was cautious not to do anything without consent.

Hands explored hot, sweaty skin, and tongues danced almost frantically as the pair made their way under the covers. An unfamiliar, brilliant heat began pooling between Hinata's legs when Naruto first laid a hand on her, and its temperature rose with each minute that passed after that.

He eventually tore his lips from hers, dipping down to kiss her neck, knicking her skin occasionally with a soft love bite. The inexperienced girl didn't know what to do about the sensations she was feeling and drunkenly informed her partner of her condition, "I'm so hot right now!" Her voice was breathy and soft in a way she'd never heard in the past.

Some sort of groan vibrated Naruto's chest, and he turned his face more toward her ear, breathing just as heavily as her, "Should I stop?"

Hinata made a disgruntled sound instantly, "No, don't! Just…. Just help me undress." Maybe removing the stuffy dress would bring her some satisfaction.

Naruto sat on his knees, helping Hinata sit up so he could reach behind her and unzip the dress that hugged her body as tightly as a glove. Then they drunkenly removed it, tossing the clothing item haphazardly away.

Calloused hands met damp skin, offering gentle yet energetic caresses and grips in a way that made Hinata squirm. She slowly lay back down, eyes dancing over Naruto's sensual appearance. His knees were on either side of her, and the moonlight coming in from the window put a shadow over his body that was incredibly flattering.

Lavender eyes traveled down, blue ones taking in the girl's reaction, to his pants, where something had obviously hardened and wanted to be released from its clothing prison. With inexperienced hands, Hinata unbuttoned Naruto's belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, and then ran a hand up his torso to feel the firmness of his body under her fingers.

Naruto hovered over her, then, a hand on either side of her head to support his weight. Before he could speak, Hinata breathed out, staring at his lips and hoping he'd kiss her again, "What do I do? I'm still so hot."

The blonde man's blue eyes were hazy and unfocused in his inebriation, "Wanna do it?"

Hinata couldn't comprehend what "it" meant in her state, but she nodded anyway because everything the man had done to her since their meeting had been stellar. Maybe he knew how to cool her down. He didn't seem surprised or confused at all by anything she did, so she put her trust in his judgment.

The pair removed the remains of their clothing before Naruto reached over to fumble for something on the nightstand. Hinata panted for breath, hands on either of his thighs and eyes struggling to tear from the male body part she'd yet to see in person until that point, "What're you doing? Can I do something to help?"

The man straightened his torso with his blue eyes dark and dancing over her sultry, nude body, "Fuck, you're doing more than enough, believe me."

Naruto began kissing her again, to her delight, only this time, one of his hands danced down her body and between her legs to the epicenter of the heat. Hinata's body jerked in surprise when he first began exploring her most intimate place.

The woman's brow raised when, after a few moments, his fingers brushed against something that sent lava and electricity up her spine. A moan interrupted their kiss, and Hinata tried to look down between their bodies so she could see exactly what he was doing that felt so good.

The man's voice was lower, quieter, as he studied her face, "There? You like it right there?"

Curious lavender eyes raised to meet his, and she nodded, mouth half-open as she breathed more heavily through the pleasure.

"I'm gonna go down, okay?"

Hinata nodded, still not completely aware of what was happening but having a fantastic time. Naruto moved lower on the bed so he could replace his fingers with his mouth. "O-Oh, God!" Her voice raised slightly because she hadn't expected the pleasure to rise so significantly.

She gripped the sheets, arched her back, and stared at the ceiling in disbelief as the gorgeous man between her legs spoke while continuing his work, "You have such a pretty voice."

Hinata couldn't respond to his compliment, instead trying to communicate her surprise, "No one's ever-! This is-! Mmm…."

Naruto drunkenly slurred, "Really? You're dating the wrong guys, Hina."

The woman couldn't reply because something began changing about the fire in her loins. It started swirling, twisting, and boiling into something more intense. She could feel her muscles tightening, untightening, and then doing it all over again as her breathing increased.

One moment she was confused and curious, and then it was as though the flames spread up her spine, turned into electricity, and then shot back down to the little bundle of nerves Naruto's tongue was expertly massaging. When he realized what was happening, Naruto opened his eyes and watched with intrigue as the dark-haired woman trembled.

The moment came to pass, leaving the Hyuuga heiress stunned that the human body could feel like that and a little upset she hadn't experienced it until then. Naruto straightened his spine, tore open some sort of wrapper with his teeth, spat it away, and then reached down to put something over his penis.

Then he came down on top of his partner, glancing between her face and her body as he lined himself up, "You alright? Can you keep going?"

"There's more?! What could possibly be better than that?" Hinata wondered, but she wasn't sure if she had said it aloud. Either way, she nodded, head cloudy and full of dizziness from the alcohol.

A sharp pressure shot through her lower body suddenly, and she hissed in pain. Naruto kissed her a few times as he slowly began moving his hips. The room span as Hinata laid beneath the man's much larger body, unsure if she should say something or just wait and see if the discomfort faded.

Naruto's hand traveled around her waist to press against her back, pressing her chest up against his as he steadily increased the speed and effort of his movements. Somehow, arching her back like that made the pain begin to recede. Hinata reacted for the first time since this new process began, running her fingers through his soft hair and holding onto his strong shoulder.

The tongue in her mouth disappeared, and her partner raised himself slightly to see her face, "You're quiet now."

He pressed his forehead against hers, looking down between their bodies to watch where he was entering before bringing his knees under her bottom and lifting her body slightly with both hands gripping her waist tightly as he bent over her. Naruto changed the speed, the angle, and the force he moved with until a shock of pleasure suddenly erupted up Hinata's spine like before, only better. The woman mewled, fingers twitching as she was tempted to reach between her legs to make the heat build more quickly.

The blonde sighed, relieved, "There we go; that's better, huh?"

Hinata nodded, clutching his hands as they held her waist. Slowly and steadily, the bundle of nerves in her lower body began to tighten and coil, but it was more difficult to not squirm or move her hips. Naruto seemed to sense her yearning for a change because he reacted smoothly when she sat up and pushed his chest until he was lying down, his legs slightly bent.

Then, just like when she was kissing him, Hinata did anything and everything that felt good. A minute or two later, the timid woman straightened her spine, moving her hips just the right way as she gasped, "I-It's going to happen again!" Naruto's hands, that'd previously been exploring her body with vigor, dropped down to her hips so he could aid in the movement.

Hinata's hazy and drunken gaze locked onto his face when he suddenly moaned and tossed his head back, "If you keep doing it like that, I'm gonna-"

Maybe it was the movements or seeing such an attractive expression on his face, but Hinata fell into the abyss for the second time in one night. When Naruto gasped, something felt different inside her, like something was moving or pulsing, and then they were both panting for breath, covered in sweat, and exhausted.

Hinata's eyes shot open with a start sometime later, early in the morning, when the sun was just beginning to rise. The memories from the previous night returned instantly because a gorgeous, not to mention naked, blonde man lay beside her on a bed that she then realized was not hers.

Tears welled in her eyes as she gingerly removed his arm from around her and slid out of bed to not wake him. She felt sick, and it wasn't just because of the hangover. Luckily, Naruto's roommate wasn't present to see her shamefully locating her abandoned clothes, shoes, and purse. Her bra was missing, and she couldn't risk spending too much time searching for it, or else Naruto might wake. After dressing, she offered the sleeping man one last glance before stepping out into the hall.

Her anxiety heightened with each step she took out of the building, down the sidewalk, and into her own dorm. To her dismay, a sock was on the door when she arrived. Even someone as sheltered as Hinata knew what that meant.

So, the distraught woman sank to the floor beside the door with her head in her hands as the tears finally overflowed. The tightening in her chest became so severe it felt like she was on the verge of a heart attack, and it became hard to breathe as she recalled all the out-of-character things she'd done last night. It was a mistake not to put her anxiety medication in her purse. It was in the dorm with Tenten and whatever guy she'd brought home.

It wasn't a big mistake as sleeping with Naruto, though.

She honestly might die from the humiliation. When he wakes up and remembers what they did, what she did, he would think an array of things about her, none of which were good. He would think she was easy, a slut who slept with whoever, whenever. He'd also think she wasn't a good one because she had no idea what she was doing last night. Sure, it felt good, great, in fact, but she didn't know if he'd agree.

The door to the dorm opened, and Hinata looked up to see Neji looking down at her, both unbearably stunned. He overcame it first by hurrying into the dorm to retrieve her medication and a bottle of water. Trembling like a leaf and on the verge of fainting, Hinata took the pill and allowed him to help her to her feet. When she glanced inside the room, she saw that Tenten was still asleep, meaning Neji was doing something similar to her.

The Hyuuga man looked over his cousin's appearance, jaw flexing angrily at the small love mark on her lower chest, almost covered by her dress. By the way she held her arms around herself, it was apparent she was attempting to hide that she wasn't wearing a bra, too.

Hinata frowned, wiping her eyes, "P-Please don't tell F-Father about this."

He silently held her gaze before shaking his head, "You weren't hurt, were you?"

The heiress didn't expect him to say that, of all things, and denied it quickly, "N-N-No! I-I'm alright."

"Then why are you having a panic attack right now?" Neji was there during that gap year when his cousin could barely hold a conversation without feeling overwhelmed, so he was familiar with her tells.

Hinata wiped at her tears some more, "I-It's complicated. I'm sorry, b-b-but can I please go in? I need a shower."

The older Hyuuga relented and turned to descend the stairs after one last glance at her disarrayed appearance. Hinata entered the dorm feeling worse about herself than she had in a long time.

As she showered, she thought about the man with whom she'd just spent the night. At the club, he seemed at least a little interested in her. Hinata had been homeschooled, but she had access to the internet, movies, and television, so she could deduce that much. They'd talked about everything from school to their favorite fruit.

"If only I hadn't ruined it by sleeping with him, he might've asked me on a date. At the very least, we could've been friends," she thought.

Hinata Hyuuga was no longer a virgin. Last night, she was beyond irresponsible and allowed something to happen that shouldn't have when both parties were so inebriated. Naruto couldn't be blamed, either, because she remembered him asking for consent and verifying that she wanted to go through with it a second time.

And she said yes.

She's the one who said yes, so it's all her fault. The timid woman couldn't even fault him for not realizing she was a virgin. He was just as drunk as her.

A glimmer of hope lifted Hinata's spirits as she realized there was a slight chance the man had blacked out and wouldn't remember it. Then she felt guilty because no one should go through the traumatizing experience of not remembering a sexual encounter, man or woman.

Whatever the outcome or consequences of her actions, she'll just have to take responsibility.

The following day, Hinata did something she'd never done, calling in sick to her job and classes. She wasn't completely lying, either, because her panic attack in the hallway took a lot out of her. Physically, she felt weak, light on her feet, and nauseous. Mentally, she was drained from having her mind race for nearly twenty-four hours straight.

Contrary to what she should've done, Hinata all but shunned Tenten when the girl awoke yesterday, especially when she catered to her anxiety the most out of the three girls that'd accompanied her to the club. The only thing Hinata had said to her since then was a reassurance that nothing terrible had happened and that she didn't blame her for leaving the group to hang out with Neji.

By Tuesday, Hinata had recovered enough to feel too guilty to call in again. So, she counted to one hundred over and over while completing drink orders, thankful no one expected her to work with customers today.

In a rare, slow moment, Sakura came to stand near the shy woman as she cleaned her workspace in preparation for the next rush, "I owe you big time, Hinata!" The girl in question made a weak, inquisitive sound but didn't look at the pinkette.

Sakura either didn't notice or did and was pretending things were normal in an attempt to avoid an awkward atmosphere, "I've had a crush on Sasuke since last year, and because of you, he finally knows I exist! What do you want as a thank-you gift? I've been saving up, so don't be shy!"

Hinata shook her head dismissively, a deep gnawing eating at her chest. "Please go away. It's nothing personal; I just need to be left alone for a few days," She thought it but couldn't bring herself to say the words out loud.

"Hinata, are you alright? Tenten said you've been acting weird ever since yesterday. Did something happen? Are you mad at us?"

The girl in question's eyes watered up, so she squeezed them shut, shook her head, and excused herself to flee to the bathroom until more customers arrived so Sakura wouldn't have time to talk. The pink-haired girl tried to speak to her once through the door but left when she didn't receive a response.

Guilt was stacking up rather quickly for Hinata. Not only had she taken advantage of Naruto's kindness, but now she was icing out the only people who'd ever attempted to befriend her. The worst part was that she had no idea why she was doing it. Sakura, Ino, and Tenten did nothing wrong, nothing to deserve being treated so coldly. So why couldn't she stop acting this way?

For the remainder of the morning shift, Hinata avoided Sakura. The girl seemed to give up and didn't try to speak with her again, anyway.

Her stomach was in knots as she sat in the back row of her day's last class. Earlier, she nearly ran into Ino in the hallway and had shamefully ducked into a nearby closet to hide. To make things worse, she and Tenten, who must've gotten her phone number at some point the night they went clubbing, were blowing her phone up with text messages and calls because Sakura told them about what happened at work.

Hinata rested her forehead in her palm as she looked down at the screen of her phone, musing, "Six missed calls and twenty-two unread text messages. I don't think I've ever received this many notifications."

Her teeth gritted tightly as the screen lit up, signaling an incoming call from Tenten. The device was silent, so it didn't disturb the quickly-filling room of students. Hinata stared at the screen with dull eyes and a lethargic feeling.

"You not gonna answer that? Class doesn't start for another five minutes."

Jumping in fright, Hinata nearly fell out of her chair as she looked over to see Kiba stifling a laugh in response to her reaction. Tenten's attempt to reach her ended, and the screen returned to displaying notifications.

Kiba noticed, eyes wide with amazement, "Whoa, someone really wants to get ahold of you! You must've been popular in high school or somethin', huh?"

Hinata snatched the phone up and put it in her bag, pointedly ignoring the young man and staring straight ahead with a pen and notebook ready to take notes. He, unlike Sakura, immediately commented on the odd behavior, "Was I being too nosy? Sorry! Don't be mad!"

The woman's heartbeat quickened, the grip on her pen tightening as she fought not to react to him.

"Hinata- It was Hinata, right? Do you not remember me? My name's Kiba. We met on Saturday night. I'm Naruto and Sasuke's friend."

Sighing defeatedly, the Hyuuga woman nodded, eyes falling to the desk, "I-I remember you."

There was a short, silent pause. "...Is there something wrong, then?"

She shook her head, feeling her panic rising, and mentally trying to use the coping skills her therapist taught her so no one would notice.

"You weren't here yesterday, too. Are you sick? Want me to walk you to the infirmary or maybe your dorm? I don't mind. We can-" The man's mouth clamped shut when a tear fell from Hinata's face to land on the blank paper on the desk, then another, and then a third one.

Fingers shaking, Hinata gestured dismissively at him before he could even ask, turning her face away so he couldn't see her wiping at her tears.

To her utter surprise, Kiba began talking as though what'd just happened hadn't, "You know, I almost didn't recognize you when I came in just now. You look super different with glasses." He laughed sheepishly, "If I'm being honest, I didn't even know you were in this class until the professor asked if anyone knew where you were yesterday."

For some reason, the casual way he spoke as though nothing was wrong helped Hinata calm down. The tears stopped, but she kept her face turned away and listened as Kiba continued to babble, "Did you know Sai and Ino are dating now? Talk about moving quickly. They just met! I guess that's how Ino's always been, though. I went to high school with her. If you think I talk too much, wait until you spend a full day with that girl."

The professor arrived, and the class quieted down, so he lowered his voice to a whisper, "She and I dated, you know."

Hinata couldn't stop herself from turning to meet his gaze, eyes wide in surprise.

Kiba grinned, nodding, "It was, uh…. Three years ago, I think. She dumped me for Shikamaru, then dumped him for another guy. For some reason, Shika and I became friends after that. Trauma bonding, eh?"

Throughout the two-hour-long class, the young man would whisper little funny tidbits of info about his friends. It didn't make sense to Hinata, but by the end of the lesson, her chest felt lighter, and she wasn't on the verge of crying like she had been for the past two days.

As everyone gathered their belongings and began vacating the room to go to their next class or home if they had no more, Kiba stood and stretched his arms above his head with a loud yawn, "Hey, you wanna exchange numbers?"

Hinata tensed halfway through shoving her notebook into her bag, causing him to panic, "I'm not trying to hit on you or anything! I just wanna be friends!"

Cautiously, the girl got to her feet and faced him fully for the first time, searching his face silently. Kiba's happy-go-lucky facade dropped, and his smile became reassuring rather than joking, "Here, at least take mine. If you ever need someone to talk to or wanna hang out, don't hesitate, okay?"

He handed the shy woman a small piece of paper with his phone number, offered one more grin, and then left the room without another word.

When Hinata returned to her dorm, she was surprised to find Tenten inside, looking like a worried mess. She pulled the Hyuuga girl inside the rest of the way and looked over her appearance, "Something had to have happened on Saturday. What is it? Did someone hurt you? Sakura said Sasuke's dad and brother are cops. I'll ask her to call him if you want."

After going through the last two hours with Kiba showing an unexpected amount of understanding, Hinata finally gave in and burst into tears, shaking her head, "N-No, don't do that."

Tenten guided her to the bed, sitting silently at her side to show she was ready to listen. Hinata frowned at her hands, allowing the tears to drip freely from her chin onto her shirt and lap, "N-N-Naruto and I hooked up."

Tenten was silent momentarily before asking, "...That's it? You slept with a hot guy? What's there to be upset about?"

"Because I was a virgin!"

The brunette woman's mouth clamped shut. Slowly, the stunned expression on her face morphed into one of understanding, "Does he know? Has he said anything?"

The younger woman shrugged, "I-I left before he woke up and haven't seen him since. I-I-I don't want to see him. I'm t-too ashamed."

Sharp eyebrows furrowed, "Why would you be ashamed? Sure, you're a little late to the party, but everyone loses their virginity at some point. Naruto doesn't seem the type to care about that kinda thing."

Hinata turned her torso to meet her roommate's eye, finally admitting her problem since they first met: "I was homeschooled. I-I've never even had a friend."

She lifted her hands, palms up as though asking the powers that be to explain why she was this way, before letting them fall heavily back into her lap, "And N-Naruto was nice to me from the start. I-I wanted to be his friend, b-b-but I ruined it!" Her tears flowed more heavily as she sobbed, covering her eyes with one hand.

Tenten rubbed her back soothingly, her voice softer, "Hey, don't think like that. There's no point in crying when you aren't even sure how Naruto feels yet. Besides, if he doesn't wanna be your friend, you've still got the girls and me, right? We'll take good care of you, promise!"

Hinata's hand slowly fell, watery eyes wide, "W-We're friends?"

Tenten laughed, "Well, duh! Do you think we'd be this worried about you if we weren't? Friends that take tequila shots together stay together!"

So, Hinata called Ino and Sakura to apologize for ghosting them, and all became calm between the four girls. The substantial low she'd been experiencing appeared to lift ever-so-slightly. She thought things were looking up, that normalcy was on the horizon for three days; that changed when Naruto walked into their professional communications class.

The Hyuuga woman opted for back-row seating in almost all of her lessens because professors wouldn't call on those they couldn't see, but Naruto's deep blue eyes locked onto her instantly, and then he was coming her way.

Hinata thought she was over it. She felt she could let go of the mortifying situation, but she was wrong. As the blonde man approached, every atom of her being was screaming at her to flee.

There wasn't a safe place to look, either. If she looked at his hands, she was reminded of how skillfully his fingers had moved even when he was drunk. If she looked at his torso, the memory of how the sweat had glistened on his skin. Worst of all, if she met his gaze, it felt like he was looking right at her soul and would be able to tell she was a tragically pitiful human being.

The moment he got close enough to speak, Hinata's body moved independently. She shot to her feet, grabbed her stuff, and hurried down the steps on the opposite side of the room.

"Hinata, wait!" Naruto called despite the classroom almost being full. She could feel dozens of pairs of eyes on her as she fled.

The door closed behind her, and she briskly hurried down the hallway toward the stairs, so she could leave the building and return to her dorm. There weren't many people around because classes were starting within the next couple of minutes.

"I'm going to have to drop that class or see if they offer it at a different time. I can't face him…. I'm so embarrassed!"

If Naruto didn't take her for a slut, then he had to take her for a sheltered loser, which was what she truly was. Even Tenten said it was rare for someone to be a virgin at their age.

Her chest suddenly felt so tight that it was hard to breathe, and her skin felt ice cold despite her insides taking on a burning sensation.

"Medicine! I need my medicine, or I'm going to faint!"

Hinata fumbled to reach into her bag for her inhaler, which she used only for emergencies, but her hands trembled so severely that it fell off her shoulder, its contents spilling out onto the floor. She dropped to her knees, frantically searching for it, only for someone to crouch before her. They began gathering her items with steadier hands.

"Are you alright? What's wrong?"

Her brow furrowed when their voice was familiar, and a breathless sound of disbelief passed her lips as she returned to her task, giving up and simply turning her bag upside down so the rest of its contents would fall out.

"There it is!"

Hinata's vision blurred as she reached for the inhaler, and she could feel herself falling forward.

"H-Hinata, hey!"

Naruto's panicked voice was the last thing she heard before losing consciousness completely.

When Hinata woke, she was in the infirmary with Tenten and Kiba at her bedside. Her roommate sighed in relief, running a hand through her messy hair before frowning, "You should've told me about your condition. Passing out like that is dangerous!"

Kiba just sat there with an uncomfortable expression. When he noticed her unsure gaze, he explained, "Naruto thinks it's his fault you fainted, so I'm here on his behalf."

That's when Hinata recalled the events that led to her waking up here, and she sat up quickly, "I-I-I need to go! T-Tell him that I-I'm sorry, okay?"

Tenten laid a hand on her shoulder, guiding her back to the bed, "I know you didn't ask for my advice, but I think you should just talk to him. He seems like a nice guy. I bet he's just as worried as we've been."

Kiba seemed confused, "Did something happen between you guys?"

Tenten and Hinata shared a look, which wordlessly confirmed the man's question.

His posture straightened, and he hissed, "Wait a minute; you guys slept together?"

Tenten raised a fist at him, "If you tell a single soul, I'll make sure you'll never be capable of having children."

The man dismissively waved his hands, shaking his head, before returning to his state of disbelief. He leaned back in his chair and brought a hand to loosely cover his mouth, slowly dragging it down to fall into his lap as his eyes dazed over, "Now it all makes sense."

Hinata couldn't help but ask, "What makes sense?"

The young man seemed to snap out of it, frowning, "Naruto's been acting weird, too. I thought maybe he was catching a cold or something."

Tenten asked, since Hinata was too nervous, "What kind of person is he? He won't make fun of Hinata or go around telling people stuff, right?"

Kiba looked almost offended on the blonde man's behalf, "What? No! Are you kidding? The guy's an idiot, but he'd never do something like that."

The Hyuuga woman almost let out a sigh of relief. Almost.

Tenten and Kiba exchanged numbers after that. With Sai and Ino dating, Sasuke and Sakura seeming to be quote-unquote talking, and a few of them haven gone to the same high schools. The guys and girls that met at the club on Saturday night seemed to be coming together into one big friend group.

After work the next day, Hinata attended her Saturday classes. To her surprise, Sasuke Uchiha initiated a conversation, albeit unenthusiastically. While organizing her items atop her desk, she'd been sneaking glances at the stoic man and wondering if he needed a pen today.

"Is there something you want to say?"

Hinata jumped, startled, "N-Nope!"

"Then why do you keep looking at me? It's annoying."

With a blush, the Hyuuga girl dropped her gaze to her desk, "Sorry…."

It was silent between the pair for an extended moment before Sasuke unexpectedly spoke again, "I'll give you Naruto's number if you give me your pink-haired friend's."

Hinata turned her torso toward him with wide eyes, "W-W-What? Why would I-I-" "You two were into each other at the club. Don't deny it. He had a girl over that night; I know it was you. Now give me the pink one's number."

She continued to sputter in disbelief, "N-No, it wasn't me!"

Sasuke's bored gaze turned onto her, finally, and he lifted an eyebrow quizzically, "Really, now? Because she forgot her bra, and her boobs are the exact same size as yours."

Unconsciously, Hinata crossed her arms over her chest. She'd forgotten about the fact that she'd been unable to locate her bra. It was the cutest one she owned, too, so it stung that much more.

She couldn't find the words to say and turned a deeper shade of red as they stared at one another silently.

Sasuke, without looking, scooted his notebook closer to Hinata and pointed at it haphazardly, "Pinkie's phone number; now."

The Hyuuga woman had been bested. With her head low in shame, she begrudgingly wrote down Sakura's number before stubbornly facing the front and waiting for class to begin. Oddly enough, Sasuke didn't make her as nervous as most others because of his blatant indifference. He likely couldn't care less about her, which was fine.

Her elbows slid as her notebook was pulled, almost resulting in her smacking her face on the desk. When she looked over to see what he was doing, she realized he was holding up his end of the bargain and writing down Naruto's phone number.

That wasn't why she agreed to give him Sakura's number, so she waved her hands dismissively as he wrote, "N-No, stop that. I-I-I don't want it."

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "Well, he wants you to have it. Reject him for all I care, but at least text him so he'll stop moping."

Hinata paused, awkwardly searching the usually quiet man's face. He met her eye again, visibly irritated, "What now?"

"...D-Did he…tell you anything?" She couldn't help but ask. She had to know.

Sasuke's frown deepened, brow furrowing, "He won't even admit it was you, so what makes you think he'd give up details?"

Hinata was relieved, but the reassurance didn't bring solace to her unease about the situation as a whole.

The Uchiha man stared back momentarily before sighing defeatedly and lowering his voice to barely above a whisper, "He's been more obnoxious than usual, zoning out and sighing all the time. The dumbass barely leaves our dorm. Whatever you did, fix it."

He pointed at the phone number he'd scribbled onto the corner of her notebook, "Do it, or I'll hang your bra from the flagpole and tell everyone it's yours."

Swallowing nervously, Hinata nodded because she genuinely believed he'd do it, "A-Alright, fine! Stop it already." As though trying to prove her intentions, she pulled out her phone and began creating a contact for Naruto.

She thought the conversation was done, but Sasuke Uchiha appeared to be in a talkative mood because he mumbled almost shyly, "By the way, what's her name?"

Hinata raised her eyebrows at him, "I introduced her to you; how-" "I was drunk, okay? Just tell me her damn name."

"S-Sakura. Her name's Sakura."

In her peripheral vision, the Hyuuga woman noticed the slightest lift at the corner of his lips but said nothing else as the class had begun.

Another week passed, packed to the brim of Hinata avoiding Naruto while becoming better acquainted with the others in their shared friend group. Every night she would type out a message to the number Sasuke gave her, erase it, retype it, erase it again, and then give up and try to get some sleep.

Time usually helped the timid woman embrace challenging situations, but not this time. She couldn't even step foot into the professional communications classroom because she was too afraid Naruto would try to talk to her again.

It wasn't until the following Saturday night that things finally changed.

"We're going to a party at the public college; You're coming," Ino demanded of Hinata as she stormed into the dorm room, Sakura in tow.

Tenten's eyes danced quickly between her roommate and their friends, "I don't know guys, she's just now starting to get over what happened…."

Hinata's face warmed. She'd also confided in Sakura and Ino, so they knew the truth about what was really bothering her. Despite feeling slightly uneasy, the shy Hyuuga interrupted, "A-Actually, it might be good for me to g-go out and relax." She couldn't let her stupid little issues control her for the rest of her life. Sure, she messed things up with Naruto, but that didn't mean she had to dwell on it for all eternity.

So, the group of girls dressed up, not quite as much as they had for the club, and took a cab to Konoha's public college across town. The party was being held at a large house that was being rented by a group of students, and it was located just a couple blocks from the college's main buildings. The thump of loud music's bass could be heard from the sidewalk as the girls exited the vehicle.

"Alright, ladies, you know the drill: don't drink anything you didn't see being poured, and let everyone know if you leave so we don't have a repeat of last time," Tenten instructed in a leader-esk voice.

Then they went inside.

Hinata didn't feel right, not at all.

She took Tenten's advice and only drank drinks she poured for herself, but even in her unstable state, she felt like someone had slipped her something. Tenten and Ino left almost an hour ago, notifying the others through the group text because the blonde girl drank too much and felt sick. It was around midnight when that happened. It was also around that time that Hinata lost track of Sakura in the crowded house.

It was hot, but not in a good way like it'd been when she was with Naruto. Someone was pulling her into a dark room with a tight grip around her wrist. She wasn't sure who was tugging her along, either. Her back hit a wall out of nowhere, and someone's lips were pressed roughly against hers, their hands greedily feeling her curves as though it was their god-given right.

Hinata had only drunk two drinks. They weren't that strong either because she'd made them herself. Maybe that was why she was able to resist the stranger's affection.

"No…I-I...Who are you? I don't like this…."

It felt more challenging than usual to lift her hands and shove against the person's chest as though weights had been tied to her wrists. Strong fingers wrapped around her palms and pressed them against the wall as their owner continued their assault.

Tears welled in her eyes even though she couldn't keep them open long. Her eyelids were as heavy as her limbs. In a moment of desperation, she regained her wits enough to knee the tall man between the legs. A deep voice rumbled out curses, but Hinata didn't stick around to see if he was alright. No, she dashed out of the room and stumbled into the crowded living room, hoping her attacker would lose sight of her and give up.

The poor girl wasn't so lucky. While searching for Sakura, ready to leave, someone grabbed onto Hinata's purse's strap. Over the loud music, she recognized the angry voice speaking nonsense to her as the same person who'd pulled her into that room earlier.

"L-Let go!"

The room spun and swirled, but she managed to comprehend that she was in danger when the stranger didn't release her purse and made a grab for her wrist as they had earlier.

Left with no choice, the Hyuuga woman let her purse fall off her shoulder and rushed as steadily as possible to the exit, successfully slipping out into the cold autumn air. When the door reopened behind her, she ran, ignoring the rage-filled male voice that cursed and called after her.

It may have been five minutes, but it also might've been an hour. All she knew was that she had no idea where she was when she suddenly awoke in a dark alleyway. Cold brick was against her back as she slumped against it.

"Is that man still chasing me? I can hardly think straight," Hinata fretted.

The tights she wore under her dress were torn at the knees, and they were both bleeding. Obviously, she'd fallen at some point, but she couldn't recall it. Groaning, she pulled her phone out of her dress's pocket and realized her palms were also scuffed.

The dim light of her screen sent a strong wave of dizziness over the girl. It took nearly ten seconds for her to adjust, and then she called Sakura. It rang all the way through to her voicemail, as did Tenten and Ino's numbers when she tried them.

A sudden sound at the end of the alleyway shook her, and she looked for a sign of life but found none. Her heart was still palpitating stressfully. Drugged and a little drunk, Hinata was terrified and had no idea what to do. If she left the alleyway, that man might find her, but she couldn't just spend the night outside.

"I can't call Neji. If he finds out I've gotten myself into another upsetting situation, he might tell Dad this time," she thought.

Hinata scrolled through her contact list, worried tears rolling down her cheeks as she fought a wave of dizziness. Her pearly eyes darted anxiously as more movement sounds came from the far end of the alley.

"The only other people who might be close enough to help are Kiba and Naruto…."

Had she been sober, she would've opted for the Inuzuka man, but she wasn't, so she hit the tiny green phone icon next to Naruto's name. A breath caught in her throat when he picked up after four rings because she was sure he wouldn't answer.


Hinata couldn't speak because she couldn't breathe.

"Is someone there? I'm gonna hang up."

"No, please don't!" Her voice was unsteady, her inebriation evident.

"...Who is this?"

The dreadful sound of footsteps came from the end of the alley, and Hinata tried to make herself smaller, bringing her knees to her chest as terrified tears rolled down her cheeks, "I-I need help…. Can you help me? There's this guy who-" Her words cut off when the soft rumble of male voices floated through the air, and she saw a group of them pass the alleyway.

"Is that you, Hinata? What guy? Are you alright? You sound weird."

Trembling and scared, the Hyuuga girl was so off-kilter and confused that she couldn't do anything except cry as she held the phone in both of her scuffed hands and stared down at Naruto's blurry name.

"Where are you?"

She sniffled, "I-I-I don't know. I'm so dizzy."

There was a long pause, but Naruto eventually responded in a slightly breathless voice, "Stay where you are. We're coming to get you. Don't hang up, Hinata."

Hinata hissed at the sting on her knees, sitting her phone on the concrete as she rested her forehead on her bent knees in an attempt to still the spinning world. Five minutes passed, then ten, and then fifteen. Naruto would make sure she was still on the line every so often, which snapped her out of a drugged haze repeatedly.

Twenty minutes after first calling Naruto, a car's headlights suddenly shined down the alleyway, and Hinata tried to scramble to her feet to hide just in case it wasn't the blonde man, but her body was too heavy to lift. Eyes wide, teeth gritted, and tears in her eyes, Hinata cowered further into herself as footsteps came closer and closer.


The Hyuuga woman's brow furrowed when a breathless and visibly concerned Naruto jogged up to her, a frowning Sasuke Uchiha slightly behind him, albeit more composed. She tried to get to her feet but couldn't.

A strong arm came around her waist and quickly pulled her upright, "Hinata, what happened? You're bleeding!" The girl could only lift a trembling hand to her head as she stumbled and wobbled, causing Naruto to pull her against his side.

Sasuke's unenthusiastic voice barely registered as Hinata suddenly became encaptured by Naruto's scent and froze, "Someone probably roofied her. Sakura said they were going to a party tonight."

The mention of her pink-haired friend snapped her out of her daze, "S-Sakura! I couldn't- She didn't answer…." She was helped down the alley and into a car.

Naruto sat in the backseat with her, taking her hands into his, "Was someone chasing you?"

Hinata simply stared at the man's handsome face, unable to grasp that he was really there before her. Time passed as Sasuke drove to the party to search for Sakura after getting the address from her phone. Hinata passed out before they arrived.

Before she could even open her eyes, Hinata groaned. The dizziness and confusion had finally receded, leaving her with a headache, a dry mouth, and aches from her scuffed hands and knees.

"Here, Hina, drink some water."

She blinked a few times before widening her eyes. Naruto was knelt beside the bed she was lying on and seemed to be in the process of bandaging her palms. She ignored his request.

"Oh, god. I can't believe I called him! As if I hadn't embarrassed myself enough already."

The blonde man moved back as she slowly sat up. When she recognized Sakura's pink hair, Hinata realized they'd taken her to their dorm. Sasuke was asleep with the young woman, but their faces weren't visible because the blanket was too high.

"Are you alright? Do you feel sick?"

Hinata's eyes darted to meet Narutos before immediately welling up with tears. Her chest began to tighten, "N-Naruto, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have called you."

Blue eyes narrowed slightly, making the man almost seem angry, only for them to soften with defeat, "No, I'm sorry. I should've been more careful." He was obviously referring to their night together.

Hinata whispered, voice wavering as she watched him return to wrapping a bandage around her hand, "It was my fault, not yours. I-I should've said something. I…. I-I'm so embarrassed." Her voice faded toward the end of her sentence, and she turned her head with closed eyes, trying to keep herself calm and not doing a very good job of it.

Naruto took his time coming up with a response, keeping his voice low to not wake the others in the room, "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. If I never realized that you were…. Well, it was amazing. I had a good time."

Hinata's eyes shot to his face, and he grinned sheepishly, "Am I an asshole for thinking like that?"

Her mouth opened, closed, opened again, and then she gave up speaking and shook her head.

Naruto's expression turned into one of discomfort, "I can't blame you for being scared of me now."

"S-Scared? Why would you-" She closed her mouth as she recalled fainting in the hallway after running into the man in class.

Her fingers curled over the now-finished bandages on her palms, face warming as she averted her gaze again, "I-I have an anxiety disorder. I'm better at managing it than I used to be, but I've been struggling lately. It wasn't because of anything you did."

The blonde man appeared visibly relieved by the news, smiling as he tilted his head, "So you don't hate me, then?"

Hinata's heartbeat quickened at the attractive sight, swallowing nervously, "No. I just…. I-I know how pathetic I must seem to you now, and I didn't want…." She sighed defeatedly and gave up on her explanation because she couldn't find the right words.

Naruto simply stared as she fidgeted and avoided his gaze. When their eyes finally met, she looked around again as though only just realizing where she was, "I should go. Thank you for helping me."

The blonde man got to his feet as she did, appearing utterly confused, "What? It's the middle of the night; why not just stay over?"

Hinata tried to look anywhere but at him as she gathered her purse, which she had no idea how they found, and began pulling her shoes onto her feet, "I…." Her pearly eyes briefly landed on his bed, reminding her of the night they spent together and setting her nerves further on edge.

Naruto stepped into her line of sight with an expression that said he was figuring out what she was upset about, "It's not like I'm gonna force myself on you. I'll sleep on the floor if it makes you feel better."

The two held one another's gaze for an incredibly long moment of silence before Hinata slowly shook her head, slipping out of the room without another word. The blonde man didn't move to stop her, either.

In the morning, Sakura and Ino found their way to Tenten and Hinata's dorm, where the four girls caught one another up on the previous night's events. As it turned out, Sakura hadn't answered her phone because she'd dropped it, and the screen shattered.

Ino and Tenten had simply fallen asleep before Hinata tried to contact them. The latter successfully went to sleep in her own bed, but Ino had drunkenly managed to get her boyfriend to come over.

When Hinata told the girls what'd happened between her and Naruto, they didn't ask many questions because it was understood that the Hyuuga woman was too ashamed to befriend him. They'd met one another two nights, and both were tarnished somehow.

A week passed.

Naruto texted Hinata several times over the remainder of the weekend, asking her to meet so they could talk, but she didn't reply. By Monday, the blonde man had taken the hint and didn't approach her in person, either. Anytime their friends brought up the other, they'd find a way out of the conversation.

Hinata was at odds. No matter how much she avoided Naruto and told herself they needed space for a while, she also struggled to see him as just a friend. For the first time in her life, she had feelings for someone. She found it ironic that it was someone she had ruined her chances with from day one.

"You're both so fucking annoying."

Sasuke Uchiha's blunt voice broke Hinata's focus, and she looked over to see him balancing his pen on his index finger with a frown. The class was almost over, and the pair hadn't spoken once since he assisted his roommate in rescuing her.


The man scoffed, "You know what I'm talking about."

Hinata's eyes fell sadly to her desk as she nodded. Try as she might, she couldn't stop herself from sneaking a glance or two at Naruto in the one class they had together, and he'd looked sad. Kiba told her on Monday that he'd asked him to tell her he was sorry, which only made the Hyuuga woman feel worse about herself.

"I have to hear about you from Naruto and Sakura now. What's your problem anyway?"

Hinata felt irritation toward the man for the first time, "Why do you care?"

Sasuke didn't verbally respond, so she looked to see his jaw had flexed, and he was at least pretending to focus on what their professor was saying with a glare narrowing his eyes.

Guilt immediately panged in the girl's chest, "I-I'm sorry, Sasuke. I didn't mean to snap at you."

He sighed, choosing his next words carefully, "You like him, right?"

Blushing, Hinata suddenly found her notebook incredibly interesting, "Wh-What? N-No, I-" "You like him, and you're too mentally fucked up to do something about it."

The atmosphere became tense because his words hit her like a knife in the chest. She thought he was insulting, but the man further shocked her by lowering his gaze to the desk, "My mom struggles with that stuff, too. That doesn't mean I understand whatever's going on with you, but I know enough to say it's time to get over it. It's been weeks."

Hinata's chin quivered, but she didn't cry. Instead, she nodded, offering a humorless laugh, "T-Truth hurts, huh?"

Sasuke glanced at her, his gaze softening slightly, but he said nothing else.

Even after receiving some tough love in the form of the Uchiha man's brutal honesty, Hinata struggled to figure out how to break the ice with Naruto. They hadn't spoken since she left him confused and likely hurt, so fixing things was up to her.

Another week passed.

Friday night came along, and the girls dragged Hinata to a different club than the last time. Sasuke and Sai joined them, so Hinata felt safe enough to actually drink and try to have a good time.

Feeling relaxed and happier than she had in weeks, Hinata giggled as she and Sakura sat at the bar, the Uchiha man having gone to the men's room. The others had disappeared into the crowd of bodies on the dancefloor.

"Jiraiya's gonna be so *hic* angry tomorrow!"

Hinata nodded in agreement to her pink-haired friend's statement, "I'm going to be so useless."

Sakura nudged her in the ribs, grinning mischievously, "Just press your boobs together a little and pout; he'll get over it in a heartbeat."

An arm snaked over her shoulder, Sasuke's unamused voice barely audible over the loud music, "I better not catch you doing that."

Sakura turned on her stool to face him, "Not even to you? Shame."

The Uchiha man grabbed her hand when she offered it, eyes dancing over her appearance as she stood, "You don't have big enough boobs to pull it off."

Sakura rolled her eyes before smiling at Hinata, "You wanna come dance?"

The Hyuuga girl waved dismissively, "No, I'll watch our drinks. Have fun!"

Sasuke offered her a brief look, "Don't get into trouble."

She smiled as she turned to face the bar again. Somehow, some way, she and the Uchiha man had formed an odd kinship. Giddy that she'd finally made some good friends, Hinata tossed back the rest of her drink. She found herself at a happy medium, somewhere between tipsy and drunk, where everything was vibrant, and the smile on her lips just wouldn't disappear.

Another drink was placed before her, and she looked up to see the bartender gesture to her right before leaving to assist another patron. When she turned, she nearly fell out of her chair to see Naruto Uzumaki sitting there.

He didn't offer his usual bright grin and seemed hesitant, "Hey."

Hinata gradually overcame her shock, eyes dancing nervously between the drink and the handsome man as she took a sip through the straw, "...Hey…."

It was silent between them for a moment as they drank. The awkward tension came to a fault when he suddenly spoke, "I'm gonna leave you alone. Later."

Hinata had no idea what possessed her, but she reached out and grabbed his arm. Bright blue eyes widened slightly, and the woman avoided looking straight at them as she continued to sip her drink with a hot blush about her cheeks. Naruto relaxed once more on the stool, ordering himself another drink. The pair pretended not to be exchanging glances, but at least the atmosphere wasn't awkward anymore.

An hour passed before Hinata finally spoke, eyeing Sakura's abandoned drink. The ice was almost completely melted. "They were supposed to come back."

Naruto followed her gaze, a red hue dusting his cheeks from the alcohol, "Do you wanna get outta here?"

Hinata was drunk, but not to the degree that she'd been the last time they were in this situation. For some reason, she still found herself nodding.

"Don't let things escalate again. You're just now starting to get comfortable around one another," she thought as she followed him up the stairs to his dorm. "Why am I not going to my own room? What am I doing here? I should know better by now!"

Sasuke and Sakura were still at the club, meaning they were alone like before. Hinata fumbled to remove her shoes, dropping her purse atop his desk as she looked around. The dorm was surprisingly clean for belonging to two young men. Naruto sat on the edge of his bed and watched as she made her way over to sit beside him.

They remained there, silent and staring at one another for a long time.

Then it was like a fire was ignited, and they were kissing. Hinata bravely moved to straddle his hips, a soft sound emanating from her chest when Naruto's hands ran down her back. Unsteady fingers fumbled to unbutton the man's shirt.

"It's hot. It's so hot."

His tongue, his gaze, and his body set Hinata aflame.

She was so lost in him that she was visibly shocked when he stopped her after she tossed her shirt off. "Wait, stop…." Both were panting for breath, searching one another's faces.

Hinata's voice was soft and husky, "You don't want to?"

Naruto made a tortured face, "Hina, I want to." The Hyuuga woman took his response as an okay to continue and tried to kiss him again, but he put his hands on her shoulders to stop her, "But last time…."

Hinata briefly sobered up, finally recognizing the situation and nodding slowly, "It was good for me, too."

The man's eyes widened, but she continued, "I want to do it again." And she did. Her arousal was overshadowing every bit of common sense. All she knew was that her body wanted him, yearned to be close to him again.

So they ended up naked. Hinata's quick heartbeat excited her further rather than send her into a panic as she reached between them to pull the hardened part of his body into her hand. She spoke breathlessly between desperate kisses, "Show me how."

Naruto shook his head, lifting his hips to move them further onto the bed, "You don't have to-!" Hinata interrupted his argument by climbing off his hips and moving lower to take the tip of his cock into her mouth. An agonizing sound left his lips, and he propped himself up on his elbows to watch as she drunkenly figured out how to breathe and what to do with her tongue when she'd take more of him in.

After a few moments, she met his eyes and slid him out of her mouth to ask, "Am I doing this right?"

Naruto nodded; his face was red and took on a look of disbelief. So she continued until the man moaned, his head falling back, "I'm close."

Long fingers wrapped in her hair, urging her not to stop. That was until he lightly pulled his handful of her hair so she'd release him. Hinata watched with curious eyes as his other hand cupped hers to aid her effort to massage him to his climax.

When she met his gaze, he tilted his head before rising onto his knees and guiding her so that he could thrust between her breasts, "Push them together- Yeah, like that."

It was just like Sakura said earlier. When Hinata figured out what Naruto wanted, she adapted, and the man appeared enthralled. One moment, his ocean-colored eyes were hyper-fixated on her, and the next, they were cloudy as he released over her chest, lips parted slightly.

When he was done, they remained still for a moment. Hinata couldn't take her eyes off his face because the sultry expression he'd made was too attractive for her to comprehend. That was what she thought until she felt him begin to harden between her breasts once more. She looked down to see a mess of cloudy ejaculate about her chest. Naruto seemed to snap out of it and fumbled to grab a condom from his nightstand drawer.

As clueless as ever, Hinata got up to stumble toward the bathroom, mumbling under her breath, "I should clean up so it doesn't make a mess."

"What? Who cares?"

Hinata waved a dismissive hand, only to gasp when Naruto appeared behind her, his hands on her hips. The man seemed to have a goal, so she let him almost frantically guide her to his desk, where he carefully slid into her from behind, moving one hand from her hips around to squeeze her breast.

Hinata was stunned, to say the least. The experience was different from what she knew. His sex pressed at a different angle, and she could feel his breath on the back of her ear. She let her body respond naturally, arching her back and moving her hips slightly when he'd thrust in. Bated sounds of pleasure bubbled up between the pair.

"You're so….fuck…." Naruto's voice was low and took on an almost out-of-control tone. The hand squeezing her breast slid between her legs to massage the bundle of nerves there.

That was when Hinata realized he'd been the only thing keeping her standing straight. Her palms pressed against the desk, a louder moan escaping her. Her eyes shot open when Naruto suddenly reached around her to brush his notebooks and pens aside, most falling to the floor, before almost roughly bending her over the desk.

Hinata's cheek hit the table as she gasped. The coldness of the surface turned her on further, and she found herself approaching climax, "This is- I'm gonna-"

Her hands formed fists when Naruto encouraged her, "You're almost there. Just a little more."

Soon after, she felt a burst of pleasure and cried out, coming up onto her elbows and pressing her forehead to the desk.

Naruto slowed his movements but didn't stop entirely as he bent over her, kissing the damp skin of her back as she trembled, "You feel better now, huh?" Rather than come off as corny or teasing, his occasional comments felt reassuring to Hinata. Hearing his voice didn't hurt, either.

Once her climax passed, Naruto slid out of her, turned her around, lifted her so she was sitting on the desk's edge, and reentered. The breathless woman followed his every direction, eager to experience each new thing.

"Hold onto my shoulders."

When she obeyed, Naruto kissed her like she was the air he needed to breathe. His large hands gripped her hips and thighs as he pressed into her. The man seemed to lose his grip on his control because the speed and force he was beginning to act with were new to his partner.

She soon began feeling another climax start to build. Suddenly, her bottom slid off the desk, and their kiss parted so she could cry out in shock when Naruto caught her, and she crossed her legs around his hips to save herself from falling. Gravity caused her to press against him completely, where he couldn't physically go deeper.

"A-Again! Do that again!"

Naruto pressed Hinata against the wall with his eyes locked onto hers for any sign of trouble as he heeded her plea, "Are you gonna cum for me again, Hina?" The woman in question could only whine as he fucked any sane thought out of her head.

Much more quickly than the climax she'd had just minutes ago, Hinata's insides coiled and tightened around his cock until she couldn't hold it back anymore and fell over the edge. Naruto made some sort of pleasured sound before pressing into her one last time and staying there as they relished the sensations.

When the Hyuuga heiress came down from her high, exhaustion hit her like a freight train, and she collapsed against his chest. The man chuckled, carrying her over to the bed and carefully laying her down before pulling out. He disappeared for a moment to remove the condom before returning, sliding in next to her.

"Are you alright?" His voice told her he was just as tired, if not more.

She made some sort of acknowledgment before snuggling closer to him under the covers. Hinata mumbled, barely awake, "You smell nice."

Naruto chuckled, pressing his lips to the top of her head as she cuddled into his chest.

The pair fell asleep almost instantly.

When Hinata awoke the next morning, she didn't open her eyes or move a muscle.

"Naruto definitely thinks I'm a slut now. Good going, Hinata."

The memory of their most recent tryst was clearer than the last because they weren't as inebriated. That said, Hinata was nearly as mortified as she was the last time she woke up in this comfy bed that smelled like Naruto. Images crossed her mind, snip-its of the previous night. That and the husky sound of Naruto's voice as he talked her through not one but two orgasms.

The woman took notice of her body without giving away the fact that she was awake. She was lying on her side with her legs bent almost to her chest. One arm was cradled toward herself, but the other was touching something warm, something alive: Naruto. His legs were bent beneath hers. A heavy arm rested lazily atop her thigh, his hand seeming to have slid between her legs and stomach at some point in the night. His other arm was under her neck.

Hinata couldn't tell if Naruto was awake. His breathing was steady, and the room was quiet, so she leaned toward yes. As though thinking about it set things in motion, the blonde man groaned softly, his limbs tensing slightly before moving to hold her more firmly. Long fingers ran into Hinata's hair and gently brushed over her hip.

"Think she'll freak out this time?"

That voice wasn't Naruto's. No, it was his roommate's: Sasuke Uchiha.

Luckily, Hinata's face was downward toward her partner's chest, so no one noticed her eyes creep open in shock.

"We're still naked. What am I going to do? Sasuke'll see everything!"

Naruto sighed, distracting the woman from her panic, "I don't know. I hope not." His tone was almost sad.

Sasuke scoffed, "You guys trashed the room. I'm not helping you clean it, either."

Naruto turned his neck to look over his shoulder, quietly chuckling to not wake the apparently sleeping girl between his arms, "Fuck, it was worth it, though."

The unfamiliar sound of Sasuke offering a short laugh met Hinata's ears, "She has you whipped, and you're not even dating."

Naruto mumbled, irritated, "Like you have any room to talk. You looked ready to murder someone when we picked them up from that party."

The Uchiha man took a long time to respond, and the blonde man faced Hinata again, pressing his lips into her hair in an intimate way that made the girl's stomach and heart flutter.

"At least I go after what I want. You've just been pouting."

Apparently, the jab hit a chord because Naruto didn't respond.

The situation suddenly hit Hinata harder, and she began panicking. She saw Naruto's tan chest and shoulders when she opened her eyes.

When he noticed her quickened breath, the man spoke softly into her hair, trying to keep Sasuke from hearing, "Please don't run away this time."

His strong arms acted as a cage, keeping her still, but it didn't scare her like she expected. Instead, the Hyuuga woman nervously rested her palms against his midsection, slowly moving closer to press her forehead to his skin. The palpitations weren't ceasing, and her chest was beginning to tighten.

Desperate not to have another fainting spell in front of the guy she likes, Hinata whispered, "P-Please tell me everything's okay."

He obliged without missing a beat, gently massaging her scalp as his fingers were still intertwined with her hair, "You're fine. We're fine. I'm really happy we're not avoiding each other anymore." Tears welled in Hinata's eyes, but she allowed his words to comfort her.

A moment or two later, when she was calmer, she apologized, "I-I'm sorry I'm like this. I-I-I'm working on it, I swear."

Slowly, Naruto pulled back and guided her face up so their eyes could meet. Rather than respond to her words, he said something unexpected, "You look pretty in the morning." Hinata's face warmed.

"Well, I'm gonna go take a shower so you can do whatever you need to do," Sasuke suddenly piped up before doing just as he said and disappearing into the bathroom.

The pair sat up and looked around. The room was indeed messy. Desk supplies, Hinata's purse, and her phone were tossed randomly about the floor. The desk chair was also lying on its back, likely knocked over amidst the chaos last night.

Naruto casually got up, located a pair of boxers, put them on, and then began searching for Hinata's clothing. She watched, embarrassed, with the blanket pulled up and covering her chest.

The man stretched his arms above his head, handing the items over, yawning loudly, "Wanna go out for breakfast or somethin'? If we leave soon, a few places might still serve it."

Hinata's heart sank into her stomach, eyes darting to the clock on his nightstand. It was nearly ten in the morning. She was late for work by over two hours. Feeling frantic, she fumbled to her feet and began dressing, "I-I have to go! I'm late!"

The breath left her body when she slid the bra straps up her arms and looked down while reaching back to fasten it. A very specific, easily identifiable, dried substance was messily over her chest and breasts. Naruto noticed, too, and stared with a red face but said nothing.

Mortified, Hinata turned her back to him and finished dressing with haste. After grabbing her purse and phone, she hurried to the door, "G-Goodbye!"

"Hinata, wait!"

The girl's focus snapped when Naruto grabbed her wrist, causing her to slowly turn to look up at his handsome face. He sheepishly grinned, "I just wanna be sure that we're okay, y'know? You're not gonna disappear on me again, are you?"

Hinata's lips pressed together in surprise at his earnest expression. Blushing, she said, "W-We're good, Naruto."

For some reason, the same action that ruined the beginning of their friendship helped mend it.

Hinata couldn't fathom going to work, late or not, without first showering, so she was almost three hours late by the time she burst through the doors of Icha Cafe.

Luckily, only a few customers were present, and they were regulars that the coworkers were able to be more casual with, so it didn't take anyone by surprise when Sakura leaned forward on the front counter, by the register, with a knowing grin, "Somebody must've had a late night."

Halfway through pulling her damp hair into a ponytail, Hinata hurried behind the counter so she could clock in and get to work. She didn't bother responding to her pink-haired friend's tease. No one missed the bright blush on her face, though.

While she was tying the strings of her apron behind her back, the door to Jiraiya's office opened, the boss himself stepping out, but he wasn't alone. Hinata kept her head low, hoping he wouldn't notice her sudden appearance, only to do a double-take when familiar blue eyes locked onto hers. Next to Jiraiya was Naruto.

The white-haired business owner noticed his company had frozen and turned to look between the two, "Ah, Hinata! How nice of you to grace us with your presence. You'd better have a good excuse for showing up so late."

The Hyuuga woman could only stand there, dumbfounded, as she stared at Naruto with wide eyes.

"Why is he suddenly here? He seems familiar with Jiraiya, too. What's going on?"

Thankfully Naruto was quicker on his feet than the stunned girl and elbowed the taller man, "It's my fault she's late, so go easy on her, Grandpa." Even though he'd lowered his voice, every employee turned to look at him in shock.

Jiraiya's eyes danced between them a few times before he seemed overcome with realization, "Wait, she's the one you've been trying to meet?"

Naruto nodded, bringing a hand to his forehead with a red face, "I haven't had a chance to tell her about that, so thanks for announcing it to the entire building, but yes."

Sakura squealed excitedly, "Wait, so you knew Hinata before…?"

The woman in question was still completely frozen, her mind reeling as she tried to understand what was happening. Naruto bashfully averted his gaze to the ground, "I'd hoped to do this without other people staring at us, but I guess it's too late for that."

The blonde man met Hinata's gaze again, awkwardly moving his hands as he spoke as though it helped him emote more clearly, "I've, um, kinda liked you for a while now. Since the first class that we had together. I was trying to figure out how to introduce myself, but then we ran into each other at the club and, well, you know the rest."

For some reason, all Hinata could think about was how he'd held her hand at the club the night she first met him. It'd seemed so natural for him, which encouraged her to accept the gesture. She'd still wondered why such a handsome man was treating her so familiarly out of nowhere, but he hadn't seen her as a stranger; that's why he didn't treat her like one.

"Uh, Hinata, are you gonna say something to the poor guy? He looks like he's about to have a heart attack."

Sakura's amused voice snapped the timid girl out of it, and she brought her hands up to cup her cheeks, feeling how hot they were with blush, "I-I-I…. I don't know what to say!"

Naruto's face was almost as red as hers, but he stepped toward her, "Do you like me, too?"


The man stepped closer, cautiously reaching out a hand once he was standing in front of her and smiling softly when she grabbed onto it, albeit trembling with nervousness. "I want to know if you like me. I'll feel like a real idiot if you don't, and I ask you out."

Sakura giggled excitedly from nearby, reminding Hinata that at least six other people were watching them. Her eyes darted to Jiraiya, then Sakura, then out to the lobby, where a couple patrons were waiting for her response just as eagerly.

Calloused fingers gently guided her face back toward the man before her. "Just look at me, Hina. Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Naruto's words were a little firm but also offered gentle encouragement.

Hinata found herself lost in deep blue, attentive eyes. Unable to hold onto her inhibitions any longer, she slowly nodded.
