Li Tie felt awkward on the spot, he did not expect that what was being played through the loudspeaker would be this.
Behind the wall, Li Yuan heard the sound and almost burst out laughing, while the scruffy person next to her smiled slightly.
The sound was very penetrating and had a bit of an accent.
In the open space in front of the gas station, the bodies had already been devoured by the zombies, which initially stood blindly in place, howling as if venting their frustration at not having gotten to the bodies earlier.
Now, with the sound of the loudspeaker, the zombies seemed to have found a target.
They all started running towards the direction of the drone.
The drone had just taken off from alongside the new energy vehicle, and Li Tie, who was in the car, looked through the window to see the zombies running in his direction. He hurriedly hid himself under the car.
Then, looking at the screen, he remotely controlled the drone to fly to the side.