meeting at the research base

Natsuki: see you later mom!

Katsuki: alright, stay safe.

Natsuki was already heading to the meeting location sent to her.

Natsuki's thoughts*

(I should go quickly so I won't walk with that guy)

She went running and so.

Ryueki: hey na-


She was able to avoid him for now.

Ryueki: dang it, well I can see her later anyways.


Kaneki: alright they'll be here soon hopefully they bought the things we needed, and hopefully those idiots don't do anything stupid while I'm gone later.

10 minutes later*

Chikao: hey everyone you're all here but what took you all so long? We were supposed to meet a few minutes earlier?

Shino: sorry! I had to get some books written by Demon Knight Hiragi.

Yuuka: i... Tried to do the same but I wasn't able to find anything.

Miku: I had to loc my house down so no one could enter.

The 3 girls gave their excuse.

Sachi: I was trying to find the Dragon Scythe earlier but i remembered I can just summon it.

Chikao: you're still an idiot haha~.

Itsuki: me and Keiko... Well we went to get parfaits earlier.

Sachi: wow what a sweet couple.

Keiko: Itsuki don't tell them!

Natsuki: I got lost (i actually tried my best to avoid him to the point I got lost, honestly it's a good thing Kaneki-kun's location isn't too far away or would've gotten lost)

Ryueki: no reason (i was trying to find Natsuki)

Chikao: alright... But anyways have any of you seen Kaneki?

Kaneki: I'm alright here.

Kaneki's voice was heard by everyone but he wasn't there.

Sachi: hey Kaneki where are you?

Itsuki: are you using a speaker or something?

Kaneki: Sigh~ everyone go to the tree over there the one with that big rock and a bush in the middle.

They looked around.

Shino: is it that Sakura tree?

Kaneki: yes.

They then walked to the tree.

Kaneki: you guys there?

Everyone: yes.

Kaneki: good, now jump into the Sakura tree.

Upon hearing that everyone was confused.

Miku: jump into the tree?

Kaneki: yes!

Sachi: are you su-

Kaneki: just do it.

They were all hesitant.

Sachi: know what? Screw it!

Sachi just jumped into the tree and surprisingly.

Natsuki: she disappeared.

Kaneki: guys can you get in here already?! Sachi is already here!

Chikao: alright then.

After seeing Sachi go in the tree the others then followed.

Chikao: lets go! Hup!

Itsuki: this is... Strange anyways lets go Keiko!

Keiko: Mmm!

Itsuki & Keiko: Hup!

Natsuki: alright then, Hup!

Ryueki: Wait Natsuki!

The 7 went into the tree leaving Yuuka, Shino and Miku alone.

Shino: what? First artificial abilities and now this? We really don't know much about him do we?

Miku: yeah... What else is he not telling us.

Yuuka: I want to know too, but c'mon lets go we don't want to make him wait more we know how impatient he is when it comes to research.

Shino & Miku: yeah...

All 3: hup!

They then jumped into the tree.


All 3: ouch!

Sachi: you three alright?

Shino: yeah.

Yuuka: that hurts!

Miku: why did we hit the floor like that?!

Kaneki: that's because you three went in at the same time like those 2 idiots over there.

Itsuki & Keiko: hey!

Ryueki's thoughts*

(What the hell is this place?! Is it a hideout?!)

Kaneki: anyways, everyone welcome to our research base Kodama Mansion.

Yuuka: wait! Mansion?!

Kaneki: yup, Mansion.

Natsuki: interesting is this place yours Higanbana-kun?

Kaneki: nope, its Kirin-sensei's place I'm just borrowing this part of it since its spacious.

Chikao & Sachi: Kirin-sensei?

Kaneki: sigh~ Dryad Style.

Kaneki turned into his dryad form.

Kaneki: my sensei who taught me to turn into a dryad.

Sachi: wait you can turn into a Dryad?!

Kaneki: I'll explain it to you later Sachi... Anyways I'll start explaining what you guys are supposed to do.

Kaneki then explained everything.

Itsuki: so let me get this straight... The way we do research is buy reading Manga?

Kaneki: yes but you have to have very sharp eyes and look at the details in them.

Ryueki: and reading some random books?!

Kaneki: these books were written by Demon Knights there might some hints so you all need to read and when you find the "hints" take a picture or write them down so we can use them.

Yuuka: I see.

Itsuki & Keiko: wait you got that?

Yuuka: yup, he did say look carefully and write down or take a picture of stuff that actually shows hints.

Ryueki: that's weird, i thought you don't understand that stuff.

Yuuka: there's things you don't know about me.

Kaneki: ...

Natsuki: thanks for the explanation and anyways can I use my book?

Kaneki: you can and anyways Sachi!

Sachi: yeah yeah, here

Sachi handed the Dragon Scythe to Kaneki.

Kaneki: thanks.

Chikao: what's that for?

Kaneki: I'm going to contact Dagon, there's a chance that she knows where the mural is so i could study it.

Yuuka: you're going to the mural? Isn't that really far away?

Kaneki: yes but i won't be going alone I need someone to go with me because I need someone to help me translate the Mural.

Yuuka: really?

Kaneki: yeah, anyways I'll be contacting Dagon now so don't bother me alright?

Everyone: okay

Ryueki: whatever.

Kaneki then went to the corner and then closed his eyes and started to contact Dagon.

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Dang it! C'mon Yuuka just tell him you want to go with him!)

Yuuka was panicking more because she couldn't bring herself to tell Kaneki she wants to go to the mural with him but luckily for her.

Natsuki's thoughts*

(It looks like Yuu-chan is interested in the Mural but she can't tell Kaneki she wants to, maybe i should help her out)

Natsuki is willing to help