transfer students arrival

After going home from his small date with Shino, Kaneki was greeted by a girl who has moved into his childhood friend Sachi Saki's home.

Which prompted him to slammed the gate and doors.

Miku: hey Onii-chan! Why did you slammed the gate and doors?!

Kaneki: someone weird blue haired girl greeted me.

Miku: what?!

Kaneki: yeah, and i think she moved into Sachi's home.

Miku: really?...

Miku's thoughts*

(Onii-chan was taking care of Sachi-Oneechans home ever since she left he was probably looking forward for her to return)

Miku: well anyways, how's your little date with Shino-Oneechan?

Kaneki: shut up...

Miku's thoughts*

(Hehe~ i think he enjoyed it)

Kaneki's thoughts*

(I just hope I don't cause problems for her)

The next day*

Miku: Onii-chan are you ready yet?! Something important is happening in school right now so lessons are suspended today.

Kaneki: seriously? This is strange ever since i became friends with Natsuki weird stuff has been happening.

Miku: yeah... But hey stuff happens. Well then I'm off!

Kaneki: stay safe!

Miku left.

Kaneki: alright then wait five minutes then leave.

5 minutes later*

Kaneki: alright time to go.

As Kaneki locked down his house he left.

Kaneki: alright time to go.

???: hello neighbor!

The blue haired medium breast girl appeared.

She walked to Kaneki.

???: nice to meet you neighbor.


Kaneki ran.

???: hey you're not getting away from me!

She chased Kaneki for a while. They kept running around for 8 minutes until he got cornered in an alley

???: I got you now!, Huh?!, where'd he go?

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Good thing I can turn myself invisible well better sneak away and head to school)

He quietly sneaked away and went to school.

10 minutes later*

Kaneki: Gaaa~

Kaneki arrived at school and seated on his seat.

Chikao: you look pretty tired Kaneki what happened?

Itsuki & Keiko: yeah what happened?

Kaneki: oh its nothin.

Natsuki: you sure? You look pretty tired.

Kaneki: I'm still drained alright?!

Shino: that's not the case.

Ryueki: hmm? What do you mean?

???: you know what happened Tanaka-san?

Natsuki: can you tell us?

Shino: uhh..

Yuuka: c'mon spit it out!

Shino: fine... He was being chased by a girl.

Everyone: What?! A girl?!

Itsuki: Hey! Kaneki! Why didn't you tell us you had a girlfriend?!

Kaneki: Shut! Up! That weirdo is not my girlfriend!!

???: then who is she?

Kaneki: like hell do I know?! She just moved to a house beside mine yesterday when I got back!

Miku: wait your neighbor?(well I know but this is concerning)

Shino's thoughts*

(Why would someone try to follow him? That's really weird)

Yuuka's thoughts*

(This might be a Yandare situation)

Kaneki: I had to run just to loose her and she was still capable of catching up!

Everyone: Seriously?!

Kaneki: yeah, and if you guys don't mind! Leave me alone! I need to catch my breath.

Itsuki: alright then but be ready for later!

Kaneki: hmm? Why's that?

Keiko: a famous streamer is going to our school!

Kaneki: really? Cool, now leave me be!

Querxes enters the room*

Querxes: Hey Kaneki how are you-

Kaneki glared at Querxes.

Querxes: oh your in a bad mood, alright lets talk later.

Kaneki then proceed to put his face on his desk to take a little nap.

Natsuki's thoughts*

(I wonder who that girl was? I just hope that girl won't hurt him)

A few minutes later*

Principal: all students go to the gym we will be welcoming our new transfer student. And one of you will have a chance to go up against her in games she prepared.

Natsuki: really? Games?

Ryueki: this might be fun.

Every student went into the gym and seated in their assigned seats and Natsuki and Kaneki's seats were beside each other. Far away from Ryueki.

Natsuki: hey thanks for the crepe yesterday.

Kaneki: no problem.

They whispered to each other.

???: i wonder if the new transfer student is really popular.

???: yeah, I heard she gotten 5 million subscribers in 3 months.

Kaneki: wait seriously?

Natsuki: yeah, that's what everyone is talking about, apparently this streamer is very silly but very kind and she has a crush on someone because she talks about him a lot. But she never mentions his name

Kaneki: wouldn't that be a bad thing? I mean I do respect personal life an all but wouldn't that make false rumors?

Itsuki: well she says she doesn't care about False rumors.

Kaneki: seriously? cool.

Keiko: yup.

Kaneki: i just hope this transfer student doesn't bother-

The lights turned off.

Itsuki & Keiko: Be quiet Kaneki!

as the the lights turned off sounds of footsteps echoed in the gym.

And then a girl was shined in a spotlight, a girl with long blue hair and medium breast.

Kaneki whispered.

Kaneki: wait isn't that?!

He then covered his face.

Natsuki: Higanbana-kun? What's wrong.

As the girl went to the microphone she made an announcement.

Mirachi: Hello everyone my name is Mirachi I'm happy transfer here to Mato high! I hope I can make friends here!

Everyone was surprised on how cute she looks but Kaneki wasn't looking.

Natsuki: she looks so cute.

Mirachi then looked around and saw Kaneki and with a loud voice.

Mirachi: Hello there neighbor! I never expected we'd be in the same school! Hope we can get along!

She said loudly while waving.

Everyone then tried to see who she was waving at.

Everyone: Huuuuh?!

Kaneki: tsk! What a pain!

The transfer student has found him yet again! What does Mirachi want with Kaneki? What does she want from him?