Kaneki's worries and reunion with old friends

Kaneki suddenly ran back to the camp site after sensing his friend being hurt how does he have this sense? let's rewind 10 minutes after he left camp and started gathering wood.

Kaneki: man i that was a lot of pressure!

???: Ku ku~

Kaneki: oh you showed up huh? Ku-kun.

Ku-kun a stag beetle that has been with Kaneki since he was in middle school.

Kaneki got Ku-kun as a prize for participating in the online competition back at middle school.

Ku-kun is a Familiar, Ku-kun rarely shows up but he is very friendly too.

Kaneki wasn't the only one to get a familiar Shino, Yuuka, Miku and Sachi got their very own Familiars as prizes too.

and they took very good care of them.

Kaneki: hey Ku-kun can you help find some fire wood?

Ku-kun: KU!!

Kaneki: thank you friend.

since Kaneki was far enough from the camp site he started to talk to Ku-kun while gathering wood.

Kaneki: you know Ku-kun I'm worried.

Ku-kun: Kuwa?

Kaneki: well I'm worried about Natsuki I mean she and I can't talk here because we might get caught and honestly i am not very good at being social unless it's with my friends.

Ku-kun: Ku wa wa Ku.

Kaneki: i can't talk to those 3 I'm just a stranger to them now.

Ku-kun: Kuuu~

Kaneki: ... if so then why don't they talk to me? they clearly forgot my existence.

Ku-kun: Wata Wata.

Kaneki: hey hey it's not their fault.

Ku-kun: Gawa?

Kaneki: i never told them about how i felt cuz I was a coward. if I told them my feelings of how thankful I am to them would they not abandoned me? it's always my fault! they must got tired of me because they never got new friends because of me sniff*. I am all alone.


Ku-kun was confused looking at his giant friend he couldn't convince him it wasn't his fault. He was seriously worried about Kaneki.

Ku-kun: Ku ku ku ga ga ta ta ta wa wa kuwa gata.

Kaneki: hmph. thanks Ku-kun.

Ku-kun: Ga ta ga ta?

Kaneki: how can I tell if my friends were in trouble back then? that is a question i never thought you would ask?

Well it's because if they are hurt, scared or forced to do something they don't want to do i somehow could sense them so i always ran towards them.

Kaneki: that's how I could explain it.

Ku-kun: waku.

Kaneki: yeah... hey Ku-kun are you going to be here for a while?

Ku-kun: Kuta.

Kaneki: thanks i might be less lonely.

Kaneki: so do you know how those 3 are doing your friends?

Ku-kun: Gaku.

Kaneki: really!? you guys made a base inside the tree that's in my backyard?

Ku-kun: KU!

Kaneki: I see.


Kaneki: those 3 are worried?

Ku-kun: Ku!

Kaneki: so they stayed at the base because those had an argument with those 3?

Ku-kun: Ku!

Kaneki: what did they argue about?

Ku-kun: Kuwawatata.

Kaneki: they promised them they wouldn't tell anyone, sad. in that case I'll take care of the 4 of you for now is that alright?


Kaneki: great go get them. I'll wait.


Kaneki: man He's fast!

6 minutes later.

Kaneki: everyone's here hello Heike (ladybug) Yanma (Hornet), Mo-chan (Moth)!.

Yanma: Ya!

Hei: Keke.

Mo-chan: Mo Mo!

Kaneki: it's great to see you girls too how are you three?

Mo-chan: Mo!

Kaneki was genuinely happy seeing the familiars of his friends.

and he asked for help.

Kaneki: I'm sorry but can all of you help me find some firewood?

Yanma: Ma!

Mo-chan: Mo! MO!

Heike: Ei!

Kaneki: alright! thank you everyone.

and then they started gathering a lot of wood.

Two minutes later, present.

Kaneki: !!! my friend is hurt! I have enough wood now i should run back!

the 4 insect familiars rushed following Kaneki.

and the 4 insect familiars were worried and started to ask Questions.

Ku-kun: Gawa?!

Yanma: Nma!?

Heike: Heke!?

Mo-chan: Moth Moth?!

Kaneki: i sense My friend is hurt so I have to check it out! we have enough fire wood so it's alright! and you 4 follow me back to camp hold tight!


Meanwhile back at camp*

Itsuki:.... What's taking him so long?

Ryueki: Maybe Higanbana got lost.

Keita: i doubt it, he knows this forest more than us so it's impossible for him to get lost.

???: but he's been gone for almost 13 minutes. he ran so fast we couldn't even see the direction he went.

???: should we do the partnering thingy now?

Yuuka: sorry but we have to wait for everyone that includes Higanbana-kun.

Ryueki: Are you sure about this? what if he just left?

Shino: i doubt that he would just leave like that when we were walking here it kinda looked like he was looking forward to it.

Miku: Just wait for a little while Ryu-Onii.

???: but why is he taking so long?

Chikao: he's probably gathering enough wood for the 3 days.

Natsuki: yeah maybe he's gathering all that wood to last all of us for 3 days.

???: what makes you think that Yuri-san?Mizutani-san?

Chikao & Natsuki: just a gues-


Kaneki: Arghh that stings!

Kaneki crashed at a big rock that was on the camp site.

Miku: Higanbana-kun are you still alive? Wait?!


some of the boys and girls: Aaahhhh!!! Bugs!!!

Kaneki: Oi! Ku-kun! Heike! Yanma! Mo-chan didn't I tell you guys to hang tight!

Yuuka: Huh?! he's talking to those bugs?! (Heike?)

Shino: (Yanma?!)

Miku: (Mo-chan?!)

The 3 girls saw their insect Familiars who the never saw for a long time with Kaneki.

Natsuki: Wow that's a lot of wood Higanbana-kun.

Kaneki: yeah these will last all of us for 3 days!

as Kaneki returned his first time camping trip has begun.