men are beast

After having fun at the river it was decided the girls were to go change at camp first but fearing the boys might peep on them Kaneki offered to watch over them until the girls are done.

At camp*

???: Hey Yuuka-chan!

Yuuka: what is it?

???: are you sure we should trust Higanbana-kun to watch over the guys and not Ryueki?

Keiko: well I trust Kaneki he did promised after all.

Yuuka: yeah I trust him.

???: but what if he just leads the guys to peep on us?

Chikao: do you girls really think he would do such a thing? For one he never once looked at us with lustful eye's and he is very serious when he makes a promise.

Natsuki: how could you be sure class rep?(well I'm fully aware of that anyways but I have to act so no one would suspect)

Chikao: well, you see Kaneki respects woman's privacy and he isn't a pervert and when he makes a promise he'll do anything to keep it.

???: yeah, but what about the other guys?

Chikao: let him handle them and c'mon girls get changed. We don't want to make the boys wait for too long

Back at the river 2 minutes prior*

???: Hey Kaneki can we go back now?

Kaneki: nope, they aren't done yet.

Ryueki: and how would you know?

Kaneki: we walked to this river for 6 minutes so the way back is probably the same time so if I'm guessing they probably just got back.

Ryueki: then we should go back now too.

???: why's that?

Ryueki: because if it took us 6 minutes to get back the girls would be done by then. So we should run back.(Well not really since the girls would probably still be changing to their pajamas)

Kaneki: if any of you try to run back I'll put you in a caccon.

Ryueki: c'mon man lets get back don't you wanna see the girls in cute pajamas.

Itsuki: yeah we should go back I wanna see Keiko's pajamas! And I wanna see her br*ast

???: yeah I want to see the girls on pajamas.

Kaneki looked at them with disgusted.

Kaneki: Wow Shita-chan and Chi-chan was right men are beast, you guys are disgusting getting excited over pajamas you guys are really disgusting.

Itsuki: EHH?! Kaneki! That's so mean!

Kaneki: then don't be disgusting you creeps I bet you guys just want to look at their chest talk about disrespectful and disgusting.

Ryueki: Lol! You talk like a girl.

Kaneki: yeah so? Unlike you creeps i respect their privacy and if you guys try to go their without them finishing I will not hesitate to web you guys in a cacoon.

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Dammit I planned to make the guys go to camp early so i could frame them for wanting to peep on the girls but this guy is serious about keeping us here in that case)

Ryueki: what about we go now Higanbana and I'll get you some expensive pudding once the camping trip is done.

Kaneki did not respond.

(The heck?! I thought he liked pudding!)

But because of what Ryueki said earlier some of the guys wanted to back immediately and they started to annoy Kaneki.

???: hey c'mon lets go back the girls must be done by now.

???: c'mon lets go back we'll get sick if we don't dry off properly.

Kaneki was getting annoyed but he waited then after 7 minutes someone came to them.

Chikao: Hey! Kaneki!

Kaneki: Oh Chi-chan are you girls done?

Chikao: yup you guys can go back now.

Kaneki: you heard her guys time to get back.

Chikao's thoughts*

(Why does some of the guys look down?)

Kaneki: lets go guys!

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Dammit my plan failed! I need a way to get more attention!)

Chikao: hey Kaneki how was watching over the guys like?

Kaneki: annoying that's all i can say for now.

Chikao: I see, we'll see ya! I'll run back to camp and tell the girls to go a bit far away so some of them wouldn't peek on you guys.

Kaneki: i appreciate it.

After Chikao ran back to camp she led the girls a bit far from camp so the boys would get to change to their pajamas.

After the guys returned they changed to their pajamas since it was around 5pm when they returned.

After changing to their pajamas the girls returned and thanked the guys for waiting.

Keiko: thanks Itsuki-kun for waiting!

Itsuki: of course!

Kaneki: Hey Keiko just so you know Itsuki said he wanted to see you in your Pajamas and your br*ast

The girls besides Keiko looked at Itsuki with disgust.

Itsuki grabbed Kaneki's collar and started to yell.

Itsuki: Kaneki! Why did you tell her out loud! Now I'm being looked with judgemental eyes!

Kaneki: you should've kept your thoughts to yourself.

???: Higanbana-kun what else did you hear from the guys?

Kaneki: well some annoying stuff but I won't say anything you don't want to hear.

???: good.

Yuuka: so what did you thought of the guys when you were watching them.

Kaneki: all i can say is Men are beast.

Natsuki's thoughts*

(I'm glad Kaneki isn't like other guys i would be very upset if some guy sees changing well unless its Kaneki i wouldn't mind.... Wait! What am I thinking?!)

Shino's thoughts*

(Fufu~ same old Kaneki he really does hate it when guys talk about weird things about girls)

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Good job best friend! I knew you could do it... Wait but he doesn't sees me as his best friend anymore...)

Miku's thoughts*

(Onii-chan... Thank you)