The War of Hell: meeting

Hell, March 1 2036, 6 years ago I went to hell to aid in the war between the Demons against the Arch Demons. the arch demons were followers of Lucifer they want to take over Hell and earth for Lucifer but because the Demons who swore peace don't want them to have their way fought against them but the Arch Demons had some secret weapon. "Artificial Ability users" are kids who were experimented by these Arch Demons who were taken from Earth by Portal ability users who wanted to help the Arch Demons. only 2 were able to escape. this is the story of how I met Sayori and Monika... the owners of these 2 very ribbons I wear to this day.

Guard: Hero here's the 2 Artificial Ability girls.

Hero: thanks, could you leave us alone?

Guard: sure sir!

Hero: Now you two tell me your names and what are your plans?

Sayori: grrrrr! we won't tell you nothing!

Sayori is rebellious and Monika despite being older, she is quite scared of me.

Monika: how can we trust any of you? you might do experiments on us!

Hero: I assure you we won't do any experiments I promise.

they looked at me with faces of distrust.

Sayori: fine! but if you want to know our names you must tell us your name!

Hero: fine... but you must keep my name a secret ok you promise?

Sayori: fine..

Hero:ok... my name is... Kaneki Higanbana the hero of Atlantis.

Sayori & Monika: HUH! you're the hero of Atlantis?!

Kaneki: yes

Monika: But you're as old as us!

Kaneki: yes I know.

Sayori & Monika: amazing!

Kaneki: alright I have something to ask you two.

Monika: w-what is it?

Kaneki: you can choose to either go back to earth I'll bring you guys there or you can help me destroy those Arch Demons.

Sayori: no no no no no! I don't want to go back there!

Monika: yeah, why would you ask us that?

Kaneki: you two are the only ones who escaped the report I heard said there were others no?

Sayori: it's correct...

Kaneki: I'm asking you this because I want to know what you two do since you have very strong artificial Abilities. will you avenge your friends? or will you just run away?

Sayori: b-but.

Kaneki: like I said, you two are free to choose if you want to stay and fight or will you run either way you have the choice.

Hearing those words Sayori started to cry.

Monika: you little-

Sayori: don't Monika... you go home I'll stay.

Monika: What why!?

Sayori: the thing is.. when we escaped that prison I was feeling uneasy, when I saw all our friends getting killed I only felt anger I want to avenge them and you can't stop me.

Monika: you're crazy! you'll Die!

Sayori: and what of it!? I'm a failure my own parents sold me to these Arch Demons! and i never did anything right my entire life I want to do this you can't stop me!

Monika: then I'll join you.

Sayori: what but you have a normal happy life why would you join!

Monika: I feel the same way as you seeing our friends being killed in front of me is really horrible and I want to avenge them as well plus I don't want you to die Sayori.

Sayori: But-

Kaneki: you know you can't stop her.

Sayori: why are you just accepting this why aren't you stopping us!?

Kaneki: do you think you're the only ones who lost people!?

Monika: you haven't seen the things we saw.

Kaneki: I know what about this I'll help you guys kill those monsters who killed you friends I'll protect you two and support you two I promise.

Sayori: fine...

Monika: I guess but do you have any abilities?

Kaneki: I have this sword and I have some abilities like portal abilities, regeneration, fire breathing and many more.

Sayori: eeh! how many do you have exactly?

Kaneki: I don't really know, I have a lot.

Monika: wait are you also an experiment!?

Kaneki: nope, well let's talk later I'll get you two gears for battle we'll be in an army that I'll be commanding.

Sayori: hehe~ they're seriously letting a kid command don't make me laugh.

Kaneki:... you two please don't die on me I'll show you my face once the time comes.

Monika: Booo~

after a few minutes The Hero: Kaneki Higanbana and The two girls Monika and Sayori were called because they were being assembled to make a team to command the army.

General Tuff: alright Hero these are the people you'll be teamed up with freak demon: Sukuna, Succubus: flint, Sea demon: Aqua, and the two escaped artificial Ability users Monika and Sayori.

Sukuna: nice to meet all of ya, hope we all get along

Flint: my my, I can't believe I'm working with kids and to think the hero was a kid what a waste.

Aqua: seriously you're the Hero? a kid? well we're all doomed

Sayori: HEY! if you guys don't want to work with him then leave! cowards!

Aqua: Huh! you want to fight peep squeak!

Monika: Sayori don't do this!

Sayori: Yeah bring it on!

Aqua: Heh! this is going to be easy

Monika: Hey Sayori we shouldn't say

the team was not getting along at all so Kaneki had to intervene so they won't destroy each other.

Kaneki: ENOUGH!! Aqua! Sayori! go apologize to each other now! and get along.

Aqua: Oh yeah make me you son of a-

Kaneki: (Fire breathe).

Aqua: aahhhhh! so hot!!!

Kaneki: Sayori, Aqua don't fight we must get along if we want to stop this war fighting among ourselves is not worth anything. we either plan our attack or we train.

Flint: this kid is actually quite scary I have no choice then. what do you want me to do?

Kaneki: I want you to get the map of Hell.

flint: um which layer exactly?

Kaneki: all of them!

flint: alright! I'll be right back!

Sukuna: alright what do I do?

Kaneki: Sukuna are you good at hand to hand combat?

Sukuna: yes the best here in Hell.

Kaneki: good I want you to train as many warriors who can't use abilities or weapons, they must learn how to fight and to defend themselves and their loved ones.

Sukuna: well it might be hard though.

Kaneki: don't worry I'll help later.

Sukuna: sure dude.

Kaneki: don't push yourself too much ok!

Sukuna: got it!

Kaneki started to command his allies to do specific tasks needed but there are some who don't obey.

Aqua: if I'm going to be listening to a kid then I'm out! see ya later hero or I say Zero~

Sayori: Hey get back here you jerk! if not then take this rage cannon!

Kaneki: there's no need for that Sayori.

Sayori: b-but!

Monika: we shouldn't force him Sayori.

Kaneki: she's right let's not force him.

Sayori: b-but he's not listening.

Kaneki: listen Sayori not everything will go the way you want it. he's going through some tough times he lost his wife and child to these Arch Demons they killed them the day the war started. let's give him time I understand how he's feeling same for you too Sayori.

Sayori: what do you understand? Huh!

Kaneki: the friends you tried to escape with they were special to you weren't they? they were like family to you.

Sayori: arghh! don't you--

Kaneki: you want to avenge your family I understand I had the same thought 8 years ago.

Monika: what are you- wait you lost a family member?

Kaneki: yes my mother, I'm not sure you noticed but this sword I'm wielding is the very sword my mom used to protect me before she died.

Sayori: your mom was probably weak.

Kaneki: don't you-

Monika: please Kane-kun don't get angry she's just jealous.

Kaneki: tsk I'm going to train some weapon wielders.

after saying that I left them Monika started to talk to Sayori

Monika: you shouldn't have done that.

Sayori: whatever.

Monika: geez.

we never got along with each other because we just met but we have to get along so I had another mission make this team get along.