my precious (1)

Kaneki who was crazy has consumed both Kamakura and Yanma turned into a monstrous form called Shin-ken Kumonos.

Everyone didn't know what was going on besides those girls.

Shino's thoughts*

(Shin-ken Kumonos!? No way i thought it was only a legend!)

Miku's thoughts*

(Shin-ken Kumonos! Onii-chan was able to use that?! This isn't good!)

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Shin-ken Kumonos is really dangerous! Kamakura told us that Shin-ken Kumonos is when a normal familiar and a beast knight fuse with a human or demon and is said to erase the personality of the human or demon!)

???: why isn't he moving?!

Natsuki: Higanbana-kun!

Kaneki didn't look.


War Para-jelly queen: tsk! Kill him!


The army of War Para-jellys charged at him.


Shino: what the?!

???: I can't see a thing!

the dust cleared.

Kaneki: lets dance!

Itsuki & Keiko: what is he doing?!

???: the hell!

Kaneki: heheheheh.

Shino: he's... Dancing?

Kaneki was actually dancing while fighting.

Kaneki: so much fun!

War Para-jelly queen: the hell! What are you all doing I said kill him!

Kaneki continued to dance while fighting.


He used his tentacles to bash the war Para-jellys.


He used his 4 spider legs to stab them.

Kaneki: this is so much fun! Right? Shita-chan!

Kamakura: oi! Kaneki! Get a hold of yourself!

Kaneki: so much fun!

No matter how many War Para-jellys came at him he was able to kill them.

Back at the cliff*

???: he doing well but he's still out numbered.

???: yeah! He won't last at this rate!

Shino's thoughts*

(Kaneki please! Defeat them all! I don't want you to get hurt!)

Kaneki: Okay Shita-chan!

Kaneki stopped moving.

(No! What are you doing?!)


All of the War Para-jelly began coming at him.

???: this is bad! Higanbana-kun! Get out!

Miku: Higanbana!

Yuuka: Higanbana-kun!

Chikao: Kaneki!

Natsuki: Higanbana-kun get out!

Everyone: run you idiot!

Kaneki still didn't move until.

Kaneki moved his face away from the War Para-jellys and said.

Kaneki: Shhhhh.

He then moonwalked.

Everyone: he's moonwalking?!

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Stab! Stab! Stab!

While he was moonwalking his tentacles and spider legs were slashing and stabbing the incoming war Para-jellys.

Even just his tentacles hitting the air was able to kill many War Para-jellys.

He then started spinning followed with him breakdancing with one of his arms out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Kaneki: Stinger Shots!

He began shooting the stingers from his arms at high-speeds.

Itsuki: so fast!

Keiko: yeah! And he's breakdancing too!

Natsuki: wow, he sucks at singing but he's good at dancing.

In no time he was able to destroy the entire army in 1 minute.

War Para-jelly Queen: dammit!

The War Para-jelly Queen was exhausted because her power was needed to make more of her army.

War Para-jelly Queen: I was the first War Para-jelly! I am the strongest! Yet I got beaten by a mere child?! I'll kill you myself!

Kaneki: did you have fun Shita-chan?!

Kaneki was still talking to the illusion of Shino in his head.

War Para-jelly Queen: how dare you ignore me! I'll kill you!, RAAAAAAHHHH!

The War Para-jelly Queen tried to attack him but.


It was easily sliced in half by Kaneki.

Kaneki: la-la-la🎵

And he didn't payed any attention to it.

???: he won!?

Itsuki: it looks like it-


The ground began to shake

Shino: the corpses of the War Para-jellys haven't disappeared!

When a War Para-jelly die they're body usually vaporize but the corpses of the army didn't.

???: what's happening?!

???: look!

They watched as the War Para-jelly corpse's began to go to the War Para-jelly Queen and merge with it.

It grew to a humongous size around 59 meters. And had a humanoid body that looked like a woman

Kaneki didn't noticed which was a problem.

???: I got you now!

He didn't heard it.

Everyone: Kaneki/ Higanbana! Look out!


Kaneki got hit and was sent flying hitting his head on the cliff again.

Kaneki: Shita-chan?! Where are you?!

Then the illusion of Shino disappeared.

"Shino! Shino! Where are you?!"

Shino's thoughts*

(Kaneki! Don't worry! I still here!)

Kaneki: where?! Where's Shita-chan!

Queen War Para-jelly: oh what's wrong?! Lost your imaginary friend? Well too bad I'll kill more than just your imaginary friend!

Kaneki: don't you da-

(Kaneki no need to yell.)

"But it insulted you"

(I don't care, but I'm worried about you please don't die)

Kaneki: heh!

Queen War Para-jelly: what?! Why are you smiling?!

Kaneki: Shita-chan~ i made a song dedicated you~ it might not sound good but please listen~.

Everyone's thoughts*

(Of course he's still crazy)

Shino's thoughts*

(A song dedicated to me?)

Natsuki's thoughts*

(What?! His colors! They're changing!)