resting and encouragement

After what happened between Kaneki and Shino. Natsuki followed Kaneki to ask what happened between him and Shino and after telling her he suddenly got Demonitis.

And when Natsuki dragged him back to camp Chikao asked Shino to treat Kaneki. And she accepted.

Shino: alright, I've gave him some medicine, put some damp cloth on his forehead and tucked him in his blanket.

Chikao: good just keep on watching his temperature.

Miku's thoughts*

(Onii-chan got Demonitis... This isn't good! Even though its a small chance i don't want him to die!)

Yuuka's thoughts*

(As long Shino looks after him he'll probably recover soon).

Shino's thoughts*

(I did it again... By making him remember it caused him to fell Ill.)

Natsuki's thoughts*

(I wish i could take care of him, I don't care if they find out of our secret but I have no choice but to keep it a secret... Alright then later tonight I'll sneak inside his tent!)

Itsuki: so what now?

Keiko: i think we should all rest.

Yuuka: agree, we all have been fishing for 5 hours and the winner was Shino and Higanbana-kun, we all deserve to rest.

Everyone: yeah.

Everyone decided to rest.

Natsuki: hmm? Looks like Higanbana-kun's web hammock from yesterday is still here.

Itsuki: hey you're right! I call web hammock!

Keiko: no fair! I want to-

Natsuki: Huff-!

Rustle rustle*

Natsuki: my this hammock is very comfortable.

Itsuki & Keiko: hey! Who told you you could go first!

Natsuki: hehe~ to be fair you two I was the first to see it, so It's fair that i lie down on it first.

Ryueki: wait! Natsuki it might not be safe! It might not hold you!

Natsuki: rude! Calling me heavy?!

Ryueki: no no! Its just! It's made out of webs! It might break!

Natsuki: webs are very strechy and the more they stretch the stronger they are and did you forget the fact that Higanbana-kun is heavier than me but this hammock was able to hold him?

Ryueki: N-No that's not what-

Natsuki: shut up! I want to rest after 5 hours of sitting!

Ryueki: eek!

Natsuki: now i will take a nap!

Natsuki layed down on the hammock and took a nap.

Meanwhile at the other side of the lake*

Shino: so why did you call me here for?

Yuuka: i thought of a way so you can be alone with Kaneki.

Shino: but... He's unconscious...

Yuuka: I know I'm worried too but listen if he sees you taking care of him he might accept yo-

Shino: please don't say that!


Shino: the face he had when he looked at me it was full of pain and despair... I don't want him to endure it again.

Yuuka: so are you saying you'll give up on him?

Shino: that's not what I said... But I don't know what to do... Even if i help him recover he has remember my face so if he works up he'll have that same pained look upon seeing me again.

Yuuka looked really concerned seeing both her friend and best friend suffering.

Shino: This is so frustrating! I don't know what to do!

Yuuka: Shino calm down.

Shino began shedding tears.

Shino: you know? Kaneki knew about what the others were saying about me.

Yuuka: what?! About that?

Shino: nods* Yeah, even after what I've e done to him he still cares but he blamed himself....

Shino: i don't deserve to be with him...

Yuuka: what?!

Shino: back then he was the same he cared for me, and he blamed himself many times too when i got bullied...

Yuuka: I know...

Shino: he was so kind to me but what did we repay that kindness with? Estrangement... I don't deserve to be called him childhood friend... I wish back then... I should've chose him...

Itsuki: i know how you feel. I don't deserve to be called his best friend too I also estranged him and changed for some stranger I never even knew.

Shino: so what now? The only option in my head is giving up... But I don't want to give up on him!

Yuuka: then don't give up.

Shino: BUT!

Yuuka: Shino... Listen, back then when we were in that competition there were many times we wanted to give up.

Shino: huh?

Yuuka: you know about it remember? There weren't many people watching our streams for the competition but Kaneki was always there he kept watching and encouraging us.

Shino: but...

Yuuka: i think Kaneki is in a similar situation as us back then.

Shino: what?

Yuuka: back then we were afraid of no one watching us, but Kaneki was always there watching, supporting and helping us.

Shino: yeah...

Yuuka: and right now he is afraid of you getting problems because of him and forgetting him.

Shino: what?

Yuuka: its just my guess, but Shino you must do the same as he did for us back then you need to: watch, support, and help him.

Shino: yeah... You're right.

Yuuka: so you wanna hear my plan so you two can be alone? You might be able to talk to him (even though he's unconscious) it might even make him recover too

Shino: let me hear it.