Kaneki's side (3)

After changing his clothes, hair color and hairstyle and wore his mask Kaneki became the Hero of Hell/Atlantis to patrol around Shimotsuki.

Hero: alright, it's been a while since I last did this so what do I do?

Considering it's been a long time since he's been the Hero he forgotten forgot how to patrol without getting seen.

Hero: know what I'll just go on top of the buildings that seems more efficient.

As he decided he immediately found a building and went climbed it to the roof.

He then looked down on the streets and alley's that are near seeing if there's any suspicious activity.

Hero: alright. Hop!

He then started hopping from building to building without getting seen.

He continued to do so for a few hours until she saw her.

Hero: Shino? What is she up to?

He saw Shino who was far away from her house so he became curious.

Hero: I think I should watch her just to be safe.

At Shino*

Shino: can I get some chocolate waffles please?

Server: alright just wait for a little bit.

Shino: okay!

Shino's thoughts*

(Since I don't have anything else to do I might as well have a snack then go shopping for new clothes, my current ones seems to start to break already)

Server: here's your chocolate waffles.

Shino: thanks!

She grabbed the waffles and began to walk to the mall.

Back at Kaneki*

Hero: she's looks like really cute right now haha~. Wait what am I saying? Well whatever I should keep foll-

As he had that weird thought she looked at her again and saw.

At Shino*

Shino: what the...

Back at Kaneki*

Hero: oh crap better get outta here!

Shino saw him. So he immediately fled.

Shino's thoughts*

(Was that? The Hero!?)

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Crap I can't believe I got seen)

Hero: oh well I guess I'll cancel my plan on watching over her but just to be sure she's safe...

(Yanma! Watch over Shino!)

Yanma's thoughts*


Kaneki's thoughts*


Hero: alright that went well. Time to go.

After he asked Yanma to watch over Shino he immediately went back on his patrol.

After a few minutes he decided to stop on a roof of a house to take a rest.

Hero: Huff~! That was tiring I should take a break he-


Hero: wait wasn't that? Natsuki?

He haven't even started to sit down and he heard Natsuki screaming and he immediately knew the scream came from the house he's currently resting on.

Hero: her scream from in here. What's going on I should take a look.

He turned invisible so he isn't seen.

After he turned invisible he peeked through the window that was in the kitchen.

Yuuka: don't worry! I have the milk!

Kaneki's thoughts*

(What?! Why is she here?)

Hearing Yuuka's voice confused Kaneki.

Hero: wait a minute.

After hearing her voice he decided to look at the front gate.

Hero: Mirai residence... So Natsuki is having Cooking lessons here? ...

He went back to the window to look at them again.

Natsuki: 💢 *pout I can't believe your laughing at me after I experienced the worst pain ever!

Yuuka: hehe~ sorry sorry. I'll make it up to you.

Seeing how they are getting along Kaneki felt saddened.

Hero: ...

Kaneki's thoughts*

(I really miss those times)

Hero: whatever I have to go now.

And so he once again left. After he got a far enough he decided to rest for real this time.

Hero: I need to take a break seriously... I'm going to take a short nap.

And so he took a nap for 10 minutes.

10 minutes later*

Hero: Yawn~ that was a good nap.

After waking up he immediately went back on his patrol and a whole later he saw a familiar face.

Hero: alright now this alle- wait what's she doing here?!

He saw Yuuka in the alley with groceries surrounded by some creeps.

He was confused.

???: I don't think you'll be going anywhere little miss.

As they blocked her Kaneki immediately was pissed off and he decided to step in.

???: let's have some fu-

Hero: all units be advised the suspects surrounded a teenage highschool girl. The area has been surrounded by me.

And you all probably know what happened after this.

After Kaneki saved Yuuka he escorted her home.

They talked for a little bit and after escorting her, he left.

And went back home but before that he removed his disguise and got some sweets.

Kaneki: I'm home~

Miku: welcome back Onii-chan what were you up to?

Kaneki: I was trying to find anything that involves the family that serves the Demon knights but no luck. But I got some sweets you can have them.

Miku: really? ... Okay I guess... See you later...

Miku, seeing how exhausted her Onii-chan is decided to go back to her room.

Kaneki: sigh~

Kaneki's thoughts*

(This is so tiring Haa~ I just hope school tomorrow will be less stressful)

After him being stressed he hoped that the next day would be less stressful for him.

The next day*

Kaneki: sigh~

Natsuki: hey Kaneki-kun what's wrong?

Kaneki was on his way to school when he encountered Natsuki on their secret way to school where no one sees them.

Kaneki: oh Natsuki, sorry I'm just really stressed since yesterday.

Natsuki: really? Why? Did you not like my curry?

Kaneki: no it's not that I... Sigh~ I was researching the family that serves the Demon knights but couldn't find anything so I'm really stressed.

Natsuki: oh I see. In that case let's play some games later after school.

Kaneki: haha~ okay. Well we're near school now you should go ahead.

Natsuki: okay!

After their small chat Natsuki went on ahead.

Kaneki: know what I'm getting some pudding for now.

He decided to go on a detour to get some pudding.

A few minutes later*

Kaneki arrived at school.

Kaneki: hehe~ this is some good pudding-

Itsuki: Kaneki!

He hasn't reached the classroom yet and Itsuki immediately disturbed his peace.

Kaneki: sigh~ what is it?

Itsuki: Mirai-san was seen walking to her home with H-O-H-A!

Hearing that Kaneki only one thought.
