Childhood friend and Secret friend meeting (2)

Sachi: hello everyone! I hope we can get along!.

Sachi Saki has transferred to Mato high and spent a bit of time with her childhood friend Kaneki.

Now she'll be attending class in class 1-C.

???: nice to meet you!

Keiko: hope we can get along.

Ryueki: hello, hope we can get along.

Sachi looked at him with a straight face and said.

Sachi: Ew

Some of the girls in the class were shocked.

Ryueki's thoughts*

(What?! Ew? No girl called me ew before what the hell?!)

Sachi: anyways Querxes Sensei I want to sit near Kaneki?

Querxes: sure sit over there.

Sachi then took her seat.

Sachi: we're seatmates now!

Querxes: that's great and all but don't talk to much when there's lessons alright?

Kaneki: sure.

Sachi: got it!

They then proceeded with their lessons for rest of the day until school bells had ringed.

Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!

Sachi: finally~ class is done~

Kaneki: you look exhausted.

Sachi: of course! After running around then studying will get me exhausted!

Kaneki: oh yeah wanna go to my house? I'll cook you pancakes to celebrate your return.

Sachi: really?! I get to eat your pancakes?!

Kaneki: yup!

Sachi: I'll go then!

Kaneki: great!

Querxes: I'm sorry to interrupt you two but Kaneki you need to train today, Kiryu Sensei is waiting.

Kaneki: seriously?! Can you tell her that I'll train tomorrow instead?

Querxes: wait are you sure?

Kaneki: yes.

Querxes: great I'll tell her later.

Kaneki: thanks.

Querxes then left the room.

Kaneki looked at Sachi.

Sachi: I'm not going to ask anything about that don't worry.

Kaneki smiled.

Kaneki: alright. Hey Itsuki!

Itsuki: what?

Kaneki: I'm not going to attend club activities is that alright?

Itsuki: sure thing.

Kaneki: great, Sachi wanna walk home together?

Sachi: sure!

They then left school and began walking home.

Sachi: its so great to be back!

Kaneki: yeah...

Sachi: why do you look nervous Kaneki? Are you not telling me anything?

Kaneki: yeah well... I actually made friend at school two weeks ago.

Sachi: is it someone else besides Chi-chan?

Kaneki: yeah.

Sachi: Really?!!! Who is it?!

Kaneki: you'll find out when we go to my house she's probably there already.

Sachi: alright lets go-

Before running Kaneki grabbed her arm.

Kaneki: Sachi...

Sachi: yes?

Kaneki hugged her again.

Kaneki: sorry its just i was really lonely.

Sachi: yeah yeah, c'mon lets go I want to see your new friend.

Kaneki: alright.

A few minutes later*

Sachi: we're here!

Kaneki: yeah, lets go in-

Chikao: hey you two.

Kaneki & Sachi: Chi-chan?!

Chikao: yup its me.

Sachi smiled.

She then hugged her.

Sachi: your hair did turn purple! It looks so cute!

Chikao: thanks Sachi.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(This is bad! This is bad! This is bad! This is bad! If She comes in here she might-)

Chikao: say Kaneki can I join your welcome back party?

Kaneki: U-umm

Sachi: its a great idea!

(Dang it I have no choice!)

Kaneki: sure, come in

They then went in.

Sachi & Chikao: coming in.

Chikao: its been a while since I've been into your house Kaneki.

Kaneki: Yeah...

Sachi: why are you nervous-

Natsuki: sur~prise!


Natsuki jumped out and shot a confetti Gun.

Chikao: Mizutani-san?!

Natsuki: eh?

Sachi: wait you're the girl that creep likes!

Natsuki: Kaneki-kun! Why is Yuri-san here?! I said that i want to meet Saki-san!

Sachi and Chikao looked at Kaneki.

Kaneki: Uggh uhh waba


All 3: Kaneki?!

Kaneki fell to the floor due to stress..

But Kaneki got up immediately.

Kaneki: I'll explain everything.

After a few minutes of explaining.

Sachi: I see, since Mizutani-san doesn't like that creep she wanted to be your friend so you two kept it a secret.

Kaneki & Natsuki: yup that's about it.

Kaneki: please Sachi! Chi-chan! Don't tell anyone!

Sachi: i won't tell anyone don't worry.

Natsuki: thank you.

Chikao: well i actually knew you two were friends for a while now so dont worry about me knowing.

Kaneki & Natsuki: what?!

Chikao: I was in that cafe you two were in when you two became friends.

Kaneki: than why didn't you tell me!

Chikao: sorry.

Kaneki: phew! I thought are secret would get revealed!

Sachi: there there.

Kaneki: I'll start making pancakes.

Sachi: nope! Lets do that later! Lets play some video games first! Here look! I bought you a console Kaneki!

Kaneki: Why did you buy me one!

Sachi: I mean you always wanted a console.

Chikao: what about us?

Sachi: here!

She had more consoles.

Kaneki: how many do you have?!

Sachi: these were given to me by a company that sponsored one of my streams.

Kaneki: that cool!

Sachi: I have atleast 7 i think.

Natsuki: that's a lot!

Sachi: well whatever take one!

They all took one each and then played games.

Kaneki: I win!

Chikao: that was so much fun!

Natsuki: yeah, although I wished i could've won.

Sachi: same here.

Kaneki: alright then I'm gonna start making pancakes you girls have a little chat alright?

Sachi: sure.

Chikao: alright.

Natsuki: I hope we all get along.

Kaneki: alright then I'll start making the pancake batter.

Kaneki then went to the kitchen to start making the pancakes.

Sachi: hey You two.

Natsuki: what is it?

Chikao: what?

The 2 were both nervous.

Sachi: thanks for taking care of Kaneki.

Natsuki: no! I haven't really took cared of him up until recently.

Chikao: and I just only recently got to talk to him again.

Sachi: but still the fact that you two talked to him made him less lonely mostly you Mizutani-san thanks.

Natsuki: umm, your welcome?

Sachi: anyways I have a lot to talk about!

Natsuki: what is it?

Sachi went through her bag and grabbed a book.

Natsuki: what is that?

Chi-chan: oh its your photo album of your childhood.

Sachi: yeah it has all pictures of me Kaneki and our friends wanna see them?

Natsuki: yes please!