It Seems Like I've Underrated Level 2

After cleaning the equipment, Dave began to work on the refinement.

Mrs. Izu's actions attracted the attention of all the apprentices in the laboratory.

The two apprentices who had been making potions stopped after their failed attempt and turned to " observe " Dave.

Mrs. Izu didn't say anything about it. She just smiled and watched.

Dave thought he would be nervous since it was his first time making a potion in front of so many people.

However, when he really started, he realized that other than his heart beating faster at the beginning, as the experiment progressed, he did not make any mistakes.

In the past few days, he had refined the spirit water hundreds of times. It was no exaggeration to say that other than the key steps, he could complete the rest with his eyes closed.

Although he was using new equipment, it was essentially no different from his own.

In other words, the beaker he used was replaced by a round glass pot, and the animal oil torch was replaced by a higher-level magic torch.

There wasn't much of a difference in the way they were used.

Moreover, because the flame of the magic torch was easier to control and more stable than the animal oil blowtorch, he needed less energy in this area.

It was much easier to refine.

After boiling the spirit leaves and picking them out, Dave continued to refine them.

"It looks decent. Who knows if it's just for show…."

The level 2 acolyte named Aiur curled his lips and secretly complained.

The laboratory was only so big, so naturally, everyone could hear what he said.

Dave didn't respond.

He continued to refine until all the earlier steps were completed, and he successfully entered the condensation step. Only then did he feel a trace of pressure.

Fortunately, the nature of the glass pot was no different from his glass beaker, so he did not need to adapt to it.

Suddenly, the solution in the round glass pot began to boil slightly.

Aiur's eyes lit up. He was about to complain when he saw Dave slightly change the speed of his mana input.

The solution, which had just shown signs of boiling, calmed down again.


Aiur and the other acolytes paused for a moment, and Glenn's eyes lit up.

"Good fellow, it has only been a few days…Your proficiency has increased by so much?!

"This brat seems to be even more abnormal than I had imagined…."

Dave was so focused on the solution in the pot that he didn't respond to any noise.

Under his control, the solution in the glass pot decreased.

Finally, when the concentration of the solution reached the required level, Dave turned off the magic torch.

He poured out the remaining solution into the pot, and a portion of spirit water was successfully refined.

"Pa, pa, pa."

Glenn clapped happily.

Dave wiped the sweat off his forehead and smiled at him.

Dave had started to warm up to Glenn. Of course, that was if he didn't suddenly spit out a few fingers again…

Mrs. Izu, who was next to him, also showed an expression of admiration.

The apprentices who had complained about Dave earlier all shut up.

Dave didn't know, but they had made a mental comparison. If they were Dave, they wouldn't be much better than him.

Although some people still told themselves that this was a difference in experimental equipment, everyone with discerning eyes understood.

Those who had studied Potionology longer than Dave and were at a higher level than him were not confident that they could beat Dave in the concoction of Spirit Water.

This undoubtedly meant that the success rate that this guy had mentioned before might not be fake.

The following refinement was the same.

He didn't know if it was because he used better experimental equipment.

Or maybe it was because the environment in the laboratory was better than the living room.

Dave found that his refinement was surprisingly smooth.

He had used up all ten sets of materials and unexpectedly succeeded seven times!

This was even higher than his usual six times.

As he successfully refined one after another, the apprentices who were waiting to see him make a fool of himself fell silent.

Now, looking at the seven tubes of spirit water on the table, some of the apprentices in the laboratory began to doubt their lives.

Seven bottles?

Seven bottles?

70% chance?


Some people were speechless.

The scene before their eyes was beyond their understanding.

Judging from Dave's performance, it couldn't be explained by luck.

"Hehe, I'll tell you in secret."

Glenn came over sneakily.

"In fact, with the few apprentices around us, the success rate of refining spirit water is only 40%.

"Even I can barely maintain it at 50%…Haha!

"As for your 70%…Tsk tsk."

Dave wanted to cover his forehead.

Only then did he know why everyone looked at him so strangely when he said 50% at the beginning.

Why did the acolyte, who usually did not look so difficult to talk to, actually mock him?

So it wasn't because they looked down on the newcomers…

Was it because the data he gave was too abnormal?

He seemed to be…Had he underestimated Level 2?

Dave finally reacted.

Before completing the mission and obtaining the 100 subject experience points to upgrade Potionology to Level 2, after studying Potionology for a year, his proficiency was only 22 points…

One had to know that he was not considered to be one of those with poor talent, and his level of hard work was not inferior to others.

And now, Level 2 was equivalent to surpassing Level 1 by an entire dimension of proficiency…

It really seemed a little exaggerated.

"70% is it."

Mrs. Izu walked over happily.

She patted Dave's shoulder in satisfaction.

"You did well today, Dave."

Her expression suddenly turned serious.

"According to our agreement, after today, you will be my apprentice."

She didn't ask Dave if he was willing or not.

An official Mage would never ask such a question.

Since Dave was willing to participate in the bet, there was no need for him to be unwilling.

No matter how good-tempered Mrs. Izu was, she was the same as the other mages in this matter.

To official Mages, let alone ordinary people, even a level 1 acolyte was no different from an ant in their eyes.

The difference in strength between the two sides was not on the same level.

There was no option to agree or disagree.

Fortunately, Dave didn't refuse.

Dave was very happy to become Mrs. Izu's apprentice, whom he had always respected and appreciated.