expedition group formation.

After getting more information regarding the location of The Crown of Urizen there was another problem that came, that being not having enough people.

Sachi: Can anyone help us please?

So Sachi just asked their classmates.


Sachi: hey! What was that for!

Kaneki: don't just go asking our classmates out of nowhere!

???: is she always like this?

Kaneki: of course, when at least one of us were missing oj a day of expedition back then if one of us is absent she'll just ask a random person for no reason.

Everyone: seriously?

Chikao: really? You guys never told me that back then

Kaneki: well you don't really join us so we decided to keep that a secret.

Chikao: good point, so can I join?

???: huh?!

???: are you sure class rep?

Kaneki: you sure about this?

Chikao: i haven't really went relic hunting with you guys at all so I feel kinda left out so i would like to help pin pointing the location and going on a expedition to find it.

Sachi: great!, we just need a few more people now!

???: you seem very serious about this.

Sachi: of course! Me my friends were doing this for... Hey Kaneki how long were we finding relics again?

Kaneki: 10 years, we've been finding relics for 10 years.

Sachi: oh yeah, that's right.

Everyone was shocked to hear that.

Itsuki: that's so long!!

Keiko: seriously?! How did you and your friends were able to afford those expeditions?!

Sachi: simply because we're ri-

Kaneki: either we buy equipment or i make them.

Shino: how much exactly do you guys spend on these expeditions?

Kaneki: less than 3,000¥

Natsuki: that's so cheap!

Kaneki: we're working with what we got.

Sachi: anyways Kaneki we have Chi-chan now but we still need a few more people to help us find this relic.

Kaneki: don't you dare ask people.

Sachi: aww~

Itsuki: hey Keiko do you wanna?

Keiko: yes, definitely.

Itsuki: hey Kaneki me and Keiko can help.

Kaneki: huh? Why?

Itsuki: well we just thought it would be fun.

Kaneki: y-

Sachi: great! We're at 5 now!

Itsuki & Keiko: hope we get along.

Kaneki just stared at Keiko as if he was trying to say "please say something"

Chikao: alright then, you two better do your best.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Kaneki began hitting his head on his table.

Yuuka: Higanbana-kun! what are you doing?!

Kaneki: in surrounded by idiots.

After saying that he just left.

???: what's with him?

???: yeah, and why did he started hitting his head on his table.

Sachi's thoughts*

(That's strange he used to be happy when we were talking about going on expeditions back then why is he acting like this no-)

"Hey Sasachi Miyu-chan found some information"

"Miyu-chan got some more information"


Sachi: SO THATS WHY!!!

Realizing why Kaneki was hitting his head she began to panic.

Shino: what's wrong?

Sachi: i realized why was acting like that!

Itsuki: why was he acting like that?

Sachi: its because our relic hunting began with Kaneki and Miyu-chan he probably wants to find the Crown with her and that thought of her not there when we find the crown is probably the reason he is acting that way.

Ryueki: seriously? Haha what a stupid reason.

Yuuka: don't be mean he probably wants his best friend to see the crown too.

Ryueki: whatever.

Sachi: what am I going to do?!

Natsuki: what about tell him it can be a surprise.

Sachi: what do you mean?

Natsuki: if he wants to show it to his best friend it can be a surprise and since familiars can't claim the relics you guys can ask one of your familiars to get and keep it as a surprise for Miyu-chan.

???: that honestly sounds like a good idea.

Keiko: that really does sound good.

Sachi: that's it! That would definitely cheer him up he does like to do surprises after all! Mizutani-san you're a genius!.

Natsuki's thoughts*

(Genius is a bit too much)

Sachi: I know you should join us!

Natsuki: heh?

???: seriously?

???: there's no way she's joining

Ryueki: hey, Natsuki doesn't like hanging around weir-

Natsuki: sure thing!

Natsuki responded with a happy face.

Ryueki: e-eeeehhh! Seriously?!

Sachi: yay! This is great! The entire H-O-H-A club is joining.

Ryueki: in that case I'll be joining too.

???: seriously? Even Ita-kun is joining.

Sachi had a look of disapproval.

Yuuka: I'll join too then.

Shino: same here it might actually be fun.

Miku: can I join too?

Sachi: e-eh? Umm I sigh~ fine then I'll tell Kaneki later.

Shino: hope we get along.

Miku: same here.

Yuuka: looking forward to it.

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Good i can't let Natsuki be alone with 2 other guys that aren't me and this is a great opportunity if i "accidentally" get the crown I'll be a cooler protagonist!)

(Author: this guy... Seriously? He is so delusional)

Natsuki whispered to Sachi

Natsuki: sorry about this.

Sachi: its alright. Well see you guys later I'm going home now.

Everyone: see ya.

Sachi's thoughts*

(Dang it! I didn't want him to join! Well at least those 3 joined but how can I prevent him from interfering the others? DANG IT! YUUKA DO SOMETHING YOU BIG BRAINED IDIOT!)

Sachi: sigh~ well I guess I'll just ask those 3 later.

Sachi: then started going back home.

Meanwhile at Kaneki's basement*

Kaneki: the Crown of Urizen... I... There's no way I can do this.


Kaneki: oh Heike, how did you got in here?

Heike: Hehi.

Kaneki: well don't tell anyone of what you've seen in here okay?

Heike: Heike!

Kaneki: thanks, so uhh... Do you think "she" will let us find the Crown of Urizen without her?

Heike: ...


Heike flew out of the basement.

Kaneki: of course she had an argument with her so saying "her" probably pissed her off... What am I supposed to do?

"Talk to your best friend"

Kaneki: huh?! Who said that?!

Sword-san: [what's wrong Kaneki-chan?]

Kaneki: oh nothing sorry about that.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(That voice the same one from the incident who or what is it?)