demons arrival

After Ryueki put the sphere containing the Para-jelly somewhere in the forest he went back to camp to take a nap.

Ryueki: this is great, I'll get more attention and be a protagonist!

He whispered to himself.

And so hours came by and the entire class went doing their own activities while waiting for the test of courage to start.

30 minutes before starting the test of courage Shino was still watching over Kaneki in his tent.

Shino: hey wake up please.

Obviously he didn't respond.

Shino: of course, lets see your temperature-

Yanma: Ya!

Shino: hmm? What is it you 4?

Heike: Ike!

Shino: what?! She went in here last night?!

Ku-kun: Wagku

Mo-chan: Momo!

Shino felt a bit sad.

Shino: I see... Good for Her. Hey can I ask for a favor for you 4?

There wasn't anyone in camp because they were already at the site for the test of courage.

Ku-kun: wata?

Shino: can you 4 watch over him?

The 4 insects looked Shocked.

Yanma: yam?

Shino: i rather not talk about it but I'll just say i might cause more trouble.

Ku-kun: ku-

Shino: well I'm off now.

Yanma: YANMA!!!

Shino: sorry but I have no cho-

Before she could go out of the tent her hand got grabbed by Kaneki.

Shino: Kaneki?!

But as she looked at him he was still in the same condition.

Shino: what's going on?... Please let go.

She was able to remove his hand and get out of the tent but she heard something.

Kaneki: D... Don't... Gooo...

Shino was in the brink of crying. She knows Kaneki is still unconscious but she wanted to respond.

Shino: sorry... I'm sorry for hurting you back then!... No what I mean is I'm sorry for abandoning you!

Her words were full of regret,

Shino: I wish i could've chose you!...


Shino: i wish we could've stayed what we've used to be! I'm sorry! I gotta go! I'm sorry for being a fake!

And self hatred.

After saying those apologies she ran away crying.

Shino: I wish i could've chose him instead!

The site where the test of courage was still quite far so she began talking to herself.

Shino: I don't know what to do now. Tomorrow we'll be going back home but... We'll go back to being strangers... This is the worst.

The thought of it made her more sad.

Shino: I wish... I could destroy the love I have for Itadori-kun.

That was her wish.

Shino: but I can't do it... I hate it.

She can't do it.

Shino: i should go now.

She began running to the test of courage site.

30 minutes later*

Yuuka: took you long enough Shino!

Shino finally got to the test of courage site.

Shino: sorry, i didn't bring a flashlight so i couldn't see where I was going.

Natsuki: well at least you got here safely.

Miku: yeah!

Ryueki: alright! Should we start!

Some of the girls: Yeah!!!

Yuuka: alright alright everyone, we can start now but be sure to stay safe!

Itsuki: of course!

Chikao: and also don't touch any rocks you see they might be dragon eggs.

Keiko: yeah, yeah.

Yuuka: alright lets start!

Everyone: Yeah!!!

They started the test of courage.

Each pair went into the forest each farther away from each pair so each pair could be alone.

And for Shino who was with Yuuka and Chikao.

Chikao: seriously, I can't believe you left him alone.

Yuuka: hey Chi-chan no need for that.

Chikao: sorry, its just this is probably your only chance to reconcile with him but.

Shino: yeah, I know.

Yuuka: hey cheer up.

Shino: well I guess better luck next time. Well if there is one at least.

Chikao: well just don't give up.

Shino: I know...

Up ahead*

Natsuki: i wonder what their talking about?

Miku: i-i don't know but please don't let go!

Natsuki: there there, who would've thought you would be afraid of the forest?

Miku: of course i would be afraid! The moon light is not showing so its hard to see without flashlights!

Natsuki: yeah yeah.


Miku & Natsuki: AAHHHH! WHAT WAS THAT!

At Yuuka's group*

Shino: what was that?

Chikao: i don't know but it felt like an earthquake.

Yuuka: well be careful then up ahead will be a cliff good thing everyone is going below.

Shino: that doesn't sound good.

While they were walking they didn't noticed it

Up ahead*

Natsuki and Miku saw their classmates and Itsuki and Keiko and some others at a giant Boulder blocking the road.

Natsuki: what happened here?!

???: we don't know this boulder just fell down we're lucky we didn't get crushed.

Miku: was it an earthquake?

Keiko: it wasn't! It just came down!

???: hey what happened here?!

Miku: Shino-Oneechan!

Shino: yo...

Chikao: what happened here?!

???: we don't know!

Itsuki: yeah! This boulder just came down out of nowhere!

Yuuka : For real?! Is anyone hurt?!

Yuta: nope everyone is fine.

Shino: should we head back?

Yuuka: I agree, its not safe right now we should go ba-

Ryueki: hey what happened?

???: Ryueki-kun!

Natsuki's thoughts*

(Oh the trash has arrived)

Keita: woah! Why is there a boulder blocking the road?

Ryueki: well that's not important lets just go pass it.

???: how exactly?

Ryueki: have you guys forgotten? I'm a ability user and one of them is strength enhancing.

???: Ryueki-kun is reliable as ever!

Natsuki's thoughts*

(Wasn't Kaneki who led us to the campsite?!)

Shino's thoughts*

(Have you forgotten Kaneki was the one who cooked good food?!)

Shino and Natsuki were clearly pissed.

Ryueki: alright the here we g-


???: wha- what was that?!

???: eek! Is it a dragon?!

Chikao: no! Dragons usually roar!

Itsuki: that sound! No it can't be! Everyone! Run back to camp now!

???: what why?!

Itsuki: its a-


???: what the?!

Yuta: was that another boulder?!

Shino: cough! cough! What was that?!


As the dust clears they saw it.

???: no way! A Para-jelly?!

???: why is it here in Japan?!

Ryueki: don't worry! I got this!

Ryueki charged at the Para-jelly thinking he could beat it easily.

Ryueki: take this! Ice-Fireball!


Itsuki: you fool! Don't use your abilities!


Ryueki: see? easily dealt with.

Some of the girls: Ryueki-kun is so cool!

Ryueki: heh!

He thought he destroyed it but.

???: Anti-ice-fireball!


???: Ryueki-kun!

Ryueki: wha- what happened?!

Itsuki: you fool! That is not a normal Para-jelly! That is one created to counter Ability users!

Ryueki: what?!

Itsuki: that is a monster created from Hell a War Para-jelly!

Ryueki: what?!

Itsuki: they are immune to magic and abilities from ability users!


everyone: what?!

Hearing another screech they looked at the boulder.

Ryueki: what?! Another one?!

Shino: no... This can't b happening.

The second War Para-jelly was looking at them. Then it looked at Shino.

Keiko: Shino run!!! Its planning to use you as its host!

Shino: wha-


She couldn't hear it in time. The War Para-jelly latched on to her using its tentacles.

Shino: No! Let go!

Yuuka: Shino!

Yuuka seeing what happened tried to help her. She tried to pull one of the Para-jellys tentacles but.

Yuuka: don't worry I'll he-


Miku: Yuuka-Oneechan!

Shino suddenly punched Yuuka.

Chikao: Shino what are you?!-

Shino: Grrrr.

Miku: No... Shino-Oneechan!

Natsuki: Tanaka-san!


???: Ryueki-kun do something!

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Why did it go like this?! I'm the protagonist! Why isn't it going my way!)

Shino who was being controlled by the War Para-jelly began to lunge at her classmates attacking them.

???: no! Shino-san its me!


She tried to punch her classmate but.

Miku: don't Shino-Oneechan!

She hit Miku.

Miku: please! Stop give back Shino-Oneechan!

Yuuka: don't you dare use my Friend!

Yuuka tried again.


But it didn't work.

Yuuka: someone.... someone please save her!

???: Ryueki-kun are you alright?!

Natsuki: no he got hit badly he can't move.

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Where did it go wrong!?)

Everyone was panicking with 2 War Para-jellys they were trapped and for Shino...

Shino's thoughts*

(What is this?)

Yuuka: please stop!!


Keiko: it hurts!

Itsuki: Keiko-chan!!!

(Stop don't use my body to hurt others!)

The war Para-jelly was controlling her body but she's trying to fight it so to make sure she doesn't fight for control it used a dirty trick.

(What the?!)

Kaneki: i hate you.

(No please! I didn't want to hurt you!)

It showed her her biggest fear.

Kaneki: I wish i never met you, i hate you!

(No! No! I don't want this!)

She began to cry.

Miku: please stop!


Yuuka: let go of her!


Chikao: let go you freak!


They were Trying to help her.

Thwack !

but they all got hurt badly.

Kaneki: see like how you've hurt me you've hurt them as well.

(Please! Stop!)

Yuuka: don't you dare make Shino cry!

(Someone Please! Save us!)

Kaneki: no one is co-





Yanma: Yaaaaaa!


Ku-kun: Kuwataaaaaa!


Heike: Heiiiii!


Mo-chan: Moooo!



Itsuki: wait isn't that?!

???: wasn't he supposed to be?!

Ryueki: impossible!

Miku, Yuuka and Chikao were beaten up but when they opened their eyes ..

Miku, Yuuka, Chikao: no way!

Everyone: its!

They all saw the demon.

Shino: Kaneki?

Who was enraged


with visible blood vessels and Black eyes he came to help with the insectss.